Epic and Narrative Sanskrit Vocabulary: Basic 2 Flashcards
This list is from the forthcoming 'Introductory Sanskrit Reader'. Its aim is to give students who have finished an introductory Sanskrit course a good basic vocabulary and get you started on your journey towards reading Sanskrit texts with fluency.
īdṛśa- (adj)
‘such, of such a kind’
īśvara- (m.)
‘lord, master’
uttama- (pron adj)
‘up-most’: ‘highest, most; best’
upama- (adj)
‘highest, best; excelling; (ifc) ‘equal/similar to, resembling (–> upamā- (f.) ‘(standard of) comparison’)
upāya- (m.)
‘approach, means’
ubha- (pron adj)
ṛṣabha- (m.)
‘bull’, (ifc) ‘very strong individual’
ṛṣi- (m.)
‘sage, seer’
eka- (pron)
‘one; sole; alone’
ena- (pron)
‘he/she/it; this, that’
eva (ind)
‘indeed’ (emphasizes preceding word)
evam (ind)
eṣaḥ/etad- (pron)
‘he/she/it; this, that’
ogha- (m.)
‘flood/stream of water’
ka- (pron)
‘who? what? which?’
(declined like saḥ/tad
except for NomAcc Sg Ntr kim)
√kath (X kathayati)
katham (ind)
kathā- (f.)
kadācit (ind)
‘whenever, at any point’
kanyā- (f.)
kapi- (m.)
kara- (m.)
karman- (n.)
doing, action’
kāñcana- (n.)
kānana- (n.)
kāma- (m.)
‘desire, love’
kāya- (m.)
kāraṇa- (n.)
‘cause, reason’
kārya- (n.)
‘duty, task, mission;
occasion, need for (+ Ins)’
(1) (pron) NomAcc Sg Ntr ‘what? why?’
(2) (ind) indicates yes/no question
kila (ind)
‘indeed’, emphasizes preceding word
kumāra- (m.)
‘young man; prince’
kula- (n.)
‘family; birth, lineage’
√kṛ (VIII karoti/kurute)
‘do, make’
kopa- (m.)
√krudh (IV krudhyati)
‘be angry’
krodha- (m.)
kva (ind)
kṣaṇa- (n.)
kṣaṇāt, kṣanena
‘in a moment, right away’
√kṣip (VI kṣipati)
‘throw; hit’
kṣipram (ind)
khara- (m.)
khalu (ind)
‘call; tell, announce’
gaṅgā- (f.)
gaja- (m.)
gaṇa- (m.)
any kind of group: ‘group, flock, troop etc.’
gati- (f.)
‘gait; walk, path’
√gad (I gadati)
‘say, speak, relate’