Epidemiology and Surveillance Flashcards
Case definition
Person who fulfils a set criteria to be defined as having the disease
Suspected case
Possible/probable/laboratory confirmed case
Index case
First person who was found with the disease
Anyone who has been in contact with a case
Case fatality rate
Proportion of deaths among confirmed cases of the disease for a time period
Disease mortality rate
The number of deaths due to a specific disease in a particular population (per unit of time)
Infectious dose
Quantity of microorganism needed to produce infection in a host
Attack rate
Proportion of exposed persons who have become infected
Proportion of people who develop the disease and become severely ill
Two or more cases of disease that are linked OR occurrence of disease not expected in the area
Common source outbreak
Group exposed to common source of infectious agent/toxin e.g. school, restaurant
Point source outbreak
Exposure to infectious agent has occurred over a brief period of time
Propagated outbreak
Outbreak is gradually spreading from person to person
Persistent levels of disease occurrence
Persistently high levels of disease occurrence