EQ2: Why do some tectonics develop into disasters? Flashcards
What is a hazard?
A natural event with the potential to harm people and property
What is a disaster?
A hazard which has killed more than 10 people, 100 more were affected, a state of emergency was declared and they requested international assistance
Why do people choose to live in areas associated with tectonic activity?
-Job opportunities
-Volcanic activity causes fertile soil
-Economic reasons e.g cheaper land
-Not fully educated on the hazards e.g dormant volcano
What is vulnerability?
The ability to anticipate, cope with, resist and recover from a natural hazard, it also takes into account the location of settlements
What is resilience?
The ability to protect lives, livelihoods and infrastructure from destruction and to restore areas after a natural hazard has occurred
What decreases resilience?
-Low doctor dependant ratio
-Large scale rural-urban migration
-Lack of skills
-Lack of revenue
What increases resilience?
-Good communications
-Pre planning
-Medical supplies and services available
-Positive attitudes of people
What is the pressure and release model?
Theory that a disaster occurs when two opposing forces interact (the vulnerability and the natural hazard)
What is physical vulnerability?
When people live in hazard prone areas that offer little protection
What is economic vulnerability?
When people risk losing their jobs, assets or money
What is social vulnerability?
When a household or community is unable to support the disadvantaged people within it
What is knowledge vulnerability?
Exists when people lack education or training and there are no warning or evacuation systems in place
What is environmental vulnerability?
Exists where the area that people are living in has increased in hazard risk because of the population pressure, forcing people into riskier areas
What factors can affect the economic impact of tectonic hazards?
-Level of development in the affected areas
-Insured/non insured losses
-Peoples resilience to recover
What human factors affect vulnerability?
-Level of income
-Millionaire cities/mega cities
-Physicians per 1000 people
-Informal housing