ETHICS- cultural influences on individual attitudes, identity and behaviors Flashcards


ETHICS- cultural influences on individual attitudes, identity and behaviors”


WHen investigating cultural influences on indvidual attitudes, identity and behaviors, as iti s a very complex issue, we often need to look at very detailed parts of people’s life. This could lead to lots of tehical issues as there is a handling of lots of sensitive information
Social implications
Claims ppl can be susceptible to hikkikomori, sensitivity when lookig at cultural influences
this knowledge could lead to self fulfilling prophecy/ change in self perception/ perception of others
Results could lead to positive or negatvie stereotyping or perception of yourself
On the other hand, it could reveal info about how high risk you are for disease, which could be good
Privacy and confidentiality
Lueck et al
Family gaps and how likely u are to assimilate to new culture
Asking about personal things
Questions about whether or not they experienced racism,

Even if an argument is made about how our culture/ origin doesnt affect our identity/ behavior much, and that it’s more about our biology, we still need detailed evidence on this. As such, case studies might be used on uncommon cases, as they give real life info, which is important when investigating events such as culture/ bio as its v complex nad needs to be valid. But these stdies are often really detailed, and can lead to many ethical problems
May expose people to HARM
Social implications
some conclusions might lead to conclusions being formed by scientific community and general society
Bc of bias in studies/ inaccurate measurements, results could be false, but they could have massive impact on society
THere must be care taken to report results precisely and accurately, and make sure all limitations are recognized, esp if theres social significance
Doctor Money’s initial results about how gender is learned, as well as later studies which suggest gender is born/ there is a biological difference in the brain, could have big imiplications on society.

Protection of participants
Brenda threatened to commit suicide if she had to see Dr. Money again
Clearly psychologically harmed
David (previously Brenda) reported Money used unethical practices to encourage development of their diff . gender identities
Faked data
Brenda considered tomboy, liked brother’s toys and aggressive play.
She reported feeling “different”
Money either did not know or chose to ignore evidence

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