Epic and Narrative Sanskrit Vocabulary: Basic 8 Flashcards
This list is from the forthcoming 'Introductory Sanskrit Reader'. Its aim is to give students who have finished an introductory Sanskrit course a good basic vocabulary and get you started on your journey towards reading Sanskrit texts with fluency.
vana- (n.)
√vand (I vandati, -te)
‘praise, honor, do homage’
varṇa- (m.)
‘complexion, appearance, beauty;
varṣa- (m.)
‘rain’; the rains, rainy season; the seasons, year’
vaśa- (m.)
‘authority, power’
√vas (I vasati)
‘live, dwell’
vā (ind)
‘or’ (postposed)
vāc- (f.)
‘voice, speech’
vānara- (m.)
vāyu- (m.)
vikrama- (m.)
‘stride, gait; courage, valor’
√vid (II vetti)
Caus vedayati ‘let know, inform’
-vid- (adj, ifc)
vidyā- (f.)
‘knowledge, wisdom; scholarship, the sciences’
vinā (ind)
‘without’ (+ Acc or Ins)
vipula- (adj)
‘large, extensive’
vividha- (adj)
‘various, different’
vīra- (m.)
vīrya- (n.)
‘heroism, valor, strength’
vīrya-vat- (adj)
‘heroic, valorous’
√vṛ (V vṛnoti, vṛṇute)
‘cover: conceal, obstruct’
√vṛ (IX vṛṇāti, vṛṇīte, X varayati, vārayati)
vṛkṣa- (m.)
√vṛt (I vartate)
‘turn; take place, happen’
vega- (m.)
‘stream, flood’
vegena, vegāt (ind)
‘swiftly, fast’
vai (ind)
vyasana- (n.)
‘attachment/devotion to; passion; crime, evil’
vyāghra- (m.)
vrata- (n.)
‘oath, vow’
√śak (V śaknomi)
‘be strong’, (+ Inf) ‘be able to’
śakti- (f.)
‘power, ability’
śakya- (adj)
‘strong; able’
(adj) ‘powerful, mighty’,
(m. ) Indra
śata- (n.)
śatru- (m.)
śabda- (m.)
‘sound, noise’
śara- (m.)
śarīra- (n.)
śastra- (n.)
śārdūla- (m.)
śāstra- (n.)
‘instruction; treatise; scholarship’
śiras- (n.)
śilā- (f.)
‘stone, rock, crag’
√śī (II śete)
‘lie, lie down’
śīghram (ind)
śūra- (m.)
śūla- (m.)
‘dart; lance, stake’
śaila- (m.)
‘rock, crag, hill, mountain’
śoka- (m.)