environment Flashcards
when the sun sets, it moves down in the sky and disappears.It is the opposite of rise.
Example:The sun sets in the west.
to appear in the sky
Example: The sun rises in the east.
Is it rainy here?
اینجا بارونیه؟
Does this place have a lot of rain?
اینجا زیاد بارون میاد؟
Does it rain a lot here?
rain as verb
noun [countable]
long thin part of a plant, from which leaves, flowers, or fruit grow SYN stalk
1.The stem is thin and rooted.
2. But the plant continually produces new stalks through the year, so there always should be some new stems to pick.
(n)(c) long narrow part of a plant that supports leaves, fruits, or flowers
1. Two flowers usually develop on each stalk.
/ˈiːkəʊ ˌfrendli $ ˈiːkoʊ-/adjective
*not harmful to the environment
1. eco-friendly products
/ˈnɔːdɪk $ ˈnɔːr-/ adjective
relating to the northern European countries of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, and Finland, or to their people → Scandinavian
1. the Nordic countries
/ˈfɜːtəlaɪzə $ ˈfɜːrtl-aɪzər/ noun [countable, uncountable]
*a substance that is put on the soil to make plants grow
1.I would apply a balanced fertilizer periodically.
/pɒnd $ pɑːnd/ ●●○ S3 noun [countable]
*small area of fresh water that is smaller than a lake, that is either natural or artificially made
1.a fish pond
noun [ U ]
1.My mother has always enjoyed gardening.
2.gardening gloves
Somebody has a green thumb
This idiomatic expression refers to someone who has a natural talent or skill for growing plants and gardening.
آن باعث اختلال در آموزش ویلون من شده
It caused an interruption in my violin education
in general
= overall
در مجموع
not at all
1- ابدا، اصلا، به هیچ وجه 2- (تعارف) خواهش می کنم، مانعی ندارد، هیچ، هیچ همچو چیزی نیست
adjective [ before noun ]
/ˈɪn.lənd/ /ˈɪn.lænd/
in the middle of a country, away from the sea:
1.The Black Sea is a large inland sea.
خبره و ماهر
having a goodunderstandingof the waypeoplebehaveand/or a goodknowledgeofcultureandfashion:
She wasslim,svelte, and sophisticated.
I don’tthinkI have anybooksthat wouldsuityoursophisticatedtastes.
He wasolderthan me and from London and Ithoughthim very sophisticated.
intelligentor made in acomplicatedway andthereforeableto docomplicatedtasks:
Ithinka more sophisticatedapproachisneededtosolvethisproblem.
These are among the most sophisticatedweaponsin theworld.