nm at 37 and rt
nm at 37 but m at rt
used in the presumptive identification of enteric organisms in the laboratory.
Primary culture media
what bacteria has polar flagella
tatumella ptyseos
what type of flagella does motile members have
peritrichous flagella
what are antigens
substances (proteins) that react with specific antibodies
what are antibodies
proteins that react to antigens
what is serotyping
a serologic test that determines species/subtypes of bacteria based on the antigens present on its surface.
what is antigenic variations
refers to the variations in the antigenic structures of antigens.
- Used in the serotyping between species of Salmonella and other motile bacteria.
- flagellar antigen
- Heat labile
H antigen
- somatic antigen
- Heat stable, located in the cell wall
O antigen
how to remove k antigen
must be boiled for 30 minutes
- capsular antigen/envelope antigen
- Heat labile polysaccharide found in
encapsulated strains.
K antigen
species that have k antigen
e. coli
what antigen for Salmonella is categorized as K antigens.
vi antigen
Common types of infections in enterobac
diff opportunistic pathogen from primary pathogen
opportunistic pathogen is a harmless bacteria that can be harmful if an opportunity arise;
primary pathogen is a harmful bacteria that cause disease to a healthy individual
- Previously considered as a harmless member of the colon biota
- Primary marker of fecal contamination in water
Escherichia coli
what cho does e. coli ferments
what is Enterotoxigenic E.coli (ETEC)
Associated with diarrhea of infants (major cause!) and
adults in tropical and subtropical areas
ETEC infective dose of organisms in immunocompetent individuals.
Serves as a protective mechanism against colonization and disease initiation
stomach acidity
lack of hcl; – higher risk compared to normal persons.
Colonization of ETEC in the small intestine mediated by
how many a and b subunits in etec
1 a subunit
5 b subunits
B subunit binds to the … , the same receptor used by cholera toxin to bind on the epithelial cells in the small intestine.
GM1 ganglioside receptor
Associated with dysentery
Enteroinvasive E.coli (EIEC)
mediate the colonization of EIC into the colonic
plasmid encoded invasive genes
Movement within the cytoplasm and into the adjacent
cells is regulated by
actin filaments
carbon source of eiec
mucate utilization
what is sereny test
test of invasiveness
characteristic of enteropathogenic e. coli
watery diarrhea with large amount of mucous with no blood
results in polymerization of actin
Binding of intimin to Tir
mediates the initial aggregation of EPEC that leads to the formation of micro-colonies on the epithelial cell surface.
Bundle-forming pili
– inserted into the host’s epithelial cell membrane and functions as a receptor
Translocated intimin receptor
function of Escherichia coliI secreted protein F (EspF)
causes loss of intestinal barrier
Causes hemorrhagic diarrhea and colitis
Enterohemorrhagic E.coli (EHEC)
associated with hemorrhagic diarrhea, colitis, and hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)
what is verotoxin 1
phage encoded toxin identical to shiga toxin
Shiga-toxin binding to proteins on the surface of glomerular endothelium and inactivating a metalloproteinase called
von Willebrand factor-cleaving protease (VWFCP)