color, appearance Flashcards
slightly blue
Example:A bluish-green carpet
slightly green
Example:greenish blue
someone who is fair or who has fair hair or skin , has hair or skin that is very light in color.
opp =dark
Example: The boy has fair skin.
The boy is fair-skinned.
(n) if there is a resemblance between two people or things, they are similar, especially in the way they look.
1. The resemblance between Susan and her sister was remarkable.
2. Tina bears a striking resemblance to her mother.
(adj) unusual or interesting enough to be easily noticed
1. a striking contrast between wealth and poverty
(v) to have or show a sign, mark, or particular appearance, especially when this shows that something has happened or is true SYN have
1. The town still bears the scars of the bombings during the war.
(adj) measuring only a short distance from the top to the bottom …..OPP deep
1. Place the meat in a shallow dish.
2. The lake is quite shallow.
(n) a pattern made up of a lot of straight lines that cross each other → zigzag
1. Inside the box was a crisscross of wires.
2. a crisscross pattern of streets( criss-cross in this sentence is adj.)
(n) a flat shape with three straight sides and three angles
1. a triangle of land
(adj) shaped like a triangle
1. a triangular relationship
2. a triangular sporting competition
(adj) having the shape of a rectangle
1. The restaurant seats 24, with three expansive rectangular marble tables each seating eight people.
(n) a shape that has four straight sides, two of which are usually longer than the other two, and four 90° angles at the corners → square
1. The plate itself is a small rectangle of metallic material.
(n) material used for making things such as clothes
1. a dress of the finest silk cloth
2. Is there a clean cloth for the table?
(adj) (SHAPE) having four straight equal sides and 90° angles at the corners
1. a large square room
2. a square backyard
(adj) shaped like a circle
1. a big round table
2. small round berries
(adv)/(preposition) surrounding or on all sides of something or someone
1. We sat round the table playing cards.
(n) )لوزی a shape with four straight but sloping sides of equal length, with one point facing directly up and the other directly down
1. Cut the cookie dough into diamonds.
Currently there is no diamond-shaped table.
(v) to make a place look tidy
1. Tidy your room!
2. It’s an object you use to tidy your hair.
(n)( SHAPE)(countable) a completely round shape, like the letter O
1. Cut the pastry into circles.
(adj)1. shaped like a circle
1.1. a circular table
2.moving around in a circle
2.1. a circular bus route
(n) a sharp end of something
1. the sharp point of a spear
(n) a pole with a sharp pointed blade at one end, used as a weapon in the past
(n)(countable) STICK/POST a long stick or post usually made of wood or metal, often set upright in the ground to support something
adjective [usually before noun]
having a point at the end
1. Use a sharp pointed instrument, such as a pen or pencil.
2. a plant with long pointed leaves
(adj) شبیه صدف
(adj) (NOT BENDING OR CURVING ) something that is straight does not bend or curve
1. a long, straight road
2. Try to keep your legs straight.
(n) a line that gradually bends like part of a circle
1. The car took the curve much too quickly.
2. the curve of her hips
(adj)having a shape that is like a curve and not straight
1. a curved wall
2. An airplane wing is curved on top and flat on the bottom.
(n)(countable) the space between two straight lines or surfaces that join each other, measured in degrees
1. the angles of a triangle
2. You didn’t measure the angle accurately.
/ˈnek-lɪs/ noun [countable]
1.a string of jewels, beads etc or a thin gold or silver chain to wear around the neck
/ˈdʒuːəl/ noun [countable]
a valuable stone, such as a diamond
/biːd/ noun [countable]
one of a set of small, usually round, pieces of glass, wood, plastic etc, that you can put on a string and wear as jewellery
1. She wore a string of green glass beads around her neck.
دانه تسبیح
/ˈəʊpəl $ ˈoʊ-/ noun [countable, uncountable]
a type of white stone with changing colors in it, often used in jewelry
1.* Coober Pedy has produced 80 percent of the world’s opals since 1915.
*a see-through material or surface allows you to see through it SYN transparent
1. a see-through blouse
2. a see-through house
/trænˈspærənt, -ˈspeər- $ -ˈspær-, -ˈsper-/ ●●○ adjective
*if something is transparent, you can see through it SYN clear
1. a transparent plastic container
*(formal) language or information that is transparent is clear and easy to understand
1.The way the system works will be transparent to the user.
/əʊˈpeɪk $ oʊ-/ ●○○ adjective [usually before noun] OPP transparent
*opaque glass or liquid is difficult to see through and often thick OPP transparent
1.a shower with an opaque glass door
/trænzˈluːsənt $ træns-/ adjective
not transparent, but clear enough to allow light to pass through
1. Blue veins showed through her translucent skin.
/veɪn/ ●●○ noun
*[countable] one of the tubes which carries blood to your heart from other parts of your body → artery
1. the pulmonary vein
2. She felt the blood racing through her veins as they kissed.
/ˈlɪpˌstɪk/ ●●○ noun
[countable, uncountable] something used for adding color to your lips, in the shape of a small stick
1. Blend away any creases in your make-up and gently apply the new eyeshadow, highlighter and pencil, the blusher and lipstick.
noun [ C ]
/pɑːm/ کف دست
the inside part of your hand from your wrist to the base of your fingers:
1.the palm of your hand: This tiny device fits into the palm of your hand.
hairthatgrowson thechinandlowerpartof a person’sface:
grow a beard: He’sgrowinga beard.
Heshavedoff his beard butkepthismoustache.