Equine Gastrointestinal tract Flashcards
Why cant a horse regurgitate or vomit?
the lower esophageal (cardiac) sphincter is extremely tight
What is the margo plicatus?
Line in the equine stomach that marks the division of the glandular mucosa and non-glandular mucosa
What are the bands of the large intestine called? what are the pouches called?
Bands: taenia
Pouches: haustra
What part of the colon is more mobile? Why?
Left part is more mobile because the right ascending colon is more fixated by ligaments or plicae
What are the bands of the large intestine?
local thickenings of the longitudinal stratum of the tunica muscularis and elastic fibers
- can be hidden (covered by connecting peritoneum) or free (not covered)
How many bands does the ventral colon, pelvic flexure, left dorsal colon, dorsal diaphragmatic flexure, right dorsal colon, transverse colon, and descending colon have?
ventral colon - 4 pelvic flexure - 1 left dorsal colon - 1 dorsal diaphragmatic flexure - 1-3 right dorsal colon - 3 transverse colon - 2 descending colon - 2
What are the names of the four bands of the colon?
dorsal, ventral, lateral, medial
What is another name for the dorsal fold?
iliocecal fold
What is another name for the lateral fold?
cecocolic fold
What viscera can you feel by palpating the left wall of the abdomen?
- liver
- stomach
- spleen
- descending duodenum
- jejunum
- left dorsal colon
- left ventral colon
What viscera are located between the left costal arch and tuber coxae?
- left dorsal quadrant: jejunum and descending (small) colon
- Left ventral quadrant: left ventral and left dorsal ascending (large) colon
What viscera can you feel by palpating the right abdominal wall?
- liver
- right kidney
- descending duodenum
- cecum
- right ventral colon
- right dorsal colon
Where is the apex of the cecum?
blind, ventral; terminates near the xiphoid cartilage
True or false? The small intestine has bands (taenia)
False, only the large intestine does
What can you use to find/identify the ascending duodenum and descending colon?
duodenocolic fold
What can you use to identify/find the ileum and cecum?
ileocecal fold
What can you use to identify/find the cecum and right ventral colon?
cecocolic fold
Where can you find the caudal duodenal flexure?
Caudal to the root of the mesentery
Where can you find the transverse colon?
cranial to the root of the mesentery
What is the majority of the small intestine supplies by? (vessel)
cranial mesenteric artery
What is the duodenum supplies by?
- cranial pancreaticoduodenal a. (of gastroduodenal a. of hepatic a. of celiac a.)
- Caudal pancreaticoduodenal a. (of cranial mesenteric a.)
What is the jejunum supplied by?
jejunal aa. of cranial mesenteric a.
What is the ileum supplied by?
- ileal aa. (last jejunal a. of cranial mesenteric a.)
- Mesenteric ileal branch of ileocolic a.
- (!!!)Antimesenteric ileal branch of ileocolic a. (absent in horse!!!!!)
What is the majority of the large intestine supplied by?
branches of the cranial mesenteric a.
What supplies the cecum?
- cecal a. of ileocolic a.
- lateral and medial cecal aa. of ileocolic a. (horse only)
What supplies the ascending colon?
- colic branch of ileocolic a.
- Right colic a.
What supplies the transverse colon?
middle colic a.
What supplies the descending colon?
left colic a. ( anastomoses between left colic branch of caudal mesenteric a. and middle colic branch of cranial mesenteric a.
What supplies the rectum?
- cranial rectal a. of caudal mesenteric a.
What happens during splenic entrapment?
the dorsal and ventral colon moves between the spleen and the abdominal wall and slides into the space between the kidney, spleen, and nephrosplenic ligament
How does a vet obtain access to thebase of the cecum in the horse?
through the right paralumbar fossa