Epic and Narrative Sanskrit Vocabulary: Basic 7 Flashcards
This list is from the forthcoming 'Introductory Sanskrit Reader'. Its aim is to give students who have finished an introductory Sanskrit course a good basic vocabulary and get you started on your journey towards reading Sanskrit texts with fluency.
megha- (m.)
yakṣa- (m.)
‘yakṣa’ (semi-divine being, spirit)
yajña- (n.)
yataḥ (ind)
yat (ind)
‘that, so that; since; if’
yatra (ind)
yathā (ind)
‘just as’
yadā (ind)
yadi (ind)
relative pronoun: ‘what, which, that’
√yam (irreg yacchati)
‘hold, hold up, support’
yaśas- (n.)
‘honor, glory, fame’
√yā (II yāti)
yāvat (ind)
‘as great/large/much/many; as soon as; until’
yuddha- (n.)
yūtha-pa- (m.)
‘leader of the herd’
yojana- (n.)
‘yojana, league’
(distance of between 7 and 15 miles)
√rakṣ (I rakṣati)
‘protect; guard against, watch’
rakṣas, rākṣasa- (m., fem rākṣasī-)
‘rākṣasa, demon’
raṇa- (m.)
‘pleasure; battle lust; battle’
ratna- (n.)
‘jewel, gem’
ratha- (m.)
√ram (I ramati/-te)
‘delight, make happy’
ramya- (adj)
‘pleasant, beautiful’
rasa- (m.)
‘sap, liquid, juice; pollen;
taste, flavor, incl. literary/artistic flavor’
rājan- (m., ifc rāja-)
rājya- (n.)
‘kingdom; royal power’
rātri- (f.)
ripu- (m.)
√rud (VI rudati, I rodati, -te)
‘cry, howl, lament’
√ruh (I rohati)
‘climb, go up’
rūpa- (n.)
‘form; good form, beauty’
roṣa- (m.)
‘anger, fury; passion’
√lap (I lapati)
‘wail, lament’
√labh (I labhate)
‘take; find’
ava-/ā-√lok (I ava-/ā-lokate, X ava-/ā-lokayati)
‘look at, see, notice’
loka- (m.)
ā-√loc (I ālocate)
‘consider, reflect on’
locana- (n.)
vacana- (n.), vacas- (n.), vākya- (n.)
anything said: ‘word, statement, sentence etc.’
√vac (II vakti)
‘speak’ (ukta-)
prati-√vac (II prativakti)
vajra- (m./n.)
‘lightning bolt’
√vad (I vadati)
‘say, speak’
abhi-√vad (I abhivadati, X abhivādayati)
vadana- (n.)
‘speaking; mouth, face’
√vadh (I vadhati)
‘strike, kill’
vadha- (m.)
‘killing, murder’