Environment Flashcards
A group of organiisms of the same kind that live in the sample place.
What is a group of organiisms of the same kind that live in the sample place?
These are examples of what?
- a group of swans in a pond
- a school of fish in an ocean
- a herd of cattle in the grasslands
All of the population that live together in the same place.
What is it when all of the population that live together in the same place?
in an environment the living and nonliving things that affect each other, or interact
What is in an environment the living and nonliving things that affect each other?
An ecosystem
Provides a population with all its needs and includes nonliving things and living things.
If you see a cattail on the edige of the pond - what is the pond an example of?
A still body of water smaller than a lake.
Low-lying area of waterlogged ground and standing water.
A seasonally flooded bottomland with more woody plants than a marsh and better drainage than a bog.
A natural body of running water flowing on or under the earth.
What is a still body of water smaller than a lake?
What is a low-lying area of waterlogged ground and standing water?
What is a seasonally flooded bottomland with more woody plants than a marsh and better drainage than a bog?
What is a natural body of running water flowing on or under the earth?
A large natural stream of water emptying into an ocean, lake, or other body of water.
What is a large natural stream of water emptying into an ocean, lake, or other body of water?
A river
The entire body of salt water that covers more than 70% of the earth’s surface.
What is the entire body of salt water that covers more than 70% of the earth’s surface?
The ocean
An ecosystem found where there is very little rainfall.
What is an ecosystem found where there is very little rainfall?
A desert
An ecosystem made up of large, flat areas of land that are covered with grass.
What is an ecosystem made up of large, flat areas of land that are covered with grass.
A grassland
Rain Forest
These places are hot and wet all year and the trees grow very tall and their leaves stay green all year.
What is a place that is hot and wet all year and the trees grow very tall and their leaves stay green all year?
Rain Forest
An area in which the main plants are trees.
What is an area in which the main plants are trees?
A forest
Deciduous Forest
Trees that lose and regrow their leaves each year.
What is a forest with trees that lose and regrow their leaves each year?
Coniferous Forest
Trees that have needles and stay green all year.
What is a forest with trees that have needles and stay green all year?
Al large number of frogs are spotted in a pond. All the frogs in the ecosystem are a __________________.
Other living things live in a the pond. All the living things in the ecosystem are ________________.
A _________________ provides for the needs of the groups living in the pond.
A forest is an area in which the main plants are trees. One kind of forest where the trees have large, flat leaves that drop in the fall is called a __________________________.
Deciduous Forest
A _________________________ grows in places that are hot and wet all year.
Rain Forest
A _______________________ grows where there is lots of rain and where it does not get too warm or too cold.
Coastal Forest