Ennet Et Al Describe Flashcards
How many participants to begin with?
Age of participants
What was the aim of the study?
To investigate the role of friendship groups or cliques on smoking behaviour in adolescents
Where were the participants from?
5 different schools in North Carolina
How was data cross checked?
By finding out the level of carbon monoxide in the participants breath
How were participants interviewed and what were they asked?
In their homes a twice. Asked about their smoking behaviour
How was data collected?
With questionnaires
What were participants asked to identify and why?
Their three best friends to find out if friendships where one or two way.
What personal info was taken?
Gender, race and mothers education
What data was discarded?
Friendships outside of schools, mixed race groups and mixed sex groups as seen as not typical
How much data was left?
42% from original sample
How many cliques and adolescents could be analysed
87 cliques comprising of 461 adolescents
Results found the average clique size was…
5 members
Of how many participants, how may were non smokers?
Out of the 461 participants 414 were non smokers
How many cliques were totally non smoking?