Ergonomics Flashcards
the science of fitting the job to the worker
what does ergonomics involve
- understanding the work
- identifying ergonomic risk factors
- controlling identified risk
What jobs have the highest rate of need for ergonomics
nursing assistances
bus drivers
_____% of employees work for employers that have not addressed ergonomic risk
use of the principles in physics to quantitatively study how forces interact within a living body
Ergonomic analysis
evaluates how a specific person performs a job
identifies their specific risk factors
makes recommendations to eliminate or minimize risk factors
Biomechanical analysis
evaluates the job
objectively quantifies essential job functions
provides basis for ergonomic interventions, employment screen and return to work recommendations
during a job site analysis what are 3 things a pt does
- identifies risk factors/hazards
- establishes baseline measurement of hazards
- identify need hazard changes or modifications
engineering controls
minimize exposure to the risk
include modifying workstation/tools/equiptment
work practice control
address how the employee performs the job
administrative controls
implementing health and safety strategies or policies
0-33% of the time
1-100 reps
34-66% of the time
100-500 reps
66-100% of the time
500+ reps
pre- employement screen
physical exam
fit for duty return to work
functional evaluation after injury