EOM innervation Flashcards
Yoke muscles definition
Equal and simultaneous innervation
Yoke muscle questions
Draw EOM diagram
EOMs muscle to nerve ratio
Low muscle fiber to nerve fiber ratio
Pupillary reflex route
Retinal gang cell- pretectal nucleus - ew - ciliary ganglion - short ciliary nerves - sphincter
Oculomots - parasympathetic
CNIII afferent fibers
Nerves passing through SOF
Throchlear Lacrimal Frontal Abducen Inferior + sup oculomotor Nasociliary 7
Angela tiene la nariz fea, super intelligente obvio
How many oculomotor nucleus do we have
And where are they located
R and L
In the midbrain ( within gray matter that surrounds cerebral aqueduct, anterior to superior colliculus
Components of each CNIII nucleus
Oculomotor nuclear complex
Parasympathetic nucleus = EW
Input into CNIII nuclei includes
Cerebral cortex : motor and sensory
Midbrain nuclei: MLF ( CNIV, CNVI, CNVIII nuclei)
Pretectal nucleus
Supraoculomotor area
CNIII input motor cortical regions
Voluntary horizontal gazes
Occipitoparietal cortex
CNIII input sensory cortical region
Visual cortex for accommodation and visual reflexes ( superior colliculus)
Visual association areas
CNIII CN 4, 6, 8 nuclei input come via
CNIII pretectal nucleus input
Light reflex and vertical gazes
CNIII supraoculomotor area input
Acc reflex
Each oculomotor nucleus has
Medial subnucleus
3 lateral subnuclei
Medial subnucleus of oculomotor controls
Contralateral SR
3 lateral subnuclei of oculomotor nucleus controls
3 ipsilateral EOMS
Parts of CNIII nucleus
Common central nucleus
Then each oculomotor nucleus (L and R ) - has 1 medial subnucleus, and 3 lateral subnuclei
EW receives
Corticonuclear fibers for accommodation
Pretectal fibers (midbrain) for pupillary reflexes