Essentials, Appendix B contradictions + chapter contradictions Flashcards
Adhesive Capsulitis
(frozen shoulder)
is increasing immobilization due to fibrosis in the glenohumeral joint
= General Relative
is weakening og a blood vessel, usually an artery
= General, Absolute
anterior compartment syndrome
is a tough fascial sheath containing the tibalisis anterior, extensor digitorium longus, extensor hallucis longus, and fibularis tertius
= Locally Absolute
anxiety or depression
= General Relative`
is spadmodic constriction of the smooth muscle in the bronchial tubes
= periodic, absolute
can be beneficai between episodic events to reduce stress
(hardening of the arteries)
is condition where artery walls lose elasticity
often leads to coronary artery disease (CAD) as plague readily accumulates
which can cause thrombosis when plague breaks off, a clot. that then travels and can block blood flow
= General Absolute
= General Relative
w physician recommendation
autoimmune disease
is when body cannot functionally discern between its own material and foreign material
(physician recommendation)
= General Relative
Bell’s Palsy
is partial or total paralysis of facial muscles on one side, as a result of injury or inflammation of 7th cranial
= General Relative
Breathing Pattern Disorder
is altered breathing patterns associated with stress and anxiety
= General Relative
is inflammation of the bursae, usually resulting from trauma or repetitive use
occurs commonly in olecranton, prepatellar, retrocalcaneal, subacronmial, trochanteric areas
= Localized Absolute
is dysplasia, abnormal cell growth
depending on type of cancer
depending on whether it has metasisized
depending on treatment
= General Relative
= w physician recommendation
= (end stage) pallative care
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
is irration of the meridian nerve as it passes under the transverse carpal ligament
= Localized Absolute
Cerebrovascular disease
is gradual buildup of arteriosclerotic lesions, reducing elasticity of arteries to neck and brain
= General Relative
(gallbladder disease)
is gallstones of bile or cholesterol loedged in cystic duct
= Localized Relative
= w physician recommendation
is degeneration of neurons in the basal gnaglia, causing voluntary movements to be replaced by involuntary movements `
= General Relative
infilttration of connective tissue into liver causing deterioration
= Locally Absolute
cleft palate
is congenital deformity of maxilla
= Localized Relative
is trauma to muscle that includes localized bleeding and inflammation
=Localized Absolute
cystic fibrosis
is genetic disease involving exocrine gland dysfunction–secretions from pancreas, muscous in respiratory tract, and sweat glands
= General Relative
= (end-care)
pallative care
decubitis ulcer
is impaired blood circulation to the skin, a bedsore/pressure ulcer
= Localized Relative
Diabetes Mellitus
(type I and II)
is pancreas not producing sufficient insulin to normalize blood glucose levels
= General Relative
= Localized Absolute
is displacement of bones in a joint, subluxation
Localized Absolute
diverticular disease
is small sac-like pouching of the intestinal wall, specifically in the colon
= Localized Absolute
Dupuytren’s Contracture
is shrinking and thickening of the palmar fascia, creating a pulling on the phalanges tendons into permanent flexion
= Localized Absolute
is fluid accumulation withing interstitial spaces. Can result from electrolyte or protein imbalance or obstruction in the cardiovacular or lymphatic systems
= Localized Relative
= w physician recommendation
is fluid accumulation in body cavities
= General Relative
(muscle spasms)
is involuntary contractions of skeletal muscle, low intensity, long-lasting
= Localized Relative
epicondylitis/ epicondylosis - medial
(pitcher’s or golfer’s elbow)
is tenderness in elbow and wrist resulting from repetitive use
= Localized Absolute
= Localized Relative
epicondylitis/ epicondylosis - medial
(pitcher’s or golfer’s elbow)
is tenderness in elbow and wrist resulting from repetitive use
= Localized Absolute
= Localized Relative
= General Relative
is syndrome of widespread aching, persistent fatigue, generalized morning stiffness, nonrestorative sleep, multiple tender points
= General Relative
Flaccidltly and Spasticity
decreased tone is flaccid
excessive tone is spastic
= (rehabilitation)
Localized Relative
avulsion = bone tears away from main mass of bone
compound/open = soft tissue is torn
greenstick = break is incomplete
impacted = broken ends of bones are jammed into each other
comminuted = involves more than one break
complete = break goes across entire bone
incomplete = break does not go across entire bone
compression = bone is crushed, most often vertebrae
depressed = bone in skull pushed inward
stress = a crack caused by repeated force
is non tender swellings located along tendons sheaths and joint capsules
= Localized Relative
Guilliain Barre Syndrome
(infectious polyneuritis)
develops 1 to 2 months after a viral infection, where lymphocytes and macrophages invade myelin sheaths
w physician recommendation
= General Relative
is pain in the forehead, eyes, jaw, temples, scalp, skull, occiput, or neck
types are chemical, cluster, inflammatory, migraine, sinus, tension
= Localized Relative
is inflammation of the liver, usually caused by viral infection
= (acute) General Absolute
= (recovering) General Relative
= w physician recommdenation
is protrusion of soft tissue through tear or partition of abdominal wall
= Local Absolute
herniated disk
is rupture of fibrocartilage surrounding invertbral disks, releasing the nucleuis pulpous
= Localized Absolute
(high blood pressure)
is from a variety of cardiovascular diseases
medications can create additional concerns
= General Relative
Infectious Diseases
= General Absolute
inflammatory Bowel Disease
(IBD/Crohn’s Disease)
is inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract causing ulcerative lesions and thickening of intestinal walls
= General Relative
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
is spasmodic colon from a variety of triggers
= General Relative
joint injuries
is injury to bones, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, or other components of a joint
acute from trauma
chronic from repetitive use, degeneration, inflammatory conditions
= Localized Relative
joint injuries, physical
= Localized Absolute
epiccondylitis/ epicondylosis - lateral
(tennis elbow)
is tenderness in elbow and wrist resulting from repetitive use
= Localized Absolute
= Localized Relative
is bacterial or viral infection in the meninges, usually in the subarachnoid fluid
= *emergency
multiple sclerosis
is destruction of myelin sheaths around sensory and motor neurons in CNS
= General Relative
= w physician recommendation
= pallative care
muscle strain
is injury to skeletal muscle from trauma or over exertion
= Localized Absolute
muscular dystrophy
is group of disorders characterized by atrophy of skeletal muscles
(under physician treatment)
=General Relative
Myocaridal Infraction
(heart attack)
is permanent damage to mycardium caused by obstructed blood flow through the coronary arteries in the tissue
= General Relative
= w physician recommendation
myopathies, acquired and toxic
metabolic from disorders of endocrine system
toxic from chemical exposure
myopathies, acquired and toxic
metabolic from disorders of endocrine system
toxic from chemical exposure
myositis ossificans
is inflammatory process that stimultes the formation of osseous tissue to the fascial components
= General Absolute
is inflammation or degeneration of peripheral nerves
= Localized Relative
Nutritional Deficiences
General Relative
= General Relative
Osgund Schatter Disease
is patellar tendon pulling on tibial tubercle causing inflammation or separation of tendon to bone
can be caused by rapid growth or unbalanced use of quadripceps
= Relative Absolute
osteitis deformas
(Paget’s Disease)
is chronic disease in which healthy bone is reabsorbed and replaced with fibrous connective tissue which does not completely calcify
= General Relative
osteoarthritis/ osteoarthrosis
is degenerative joint disease caused by wear-and-tear; once the inflammatory response is no longer triggered it is osteoarthrosis
= Localized Relative
Osteochribdritis Dissecabs
is inflammation or necrosis causing cartillage separatigng from the bone
= Localized Absolute
osteogenesis imperfecta
is group of hereditary disorders causing demineralization of bone and defective formation of connective tissue in newborns and young children.
skeletal deformations arise requiring supporting care
= General Relative
osteoitis fibrousous cystics
is condition where bone tissue is replaced w fibrous tissue and cysts
can occur with long-standing hyperthyroidism
= General Absolute
is infection of the bone
= General Absolute
(ischemic necrosis)
is disorder caused by loss of bone mass and density, arising from endocrine imbalances and poor calcium metabolism
= General Relative
is autodigestion and necrosis of the pancreas due to digestive enzymes backing up into the pancreas
= General Relative
= (end care)
pallative care
= Localized Relative
Parkinson’s Disease
is cessation of neurons relasing neurotraonsmitter dopamine
= General Relative
= w physician recommendation indicated
peptic ulcer
is gastric or duodenal unhealing ulcer afftecting th elining of the esophagus, stomach, or duodenum
= Localized Absolute & indicated
= General Relative
piriformis syndrome
is hyperjtonic periformis muscle compresses sciatic nerve passing through it
= Localized Relative
plantar fasciitis
is repeated microscopic injury to plantar fascia and surrounding myofascial structures
= Localized Absolute (during inflammation)
= Localized Relative
(pregnancy induced hypertension/ toxemia)
is inability of kidneys to function normally
= *emergency
= General Relative
radiation therapy
= General Absolutre
renal failure
(kidney failure)
is inability of kidneys to function normally
= General Absolute
= pallative care
is breakdown of muscle tissue that leads to the release of the protein myoglobin in the bloodstream
= Localized Absolute
rheumatoid arthritis
is condition characterized by inflammation and overgrowth of the synovial membranes of the joints, typically in the limbs and appendages
= Localized Relative
rotator cuff tear
is often caused by repeated impingment, overuse, or other weakening of the rotator cuff
= Localized Absolute
(post surgery rehabilitation)
= Localized Relative
Scheuermann Disease
(idiopathic juvenille kyphosis of the spine)
is inflammation or necrosis of a thoracic vertebrae disk that can result in excessive curvature
= General Relative
is disorder which includes a large group of psychotic disorders characterisized by gross distortion of reality
= under physician care
General Relative
is inflammation of sciatic nerve
= Localized Relative
(spinal curve anormalities)
is congential or result of injury
= Localized Relative
shin splints
is muscle strain w or without hairline fracture
= Localized Relative
is herpes zoster virus
= General Absolute
spina bifida
is vertebrae arches of a fetus do not fuse into the spinous process, resulting nerves in the dorsal spine being unprotected
= Localized Relative
spinal cord injury
is damaged to spinal cord
= General Relative
is condition where vertebrae becomes displaced anteriorly
= Localized Relative
is any demands on physical, mental, emotional resources beyond endurance
can be accumulative or traumatic event
= General Relative
is sudden loss of neurological function caused by vascular injury to the brains
= General Relative
is congential deformity causing one or both feet to be permanenty dorsal flexion and everted
= Localized Relative
Tempormandibular Joint Disorder
is dysfunction w joint and associated muscle
Localized Relative
tendinitis/ tenosynovitis
is inflammation of a tendon; tenosynovitis is caused by a virus in tendon sheath
= Localized Relative
thoracic outlet syndrome
is entrapment of blood supply in brachial plexus
= Localized Relative
(blood clot)
is debris formed from trauma or condition once transported through the bloodstream, embolism, can become lodge thus creating a emergency
(under treatment)
= Localized Relative
(wry neck)
IS shortening one of the sternocleidomastoid muscles
= Localized Relative
Tumors, benign
(primary and secondary)
= w physician recommendation
= Localized Absolute
is sensation of body or environment of spinning or swaying, can be caused by inner ear condition
= General Relative
Volkmann ischemic contracture
is chronic shortening of muscle in upper and lower extremitie; can lead to fibrosis
= General Relative
is injury to soft tissueof the neck caused by sudden hyperextension and/or flexion
= Localized Absolute
is injury to soft tissueof the neck caused by sudden hyperextension and/or flexion
= Localized Absolute
enteric based pathology
are gastrointestinal disorders, where inflammation and neuropathy is present
= General Relative
disorders of pituitary gland
disorders of the thyroid gland
disorders of the parathyroid gland
causes too much calcium to be removed from the bone
disorders of the pancreas
disorders of the adrenals
disorders of the pineal gland