EO 001.04 - Obtain Medical History Flashcards
What are five levels of communication?
- Intrapersonal: Internal dialogue
- Intrapersonal: Interaction
- Transpersonal: Spiritual
- In small groups: Exchange between several people
- Public: Large audience
How much communication is verbal (spoken and written words)
How much communication is vocal (intonation, sighs)
How much communication is non-verbal (intonation, sighs)
Describe verbal communication
Verbal communication: Spoken and written words.
- Vocabulary
- Denotative and connotative meaning
- Stimulation
- Intonation
- Clarity and conciseness
- Timing and relevance
Describe non-verbal communication
Non-verbal communication: Transmission of message without words.
- Uses all five senses and
- Facial expressions, gestures, posture, sounds to convey a message
- Based on appearances
What factors influence communication and personal spaces
- Physical and emotional factors
- Developmental factors
- Sociocultural factors
- Gender/Identity
Summarize the characteristics of social communication
- Active listening
- Questioning
- Share your observations
- Showing empathy
- Share hopes
- Share humor
- Share feelings
- Use touch
Summarize the characteristics of social communication
- Use silence
- Provide information
- Clarify
- Focus on a key concept
- Paraphrase
- Summarize
- Self-disclosure
- Confrontation
List several interview techniques
- Refocus on a key concept
- Ask open-ended questions
- Facilitate
- Guiding and clarifying questions
- Repeat and verify understanding
- Recreate hypothetical situations
- Summarize
What does CHLORIDE AAA stand for?
Onset (gradual/sudden)
Intensity (rating from 1-10)
Aggravating factors
Alleviating factors
Associated signs and symptoms
What does HPI stand for?
History of present illness
What does SHx stand for?
Social history
What does SexHx stand for?
Sexual history
What does Imm stand for?