Essay Questions Flashcards
2016 B)ii)
What are the benefits of improved parasite control to human populations?
a. reduction in child mortality
b. improvements in child development/intelligence
c. body uses more resources for growth/development
2022 A)
Discuss Animal Reproduction strategies under the following headings
i) mating systems in animals (3)
ii) courtship and female choice (6)
i) monogamy
2016 A)i)
What are the costs and benefits of sexual reproduction?
- males/50% are unable to
produce offspring - only half of (each parent’s)
genome passed on (to
offspring) - disrupts successful (parental)
genomes - increases (genetic) variation
- (variation) allows evolution/
adaptation (in response to
changing environment) - (variation allows organism) to
keep running in the Red
Queen arms race (eg between
parasite and host)
“With reference to the Red Queen hypothesis, discuss the importance of sexual reproduction in defence against parasites.” (5)
parasite host relationship is +/-
parasites and their host’s co-evolve
In co-evolution, the changes in the traits of one species act as a selection pressure on the other species
The RQ hypothesis states that species must adapt to survive
Sexual reproduction results in genetic variation, which provides the raw materials for evolution
hosts with better fitness are better able to defend against parasites
+ anything else relevant to try and get marks