Cranial & Facial Flashcards
Muscle Attachments
Orbicularis Oculi (Palpebral & Orbital Component)
O - Medial orbital margin (i.e. maxillary and frontal orbitals), medial palpebral ligament, and lacrimal bone
I - Skin around margin of orbit, and inferior + superior tarsal plates (eyelids)
Zygomaticus Major
O - Lateral aspect of zygomatic bone
I - Angles of mouth (modiolus)
Orbicularis Oris
O - Medial maxilla and mandible, deep perioral skin, and angles of mouth (modiolus)
I - Mucous membrane of skin
O - Mandible, alveolar processes of maxilla and mandible, and pterygomandibular raphe (molar region of maxilla and mandible)
I - Angles of mouth (modiolus), and orbicularis oris
O - Subcutaneous/Fascial tissue of infraclavicular and supraclavicular regions
I - Base/Lower margin of mandible, skin of cheek and lower lip, angle of mouth (modiolus), and orbicularis oris
Frontalis (Frontal Belly of Occipitofrontalis)
O - Epicranial aponeurosis
I - Skin and subcutaneous tissue of eyebrows and forehead
Occipitalis (Occipital Belly of Occipitofrontalis)
O - Lateral 2/3 of superior nuchal line
I - Epicranial aponeurosis
Zygomaticus Minor
O - Anterior aspect of zygomatic bone
I - Skin of upper lip
O - Body of mandible (anterior to alveolar processes of inferior incisors)
I - Skin of chin (mentolabial sulcus)
Currogator Supercilii
O - Medial end of superciliary arch
I - Skin inferior to middle of super ciliary arch (region between supraorbital margin and super ciliary arch)
Procerus & Transverse Parts of Nasalis
O - Fascia aponeurosis covering nasal bone and lateral nasal cartilage
I - Skin around glabella region
Alar Part of Nasalis & Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasii
O - Frontal process of maxilla
I - Major alar cartilage
Levator Labii Superioris
O - Infraorbital margin of maxilla
I - Skin of upper lip
Levator Anguli Oris
O - Anterior, infra-orbital maxilla
I - Angles of mouth (modiolus)
O - Parotid fascia, and buccal skin
I - Angles of mouth (modiolus)
Depressor Anguli Oris
O - Anterolateral base of mandible
I - Angles of mouth (modiolus)
Depressor Labii Inferioris
O - Platysma, and anterolateral body of mandible
I - Skin of lower lip