Eschatological Beliefs And Teachings Flashcards
Apocalyptic ideas in the early church:
- Many Christians in the Early Church believed that the world would end in their lifetime. - This was due to a number of teachings of Jesus about the end times, and teaching of the apostles which continued this
refers to the end of things – for example, the end
of life: death; and the end of time. Christians have various beliefs about what happens when they die and what will happen at the end of time. They believe that there is life after death; that some part of them will live on, immediately after death, or at a future point in time.
What do christians believe will happen to good people after death?
Many Christians believe that good people will go to heaven, a realm inhabited by God and angels, when they die. Jesus told his disciples that he would prepare a place for them. Some Christians believe only Christians will go to heaven, because Jesus said that he was the ‘way’ to ‘[God the] Father’
What does the Catholic Church teach about afterlife?
many people go to purgatory, a realm where they must do penance for their sins, before entering heaven.
Many Christians believe in hell, a horrible realm where bad people go when they die, separated from God.
What is parousia?
the second coming of christ
‘He will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven’
Nicene creed = second coming = living and dead shall be judged
Beliefs about the second coming of christ (early church)
- the Early Church believed Jesus would return within their lifetimes, and the world would end.
Beliefs about the second coming of christ (mainstream church)
the mainstream Church abandoned the expectation that the world would end soon. They believe that Jesus will return to judge at the end of time, when this comes.
Beliefs about the second coming of christ (e.g. evangelical christians)
Some groups of Christians (now and throughout time) believe / have believed that the world will end soon
Beliefs about the second coming of christ (premillennialists)
believe that when Jesus returns he will rule on earth before judgement
Parables for judgement
Parable of the sheep and the goats
Parable of the bridesmaids
Parable of the sheep and the goats
Jesus teaches that he will judge people at the end of time depending on their actions – the good will go to heaven and the bad to hell. The Nicene Creed affirms belief that Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead.
Interpretations of eschatology
- Christians may feel grateful to God for dying to bring them eternal life
- Christians may feel motivated to live good lives so they can go to heaven
- Some Christians may believe they should evangelise others so they can also go to heaven
- Christians may take particular care to obey God if they feel the world may end soon
Proof of life after death to Christians
they believe that Jesus was resurrected from the dead, so they have a hope of eternal life too.
Beliefs about life after death
- resurrection of the body and immortality of the soul
- resurrection of the body
- immortality of the soul
Belief in both resurrection of the body and immortality of the soul
people will live on immediately after death, but will be reunited with their bodies and judged at the end of time.
Resurrection of the body
the dead will be raised in their bodies at the end of time. Jesus taught that the dead would be raised from their graves. Belief in this is affirmed by St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:12–58 and in the Apostles’ Creed and Nicene Creed.
Belief in immortality of the soul
souls will go to heaven/purgatory/hell immediately after death. Jesus told the thief on the cross that he would be in paradise that day (Luke 23:43). They might believe that 1 Corinthians 15 implies that people will be given improved spiritual bodies.
‘Today you will be with me in paradise’