Environmental control of metabolism in microorganisms Flashcards
What is dormancy?
A period where metabolic rate is reduced.
What is predictive dormancy?
Dormancy which occurs before the onset of adverse conditions.
What is consequential dormancy?
Dormancy which occurs after the onset of adverse conditions.
What is hibernation?
Reduced metabolic rate in response to a decrease in temperature. Results in decreased heart rate, breathing rate and body temperature.
What is aestivation?
Period of reduced metabolic activity in response to drought or high temperature—organisms may burrow in mud or sand.
What is daily torpor?
A period of reduced metabolic rate in organisms with high metabolic rates.
What happens during daily torpor?
Decrease in body temperature, heart rate and breathing rate.
What is Migration?
Movement over a relatively long distance to avoid metabolic adversity.
What is a disadvantage of migration?
Need to expend energy to relocate
What is meant by innate behaviour?
Behaviour which is inherited.
How can we find out if behaviour is learned or innate?
Using cross-fostering or displacement experiments.
How can we track organisms which migrate?
Ringing, tagging, colour marking, tracking using transmitters.
What is an extremophile?
Organisms which can survive in extreme environments,
How do extremophiles generate ATP?
Removing electrons from inorganic molecules.