Erectors & Deep Vertebral Muscles Flashcards
Muscle Attachments
Illiocostalis Regions and General Positioning
Lumborum, Thoracis, Cervicis
O - Common tendon of erector spinae arising from posterior iliac crest, posterior surface of sacrum, posterior sacroiliac ligaments, sacral and inferior spinous processes, and supraspinous ligaments
I - Superiorly to angles of middle ribs, and cervical and lumbar transverse processes
Longissimus Regions and General Positioning
Thoracis, Cervicis, Capitis
O - Common tendon of erector spinae arising from posterior iliac crest, posterior surface of sacrum, posterior sacroiliac ligaments, sacral and inferior spinous processes, and supraspinous ligaments
I - Superiorly to ribs between its tubercles and its angles, to transverse processes in thoracic and cervical regions, and to mastoid process of temporal bone
Spinalis Regions and General Positioning
Thoracis, Cervicis, Capitis
O - Common tendon of erector spinae arising from posterior iliac crest, posterior surface of sacrum, posterior sacroiliac ligaments, sacral and inferior spinous processes, and supraspinous ligaments
I - Superiorly to spinous processes in upper thoracic, cervical, and to occipital bone (inseparable with semispinalis)
Semispinalis Regions and General Positioning
Thoracis, Cervicis, Capitis
O - Transverse processes of C4-T12
I - Superomedial spinous processes from origin, spanning 4-6 segments above origins, and ending into occipital bone (longest spanning of deep layer)
O - Posterior surface of sacrum, posterior superior iliac spine of ilium, sacroiliac ligaments, aponeurosis of erector spinae, mammillary processes of lumbar vertebrae, transverse processes of T1-T3, and articular processes of C4-C7
I - Superomedially, to superior spinous processes of vertebrae (2-4 vertebrae) above origin; thickest in lumbar region
O - Transverse processes of all vertebrae; thickest in thoracic region
I - Brevis head: immediately above origin, to junction of lamina and transverse process, or right to its spinous process; Longus head: 2 vertebrae above origin, to junction of lamina and transverse process, or right to its spinous process
O - Superior surfaces of spinous processes of cervical and lumbar vertebrae
I - Inferior surfaces of spinous processes of vertebrae superior to origin
O - Transverse processes of cervical and lumbar vertebrae
I - Adjacent transverse processes of above vertebrae
Levatores Costarum
O - Tips of transverse processes of C7-T11
I - Pass inferolaterally and insert onto ribs between tubercle and angle