Estate Agency (Leasing and Letting + Purchase and Sale) Flashcards
What is an informal tender?
Also known as best bids. Used when there is a good level of interest in a property.
Best bids procedure is not legally binding - so either party can withdraw at any point.
All bids should be opened in front of the client or an independant witness/line manager.
The agent writes to all interested parties to submit their best and final offer or best bid or best and final bid in accordance with a perscribed timescale.
What is included in an informal tender letter?
Date and time of receipt of written offer.
Name and address of the applicants solicitor.
Confirmation of finace arrangements.
Detail of any condition attached to the offer.
Confirmation that offers of a variable nature will not be considered (i.e escalator bid - offering more than the highest offer recieved).
Vendor reserves the right not to accept the highest or any offer made (must have this statement or it could become a binding tender).
p132 apc S
What is a formal tender?
A method of sale where there is only a single round of bidding - there is no chance for a second bid - applicant bid blindly in a perscribed from w.out knowing other parties bids.
Used by statutory bodies to give control and transparency over the marketing process.
It provides a high level of public accountability.
Vender can state they are under no obligation to accept the highest bid.
Full marketing material includes a comprehensive legal pack which is provided in advance of the tender process + a clear letter sent to all potential purchasors setting out the information required with the offers.
Cannot change offer or increase offer after bid deadline.
Usually no immediate exchange of contract but the client can use the blind process to decide the identity of the purchasor and then proceed to contract in accordance with terms/conditions previously stated in the marketing particulars. Which can speed up the marketing process.
What is the difference between informal tender and formal tender?
Formal tender provides a single chance to purchase - informal there can be multiple rounds of bidding.
High level of accountability withformal tender.
Informal tender can be used in private treaty negotiations to obtain best offers from applicants.
Informal tender will not lead to a direct sale - whereas formal tender it is possible to directly lead to a contract of sale.
Formal tender the highest bid is accepted (unless the vendor reserves the right to refuse any or all offers) - Infomral tender the vendor usually state that they are under no obligation to accpet the highest offer recieved.
What is privat treaty?
Private treaty is the most common method of sale in the UK. Parties are free to negotiate in their own time and without commintment in the open market.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of private treaty?
Advantages: flexible, parties control the process, no obligation to sell, confidential.
Disadvantages: potential for gazumoing or gazundering, late decisions not to buy, associated abortive costs.
What is auctioneering?
Sale of a property at an auction.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of auctioneering?
Achieve a short timetable for disposal.
Certainty of sale if reserve figure is met.
Good for hard to value properties/unusal ones.
Used for high interest property.
Cost of promotion and publicity.
Lack of confidentiality over the price achieved.
Cannot choose purchasor.
intensive nature of short marketing period.
What is the acutioneering procedure?
TOE agreed in advance. Conflict of interest checks to be undertaken.
Money laundering checks prior to accepting.
Clarity regarding the Auctioneers rights to refuse bids, to gegulate bidding increments, to accept proxy, telephone, internet bids and to sign the contract on behalf of the vendor.
Full due dilligence completed prior to offering.
All relevant documentation must be available for inspection in advance.
Auctioneer to publish General Conditions of Sale + Memo of Sale and any notices to bidders. RICS provides guidance in guidance note.
A reserve price needs to be agreed with the vendor.
Contracts exchanged at the fall of gavel.
Auction particulars on the catalogue must be prepared with the requirements of the CPR 2008 and Misrepresentation Act 1967.
Insurance required by purchasor at point of exchange.
What action are required by a purchasor before the sale day?
View the property and consider a structural survey.
Take proper legal advice and complete due dilligence exercise.
Read the Notice to Prospective Buyers.
Arrange a depost of 10% + Insurance.
Provide ID for money laundering.
What factors would affect the value of an investment?
Lease terms, covenant strenght, rent payable, guarantor/rent deposit, term, property, property condition, location, UK economy.
What are the types of Agency?
Sole Agency - one agent
Joint Agency - two or more sharing a fee on a pre-agreed basis.
Multiple Agency - any number of agents but only the succesful agent gets a fee.
What happens if there is a failure to compelte a transaction?
The vendor can serve a Notice to Completre on the proposed purchasor giving them a deadline to complete. Legal costs are to be paid by purchasor.
If deadline has passed the vendor can recind contract and remarket. Any deporsit can be retained by the vendor.
Vendor may be able to sue for damages to claim for any loss in value following the sale of the property at a lower price.
What are sole selling rights?
A typical clause which means a renumeration will be payable if contracts are exchanged in a period when sole selling rights exist. Even if purchasor is not found by the agent but by another party including the client.
Fee is also due after expiry of rights if the property was sold to a purchasor who what introduced by the agent during the period of sole selling rights.
What are sole agency rights?
Sole agency rights can be agreed which means a fee is only due if the agent inroduced the purchasor within the term of instruction agreement. Not ideal for agents as they will only get a fee if they introduce the party.
Timeline of sales instruction?
Recieve instructions.
Check competence + conflict.
Issue agency agreement.
Recieve signed TOE.
Complete money laundering checks.
Gather info - inspection details, lease, legal title, planning documents etc.
Due dilligence.
VAT Check.
Inspect + Measure.
Confirm position on fixtures and fittings.
Undertake valuation.
Prepare marketing reports with recommendations.
Written approval for marketing particulars.
Undertake marketing campaign.
Negotiate sale + HoTs.
Liase with lawyers w/ commercial standard enquries.
Assist with any queries during legal formalities.
What key things will be in the agency TOE?
14 day cooling off period (rules of conduct + Estate agency Act 1979 - S.18 + S.21).
Agency basis (sole/joint).
Agency rights (Sole selling or sole agency).
Proposed fee.
Marketing costs and disbursements.
confirmation of no conflicts.
Money Laundering requirement.
Timescale for payment.
Complaints handling procedure.
Must be signed and returned before it can commence.
Property acquisition actions?
Agree search parameters.
Techniques to find property.
Measurement of land and valuation.
Check planning.
Due Dilligence.
Rent + Service charge checks.
Covenant approval info.
Conditional Contracts.
Ways to purchase?
Special Purchase Vehicle (SPV) - a company formed specifically to buy a property to reduce the payment of SDLT.
Offshore unit trust such as JPUTs (Jersey Property Unit Trusts)
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT) - a company tax resident in the UK which is listed on a stock exchange and has at least 75% of its business in property investment.
Joint venture between two parties.
Code for Leasing Business Premsies?
A mandatory professional statement to improve quality and fairness of negotiations on lease terms and promote the use of new set of comprehensive HoTs to make legal drafting more efficient.
1 Intro
2 Mandatroy Requirements
3 Lease Negotiation Practice
4 Appendicies.
Mandatory parts of the Code for Leasing Business Premises?
Negotiations must be constructive and collaborative.
A party not represented must be advised by the other party or its agents about the existence of the code + recommended they take professional advice.
VP lettings must state subject to contract.
Minimum w/in HoTs
Identity of premises + LL to arrange LR plan.
Special rights granted.
Lease length + In/out
Options for renewal or breaks.
Guarantor/deposit requirements.
Amount of rent + payments + VAT + exlusive of business rates.
Rent free period.
Rent review + frequency.
Service charge + Insurance.
Repairing obligation.
Permitted use,
Alteration rights.
Conditions such as surveys, planning permission, board approval.
If lease renewal - can say reasonable modernisation.
Aim to achieve a fair balance.
Model HoTs in Appendicies.
Tell me about the use of rental deposits?
Personal to the tenant.
Must be legally documented in a rent deposit/deed + money held in a seperate bank.
Interest to tenant.
Agreed term for release of monies.
Release mecahnism stated in deed.
Can include top up mechanism after RR.
Tenant selction
Important connection between tenant covenant and investment value.
Request for additional devices for additional security such as rent deposit or guarantee.
Usual request of Bank, accountant and 2 trade references.
previous LL reference.3 years audited accounts/business plan/credit rating.
What legislation govern Estate Agency?
Estate Agents Act 1979
Consumer Protection Regulation 2008
Misrepresentation Act 1967
Tell me about the Estate Agents Act 1979?
Used in disposal or acquisition of land, freehold property, leasehold property with a CV.
It promotes 7 key points:
1 Clarity as to term (s.18)
2 Honest and accurate
3 Agreement and liability for costs
4 Openness regarding personal interests (S.21)
5 Absnece of discriminiation
6 Legal obligation to tell the client about offers reciveved.
7 Keep clients money seperate.
Most important points:
Specify all costs/fees in advance in written terms of business (s.18)
Itemise all payments (no global budget)
specify nature of agency and selling rights (sole selling rights/sole agency rights) + (sole/joint agency or multiple agency).
Advise client on available services.
Disclose personal interests (connected person) S.21 - someone who could benefit financially from the transaction.
ANy personal interest should be declared in the HoTs as a minimum and potentially dont act.
Misrepresentation of interest/offers - you can only tell the truth.
Follow rules when handling client money.
What are the penalties under the Act?
Policed ny NTSEAT (National Trading Standards Estate and Letting Agents Team. Operated by Powys council.
Can have a negative licence - right to be agent taken away and not granted
Act allows for prohibition or warning order made against an agent - which stops an agent practicing.
Warining order - gives them a warning not to undertake certain actions.
Can be against individaul or ptractice and costs can be awarded.
What is a cooling off period?
A period up to 14 days allowed for clients who change their minds and do not want to instruct the agent in accordance with w/ current consumer preotection regulation.
Tell me about the consumer protection regulation act 2008
The misdiscription Act 1991 was repealed in Oct 2013 and was replaced with the CPR under the Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 for estate agency work.
Business protection from Misleading Marketing Regulations 2008 under the Enterprise Act 2002.
Offer broad non specific consumer protection from estate agents.
They relate to potential buyers and vendors and extend the duty owed to the not just clients but to potential clients, viewers and actual buyers (all consumers) - must give accurate material infomration and not to make any midsescription in marketing.
CPR prohibit unfair business to consumer commercial practices.
Unfair practices could include giing false or misleading information or hiding/failing to provide information and exerting undue pressure on consumers or failing to show professional dilligence.
Policed by the TSO - Trading Stadards Office.
What are the fines under the CPR/BPR?
unlimited fine and/or a prohibition order.
Compesation may also have to be paid to the complainant - up to £25k.
Key facts of CPR?
Regulations apply to all letting and sales.
Agents have a duty of care to clients and to all interested parties.
Agents must declare everything about a property (inc bad).
Agents must not exert undue pressure on potential buyers.
If some info is discovered during the agency process, it must be passed to all parties.
Any ommisions can also lead to a breach of these regulations.
Full due dilligenece is required for all new instructions.
Policed by TSO - Trading Standards Office.
Disclaimers do not apply to this criminal offence.
Business Protection from the Misleading Marketing Regulations, 2008 (BPR)
Relate to business to business activites and mirror CPR.
They prohibit misleading business to business advertising.
They impose restrictions on how businesses compare their products to products from other companies.
Caveat Emptor
Means let the buyer beware.
Starting point when discussing who has responsibility for the disclosure of information.
Overriding common law principle means that the buyer should satisfy itself on all matters relating to the property.
Misrepresentation Act 1967?
Act relates to a misrepresentation or false satement of fact made by a party during pre-contractural enquiries which has the effect of inducing the party to purchase.
Vendor/agent can be sued for damages and/or contract recinded.
Civil offence - actionable as tort - a wrong at common law and a form of negligence.
Misrepresentation can be fraudulent, negligent or innocent.
Exlusion/disclaimer clauses may be effective in protecting the vendor & agent if fair and reasonable.
Three tests to decide agents liability for a negligent statement:
1 Foreseeability - damage is reasonable foreseeable
2 Proximity - the relationship can be characterised in law as being sufficiently proximate
3 - Fairness - it is regarded as fair, just and reasonable for such a duty of care to arise.
Marketing signage
Town and Country Planning Regulations 2007.
Planning consent is required for non resi board over 2.sqm and 2.3 sq m (v-board) - only one board per building.
Different sizes for resi board w/ max allowed of 0.5 sqm and 0.6 sqm (v-board).
Must not project more than 1m from the face of building & not above 4.6m from ground in a safe condition.
To be removed after 14 days of completion.
Must have owners approval.
Policed by Local Auhtority.
Misrepresenation Act (summary) 1967
Mis-statements / false / fraudulent statements made during pre-contractural enquiries by the vendor or their agent to the proposed purchasor.
Effect freehold + leasehold.
The offence is civil. Actionable by tort. Actions can be limited by an effective disclaimer clause.
Can be sued for damages and/or contract rescinded.
Estate Agent Act (summary) 1979
During the sale or purchase of freehold or leasehold properties with a capital value.
Applies during terms of business (s.18) and Declaration of personal interests (s.21).
The offence is acting dishonestly. Not providing clarity in the terms of engagement or disclosing a personal interest. Not telling the client about offers recieved.
Warning order or Prohibitio order and/or fine.
Consumer Protection Regulations 2008
During the entire agency sales and lettings process.
Criminal offence. Not treating customers fairly and/or providing misleading marketing particulars
Unlimited fine, prohibtion order and prison up to 2 years.
Land Registration Act 2002
Act provides framework for electronic property conveyancing by allowing formal documents be executed electronically.
All freeholds and new leases granted for terms over 7 years or exisitng leases sold or assigned with 7 years left to run must now be registered with LR w/ lease plan.
Adverse possesion - must prove 10 years of use.
All freehold transactions must also have compliant plan - metric 1:100/200, have a scale measurement bar, scale on plan, 1:250 scale location map, full address and postcode, north point, demise in red outlined on the inside edge of the property.
Restrictions on titles registers?
Mortgage restriction.
Prevention of sale/transfer - third party consent.
Overage agreement
Can be added or removed.
Code for leasing business premises 2020?
To improve transparency and fairness in commercial lease negotiation, including initial negotiation of lease terms and mandatory provision of comprehensive heads of terms to facilitate the legal drafting process. This applies to both new leases and lease renewals.
What are mandotory requirements of the code for leasing business premises 2020?
Constructuve and collaborative manner.
Advise other party on exisitence of code if not represented + legal advice.
Subject to contract - on vacavnt possession letting.
Identity, special right, lease length, 54 act, renewal/break rights, guarantor/rent deposit, rent free, VAT, service charge + isurance, alterations, conditions of letting (such as planning).
lease renewal or extension - can say subject to reasonable modernisation
Negotiations should aim to produce letting terms that produce fair balance between the parties.
Onus on LL or agents for ensuring HoTs comply with provisions are in place.
Main headings code for leasing business premises 2020?
Mandatory requirement
Lease negotiation best practice
appendecies - including draft and check list
Marketing Report?
1-2 pages, executive summary.
strategy and valuation
How you would go about dealing with a clients property, including
client objective, market research, demand for similar properties, circulars to potential tenants.
Method of sale.
7 principles in Estate Agents Act?
Clarity as to TOE (section 18)
Honest and accurate
Agreeement and liability for costs
Openness regarding personal interest (S21)
Absence of discriminiation
Legal onligation to tell client about offers recieved
Keep clients money safe
Misrepresentation Act 1967?
An act which relates to false statements or mis statements of facts during the pre neogtiation phase.
Tort law and negligence and can be found guilty could require the contract to be recinded and sued for neglince.
A form of tort law and it can be fradulent, negligent or innocent
If found guilty concequences could include being sued for negligence and contracts recinded.
What are the 3 types of misrepresentation?
Fradulent, Negligent and Innocent
Key principles of Estate Agents Act?
Clarity to TOE (S18)
Honesty and Accuracy
Agreement and liability for costs
Openness regarding personal interest (S21)
Absence of Discrimination
Legal obligation to tell the client about offers
Keep clients money safe
CPR 2008 - Key parts?
Provide all information - even if bad
Particualrs must be accurate
Do not mislead average consumer = no caveat emptor
Model Answer for Sale + Purchase
Instructed by Client
Basis of Sole Selling Rights
In accordance of Ethics and code of practice - checked competence and conflict of interest
Sent client TOE - confirming appointment of Sole Selling Rights
Adviced the client my fee was 1% + VAT of sale price.
OOP expenses of X for brochure, marketing, photos, maps plans, and travel.
Reviewed lease + other pertinent documentation
Checked market rent - was it at or below or above.
Comparable evidence was collected.
Produced a marketing brochure in accordance with the CPR and BPR with the relevant information.
I attached a marketing board due to its proximity to the road.
Arranged for marketing and distribution of details by way of PDF.
Advised client in order to secure the best price an informal tender should be requested.
Sent email to interested parties, for best and final offer.
Asked for nature of the buyer, track record, time scale for excahnge and completion, cash? have they inspected? any conditions.
From that i recieved a number of offers, recommendation to the client was to go with X because timescales or price or hadn’t seen the proeprty, confidence in ability to perform.
Accepted offer
What did you include in TOE?
Conflict of interest
Money Laundering
Issue TOE
Legal Documentation request
Summarised lease details
Inspected in accordance with RICS surveying safetly
4 stages of inspection
measure in accordance with code of measuring practice or IPMS
get comparable evidence
agency valuation - exception
report to client
produce marketing partiuclars in accordance with the legislation.
carry out viewing
Solicitor on pre contract enquiries.
When do the CPR and BPR apply?
Only during the marketing of the property - used for marketing particulars
When does the misrepresentation act apply?
During the contract period only.
Can sue for costs - associated with purchase such as solicitors
and or contract recinded.