acculturation Flashcards


acculturation intro


Acculturation- when 2 cultures interact and they begin changing- when an individual comes into contact with a foreign culture
acculturation is the process of cultural and psychological change that takes place as a result of contact between two or more cultural groups.. At the individual level, it involves changes in a person’s behaviour.
When people move to a new country, they go through the process of adopting the cultural traits or social patterns of another group which can may lead to difficulties. These difficulties can lead to acculturative stress and acculturation gaps.
Can explain how people learn the norms of society.
Types of acculturation:
Separation- adopted by ethnic groups. Avoid interaction w/ other cultures, hold value on original culture. Want to keep cultures different and separate themselves
Marginalization- little possibility to make contact. When they are rejected by both cultures, they feel they don’t belong in either group. Diffuse groups (uncertain about place in society, e.g refugees)
Assimilation- when individuals don’t want to maintain cultural identity. Give up on original culture.
Integration- maintaining a level of cultural integrity but also wishing to engage with the larger society. Could be bilingual- feels comfortable in ethnic and national cultures

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kim et al


Aim - to explore how acculturation and enculturation affects a parents-child value gap and family conflict in Asian American families

Participants- 146 Korean American parents and their children (college students, 17-33 years old)
Asian Values Scale– Revised (AVS-R): A 25-item questionnaire
Adherence to Asian cultural values:
Used Asian values scale to measure adherence to asian cultural values, e.g “one should not deviate from social norms”, “one should be discouraged from talking about accomplishments”
^ used negatively worded asian values and were reverse-scored for data analysis
4 points (Likert-Styled)
Whether or not to agree to a statement

Because the sample included predominantly first-generation Korean American parents who tend to have limited English language proficiency, the instruments for the parent version were translated utilizing a forward–backward translation method
The translator first translated the original text from English to Korean and another translator translates it back from Korean to English.
Before filling in the questionnaire, they were asked to write their parents’ name and addresses on a large stamped envelope that was mailed letter to parents
The researchers also gave the child participants a stamped reminder card. On this card, they were asked to write their names on the back of the reminder card and their parents’ names and addresses on the front.

The results found that there was a positive relationship between level of parent-child value gap found via questionnaire and the level of parent-child conflict.
Whether or not the child lived with their parents showed no change in results for all variables.
Korean American families showed higher levels of family conflict related to family expectations compared to Japanese American students.
Children with high cognitive flexibility had higher levels of conflict as the value gap increased.
Children with low cognitive flexibility had decreasing levels of conflict as the value gap increased.

STRENGTHS- Questionnaires- quantitative data, less subjective, data not as open to interpretation. Standardised instructions and questions, no bias caused by researcher.
Reversed scoring - a way of double checking on whether or not participants are giving valid results
Taken from well established scales that have been adapted to their particular purpose- increases validity
WEAKNESSES- Questionnaires often have problems which make them unrepresentative or unreliable. Due to social desirability bias, participants may have put down a lower score on their questionnaire for levels of family conflict as that is seen to be more socially acceptable. Each participant’s ideas of what level their family conflict is is different..?? E.g 1 participant may rank something as 2, while another ranks it 3
Sample size relatively small, 146 pairs of parents and children. Not generalisable to entire Korean American population
WEAKNESSES - Cultures are hard to measure, subjective. Korean Americans, not generalisable to other cultures

May ask questions that are too personal or private
Questionnaires were not anonymous, parents and children instructed to write their parents’ name and addresses on envelopes.
The results may apply only to college students in the West Coast and not the other geographical areas, and not apply to other Asian American ethnic groups

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Lueck et al


Acculturative stress
The aim of this study was to investigate the variables that may predict acculturative stress inAsian immigrants and Asian Americans.
The sample consisted of several different Asian cultures, including Chinese, Filipino and Vietnamese.

The researchers carried out semi-structured interviews.
The interviews measured the participants’ level of acculturative stress. They also measured the impact of language proficiency, language preference, discrimination, social networks, family cohesion and the socioeconomic status on acculturative stress.
70% found to have acculturative stress
A bilingual language preference contributed to lower acculturative stress. Asians who are able to use both languages equally with their friends are able to build up networks of support within and outside their community. Stress may arise when Asian Americans do not know the native language well enough to discuss sensitive issues with family members at home or in the native country who may have limited or no abilities in English
Although bilingualism is a predictor of low acculturative stress, the preference for speaking English only is a predictor of high acculturative stress.
Negative treatment – including prejudice harassment and threats - significantly contributed to higher acculturative stress.
Sharing similar values and beliefs as a family significantly contributed to lower acculturative stress

Method- big sample, generalisable
Same ethnic interviewers, help ppt be more relaxed
interview- qualitiative, subjective, social desirabiity. may not reflect real life

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Hikkikomori- when young adults in Japan don’t fit in with society and lock themselves at home
DSM- official criteria for diagnosis of Hikkikomori
Hikkirkomoi as a social pathology- in japan there is a strong sense of expectation, high degree of conformity. sense of pride when people do what htyere supposed to do
particularly frowned upon to not follow the norm
Hikikomori- where young adults in japan dont fit in soceity, and lock themselves at home
Hypothesis- atypical motivation style associated with hikkikomori tendences see, to be guided by culturally deviant preddered values and marginalized identity
ppt- uni students from japan
evalueate harmony seeking values scales- self, ideal self, other people- society. How do you fit on that harmony scale?
lots of pressure to conform in japan. when unable to confrom to japan or outside culture. fear of meeting people and social judgement- hikkikomori
hikkikomori risk factor scale- made by researchers, not tested for reliability. taken symptoms and come up with scale to test it. Using proper diagnostic symptoms
put them itnto 2 groups- high risk, low risk
high risk- high risk of hikkikomori
low risk- low irsk of hikkikomori

both groups agreed pressure and conformity was high
high risk- ranked social harmony values much lower
high risk scored lower on local and global identity
local culture may alienate ppl who may then decide not to conform
didnt confirm credibility and reliability of scale, they developed scale
ppt didnt actually have symptoms, just the POSSIBILITY of hikkikomori, none of them actually HAD hikkikomori
self report data, may not be true/ accurate.
cultural bias- japanese culture, cant be applicable to other asian culutres
Testing risk of hikkikomori, but none have actually developed it yet
Not consistently using all the scales/ recording everything

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overall evlaution acculturation


Focus on Acculteration being a significant issue and due to globalisation an increasing one. Lots of examples of the problems that can occur but they do not have to.
Overall evaluation of the methods - research tends to focus on movement in 1 direction i.e. minorities and moving to more developed countries, hugely complex network of influences including political etc

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