Ethical Dimentions Flashcards
Enduring beliefs and attitudes about a worth of a person, object, or action
- influences decisions and actions and making an ethical decision.
- questions of value underlie all moral decisions
Value system from least to most important.
Interpretations or conclusions that people accept as true.
- based on faith more than fact.
- “if I study hard I’ll get good grades” just belief
“Good grades are important and I’ll get them if I study hard” value and belief.
Mental positions and feelings towards a person, object or idea.
- good bad indifferent
- can show if a belief is positive or negative.
Values are learned through….
Heavily influenced by a persons…
Observation and experience.
Sociocultural environment.
- who you are surrounded by can influence you own values
- can also have you own values that are not based on friends values
Personal values
- internal
Professional Values: 5
ALTRUISM: concern for the welfare and well-being of others.
AUTONOMY: right to self-determination.
HUMAN DIGNITY: respect for the inherent worth and uniqueness of individuals and populations.
INTEGRITY: acting in accordance with an appropriate code of ethics and standards.
SOCIAL JUSTICE: acting in accordance with fair treatment regardless of status and ethnicity.
Personal reflection on personal values.
Clarifying Values
- essential to clarify client values
- life death illness. Know where you stand ethically. - alignment with QSEN
Process to Help Clients Clarify Value
- list alternatives: ethically speak with patient to help them with their decision.
- examine possible consequences of choice
- choose freely
- feelings about the choice
- affirm the choice
- act with a pattern: “would you do it again?”
A method of inquiry that helps to understand the morality of human behavior.
- practices of beliefs of a certain group.
- expected standards of moral behavior of a particular group as described in the groups formal code of professional ethics
Moral Principles:
Right to make own decisions
- must respect clients choice
Moral Principles: AUTONOMY
Moral Principles:
Duty to do no harm
Moral Principles: NONMALEFICENCE
Moral Principles:
Doing good
Moral Principles: BENEFICENCE
Moral Principles:
Fairness with all patients
Moral Principles: JUSTICE
Moral Principles:
Faithful to agreement and promise
Moral Principles: FIDELITY
Moral Principles:
Always tell the truth
Moral Principles: VERACITY
Moral Principles:
Answer to someone about your actions
Moral Principles: ACCOUNTABILITY
Moral Principles:
Be this with everything you do
Moral Principles: RESPONSIBILITY
Formal statement of groups ideals and values
- reflex moral judgement
- shared by members
- serves as a standard for professional actions
Code of Ethics
Purpose for code of ethics:
- inform public about minimum standards of the profession and help them understand professional nursing conduct (protect public and understand what I should be doing)
- provide a sign of the professions commitment to the public it serves
- outline major ethical considerations if the profession
- provide ethical standards for professional nursing
- guide the profession in self-regulation (self values)
- remind nurses of the special responsibility they assume when caring for the sick
Nursing obligations in ethical decision making
Maximize the clients well being(ultimate goal)
- health promotion, health restoration, primary secondary and tertiary, health maintenance
Balance clients needs with family responsibilities for the clients well being
Support each family member and enhance the family support system
Carry out hospital policies
Protect clients well being and protect the nurses own standards of care.
One who expresses the defends the cause of another.
- if client is legally incompetent an advocate is appointed to them.
- goal is to protect the clients rights TO MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS