English 6.0 Flashcards
Musty, mildewed, rotten
English 6.0
(Of food, especially old food, or objects that have been left too long in warm, wet places) covered or filled with a soft green, blue, gray, or black growth, usually undesirable but thought to add a desirable taste to some cheeses.
At the back of the fridge, a moldy sandwich held a meeting with fungi.
pleśniowy, stęchły, zagrzybiony, zepsuty
Moist, humid, clammy
English 6.0
Slightly wet, especially in a way that is not pleasant or comfortable.
The damp socks squelched with every step, much to my dismay.
wilgotny, mokry, zawilgocony, parny
Musty, dry, outdated
English 6.0
No longer new or fresh, usually as a result of being kept for too long. Not fresh and new; boring because too familiar.
The comedian’s jokes were as stale as last week’s bread.
czerstwy, nieświeży, przestarzały, banalny
Appetizing, tasty, agreeable
English 6.0
Palatable food or drink has a pleasant taste.
Even the cat refused the supposedly palatable dinner.
smaczny, apetyczny, przyjemny, znośny
Unsharp, straightforward, brusque
English 6.0
Saying what you think without trying to be polite or considering other people’s feelings.
His blunt refusal to participate left everyone in shock.
tępy, bezpośredni, szorstki, otwarty
Substantial, large, significant
English 6.0
Large in amount, size, force, etc.
Her tiny dog surprisingly made a hefty dent in the pillow.
duży, ciężki, znaczny, solidny
Imperfect, error-prone, flawed
English 6.0
Able or likely to make mistakes.
The fallible robot often forgot its own name.
omylny, zawodny, błędny, nieinfallible
Distressing, traumatic, agonizing
English 6.0
Extremely upsetting because connected with suffering.
*His harrowing tale of lost luggage was not what we expected at the reun
przygnębiający, wstrząsający, dręczący, bolesny
Crack, fissure, breach
English 6.0
A large crack in the ground or in rock.
The rift in our friendship was as wide as the Grand Canyon.
szczelina, rozłam, rozpadlina, pęknięcie
Call somebody names
Insult, taunt, mock
English 6.0
If a person, especially a child, calls someone names, they address that person with a name that is intended to be offensive.
*In the playground, the kids called him names for wearing mismatched soc
obrażać, wyzywać, nazywać kogoś przykrymi imionami, przezywać
Unknowingly, accidentally, inadvertently
English 6.0
In a way that is done without knowing or planning.
She unwittingly spilled the beans about the surprise party.
nieświadomie, przypadkowo, nieumyślnie, bezwiednie
Reevaluate, reconsider, review
English 6.0
To think again about something in order to decide if you should change the way you feel about it or deal with it.
*He had to reassess his decision to go camping after seeing the forecast
przemyśleć ponownie, ocenić na nowo, zrewidować, przeanalizować ponownie
Intrauterine environment
Womb setting, uterine conditions
English 6.0
The environment inside the uterus (the organ in a woman’s body where a baby develops).
*The intrauterine environment is crucial for the kangaroo joey’s growth.
środowisko wewnątrzmaciczne, warunki w macicy, otoczenie płodu, środowisko maciczne
Hijack, vehicle theft, auto robbery
English 6.0
The crime of stealing a car while someone is in it by using physical force or threats.
*After watching an action movie, he dreamt he could carjack a sports car
porwanie samochodu, kradzież pojazdu, uprowadzenie auta, zabranie samochodu siłą
Embark on, initiate, begin
English 6.0
To do or begin to do something, especially something that will take a long time or be difficult.
He decided to undertake the task of learning to juggle.
podjąć, przedsięwziąć, zabrać się za, rozpocząć
Moisten, wet slightly, reduce enthusiasm
English 6.0
To make something slightly wet, or to make feelings, especially of excitement or enjoyment, less strong.
The sudden rain dampened the picnic, both literally and figuratively.
zwilżyć, zmoczyć, ostudzić, zmniejszyć entuzjazm
Vaccination, immunization, injection
English 6.0
The action of inoculating someone (giving them a weak form of a disease as protection against it), or something such as an injection that is given for this reason.
Inoculation day at school felt like a scene from a sci-fi movie.
szczepienie, inokulacja, immunizacja, ochrona
Mistake, blunder, misjudge
English 6.0
To make a mistake or to do something wrong.
To err is human, but blaming the cat is more fun.
błądzić, popełniać błędy, mylić się, pomylić
Value, recognize, understand
English 6.0
To understand a situation and realize that it is important.
She began to appreciate the importance of wearing sunscreen.
docenić, zrozumieć, uznać, zdawać sobie sprawę
Peripheral, indirect, unrelated
English 6.0
Different from or not directly connected with the one you are talking about or doing.
His comments were interesting but entirely tangential to the topic.
pośredni, niezwiązany, marginalny, okrężny
Deduce, conclude, surmise
English 6.0
To form an opinion or guess that something is true because of the information that you have.
*From the crumbs on his shirt, she could infer he’d raided the cookie ja
wnioskować, wydedukować, domyślać się, wywnioskować
Family tree, hereditary diagram, ancestry chart
English 6.0
A diagram outlining the history of the behavior patterns (as of divorce, abortion, or suicide) of a family over several generations; also a similar diagram detailing the medical history of a family in order to assess a family member’s risk of developing disease.
The genogram revealed a history of pirates and poets in her family.
genogram, drzewo genealogiczne, schemat rodzinny, historia rodziny
Soften, relax, calm down
English 6.0
To become more relaxed and gentle, or to make someone become more relaxed and gentle.
After a week of vacation, his temper mellowed like aged cheese.
łagodnieć, rozluźnić się, uspokoić, stonować
Punch, beat, thump
English 6.0
To hit someone or something repeatedly, especially with your fists.
The pillow was pummeled into submission before bedtime.
bić, uderzać, tłuc, okładać
Sporadic, irregular, occasional
English 6.0
Not happening regularly or continuously; stopping and starting repeatedly or with periods in between.
His intermittent attempts at dieting were as consistent as a yo-yo.
przerywany, nieregularny, okresowy, sporadyczny
Rough, turbulent, bumpy
English 6.0
(Of sea, lakes, or rivers) with a lot of small, rough waves caused by the wind.
Sailing in choppy waters, he felt like a bobbing apple.
niespokojny, wzburzony, burzliwy, chwiejny
Oldest, eldest, initial offspring
English 6.0
Used to refer to the first child of a set of parents.
*The firstborn was revered in their family, much like an anointed prince
pierworodny, najstarszy, pierwszy, najstarsze dziecko
Chance, accident, serendipity
English 6.0
The fact of something good happening by chance, rather than being planned.
Finding a dollar on the sidewalk was a fortuity that made his day.
przypadek, zbieg okoliczności, fortuna, szczęśliwy traf
Fly by the seat of your pants
Improvise, wing it, go with the flow
English 6.0
To do something difficult without the necessary skill or experience.
Cooking without a recipe, she had to fly by the seat of her pants.
improwizować, działać na czuja, nie mieć planu, zdać się na intuicję
Commit, execute, carry out
English 6.0
To commit a crime or a violent or harmful act.
The class clown perpetrated a prank that echoed through the halls.
dopuścić się, popełnić, wykonać, zrealizować
Afterward, later, thereafter
English 6.0
After something else.
He ate the cake and subsequently felt a pang of guilt.
następnie, później, potem, w dalszej kolejności
Outline, describe, define
English 6.0
To describe or mark the edge of something.
She delineated her plans for world domination on a napkin.
nakreślić, opisać, zdefiniować, wytyczyć
In the midst of
Amid, during, in the heart of
English 6.0
In the middle of an event, situation, or activity.
In the midst of chaos, he found time to sip his tea.
w środku, pośród, w trakcie, w centrum
Real, concrete, palpable
English 6.0
Real and able to be shown or touched.
The relief on her face was as tangible as the trophy in her hands.
namacalny, rzeczywisty, dotykalny, materialny
Handy, accessible, suitable
English 6.0
Easy and helpful.
The convenient location of his fridge made midnight snacking a breeze.
wygodny, dogodny, odpowiedni, łatwo dostępny
Frequently, usually, commonly
English 6.0
Often; frequently.
Oftentimes, his snoring would be mistaken for a distant thunderstorm.
często, zazwyczaj, wielokrotnie, przeważnie
Inculcate, implant, infuse
English 6.0
Gradually but firmly establish (an idea or attitude) in a person’s mind.
*She tried to instill a love of classical music in her children, much to
wpajać, zaszczepić, wpoić, wdrożyć
Walk in somebody’s shoes
Empathize, understand, experience
English 6.0
To understand someone’s experience by trying to imagine what it would be like to be in their situation
To walk in his shoes, she spent a day as a pastry chef.
postawić się w czyjejś sytuacji, zrozumieć kogoś, przeżyć coś za kogoś, utożsamiać się
Abundance, plenty, multitude
English 6.0
An abundance or large quantity of something.
The garden was a profusion of colors in spring.
obfitość, mnóstwo, duża ilość, nadmiar
Accusing, blame-implying, critical
English 6.0
Suggesting that you think someone has done something bad.
Her accusatory tone made him feel like a criminal in his own home.
oskarżycielski, obwiniający, krytyczny, wskazujący winę
Litigate, take to court, sue
English 6.0
To officially accuse someone of committing a crime in a law court, or (of a lawyer) to try to prove that a person accused of committing a crime is guilty of that crime.
The decision to prosecute was as swift as a cheetah.
postawić w stan oskarżenia, ścigać, oskarżyć, prowadzić sprawę
Revelation, unveiling, exposure
English 6.0
The act of making something known or the fact that is made known.
The disclosure of his secret recipe shocked the culinary world.
ujawnienie, wyjawienie, ujawnienie informacji, odsłonięcie
Sincere, genuine, earnest
English 6.0
Strongly felt and sincere.
Her heartfelt apology melted the ice queen’s heart.
szczery, serdeczny, z głębi serca, prawdziwy
Large rock, stone, pebble
English 6.0
A large, rounded rock that has been smoothed by the action of the weather or water.
He posed on the boulder like a conquering hero.
głaz, kamień, skała, duża skała
Thread, fiber, wool
English 6.0
Thread used for making cloth or for knitting.
The cat’s greatest enemy was a tangled ball of yarn.
przędza, nić, włóczka, sznurek
Bolt from somewhere
Rush out, flee, escape quickly
English 6.0
To try to escape by running towards something.
He bolted from the room like a bat out of a cave.
uciec, wyrwać się, zbiec, wybiec szybko
Nonsense, rubbish, foolish talk
English 6.0
*His excuse for being late was such baloney, even his dog didn’t believe
bzdura, nonsens, głupstwo, brednie
Constant, stable, unchanging
English 6.0
Happening in a smooth, gradual, and regular way, not suddenly or unexpectedly.
His steady progress in class was like a tortoise winning the race.
stały, równy, stabilny, niezmienny
Wiggle room
Flexibility, leeway, room to maneuver
English 6.0
The freedom or opportunity to do something, or to change your mind and do something differently if that is what is needed.
He always left some wiggle room in his schedule for unexpected naps.
margines manewru, przestrzeń, elastyczność, możliwość zmiany
Increase, enhance, amplify
English 6.0
To increase the size or value of something by adding something to it.
She augmented her meager lunch with a stolen apple.
powiększać, zwiększać, wzmocnić, podnieść
Relate, apply, be relevant
English 6.0
To be connected with something or someone.
His comments did not pertain to the subject at hand, but to pizza.
dotyczyć, odnosić się, być związanym, mieć zastosowanie
Uncle-like, kind, benevolent
English 6.0
Kind and friendly towards a younger or less experienced person.
His avuncular advice was always welcome, if a bit old-fashioned.
wujkowy, przyjacielski, życzliwy, opiekuńczy
Trot out
Present, showcase, bring up
English 6.0
To give the same facts, explanations, etc. that have often been used before.
Every Christmas, he would trot out the same old embarrassing stories.
wyciągnąć, przedstawić, pokazać, wykorzystać
Incitement, provocation, initiation
English 6.0
The action of causing an event or situation to happen by making a set of actions or a formal process begin.
The food fight was a result of his mischievous instigation.
inicjacja, podżeganie, wywołanie, inicjowanie
Weakened, thinned, watered-down
English 6.0
To make a liquid weaker by mixing in something else.
His coffee was so diluted, it tasted like colored water.
rozcieńczony, osłabiony, rozwodniony, rozrzedzony
Bed of roses
Easy situation, comfortable, pleasant
English 6.0
An easy and happy existence.
Life was not a bed of roses for the gardener who hated flowers.
sielanka, łatwe życie, komfort, przyjemność
Flaw, defect, mark
English 6.0
A mark or fault that spoils the appearance of someone or something.
The only blemish on his perfect day was a coffee stain.
skaza, wada, plama, niedoskonałość
BlemishHappy as a pig in mud
Very joyful, contented, delighted
English 6.0
Very joyful and contented.
In the candy store, she was as happy as a pig in mud.
szczęśliwy jak świnia w błocie, uradowany, wniebowzięty, zadowolony
Alternate route, diversion, bypass
English 6.0
A different or less direct route to a place that is used to avoid a problem or to visit somewhere or do something on the way.
The detour took them through an area known for its peculiar squirrels.
objazd, naokoło, omijanie, okrężna droga
Tighten, narrow, squeeze
English 6.0
To become tighter and narrower, or to make something become tighter and narrower.
The snake constricted its prey as efficiently as a well-oiled machine.
zawężać, ściskać, skurczyć, ograniczać
Repeated, recurrent, sequential
English 6.0
Used to describe a person who repeatedly commits a similar crime or carries out a similar bad act, or the crime or act itself.
The serial lateness of the bus was becoming a predictable drama.
seryjny, cykliczny, powtarzalny, ciągły
Before long
Soon, in the near future, shortly
English 6.0
Before long, his dreams of becoming a baker rose like dough.
wkrótce, niedługo, za chwilę, za jakiś czas
I don’t have the foggiest idea
No clue, unaware, uncertain
English 6.0
This is an idiomatic expression meaning that someone has no knowledge or understanding about something.
*When asked about quantum physics, he replied, ‘I don’t have the foggies
nie mieć pojęcia, nie wiedzieć, nie mieć zielonego pojęcia, nie rozumieć
And so on
Continuation, etcetera, further
English 6.0
This phrase is used to indicate that a list or sequence continues in the same manner.
He listed his hobbies: gardening, painting, fishing, and so on.
i tak dalej, i tym podobne, i inne, i reszta
Absorb, captivate, immerse
English 6.0
If something engrosses you, it is so interesting that you give it all your attention.
The mystery novel engrossed him so much that he missed his stop.
pochłaniać, zaabsorbować, wciągnąć, zainteresować
Growing, expanding, flourishing
English 6.0
Developing quickly.
The burgeoning artist’s studio was a hive of creative chaos.
rozkwitający, rozwijający się, bujny, szybko rosnący
Seedy, cheap, disreputable
English 6.0
Dirty, cheap, or not socially acceptable, especially relating to moral or sexual matters.
The sleazy motel was the setting of many a B-movie thriller.
obskurny, tandetny, podejrzany, nieprzyzwoity
Dilemma, quandary, problem
English 6.0
An unpleasant situation that is difficult to get out of.
Stuck in the tree, the cat faced a furry predicament.
kłopot, trudna sytuacja, dylemat, zagwozdka
Delay, stall, procrastinate
English 6.0
To delay making a decision or stating your opinion in order to get an advantage.
*He temporized his response to the invitation, waiting for a better offe
zwlekać, odwlekać, grać na czas, unikać decyzji
Token gesture
Symbolic act, minor effort, nominal action
English 6.0
A gesture is something that you say or do in order to express your attitude or intentions, although it might have little practical effect.
Giving her a single flower was a token gesture of his affection.
symboliczny gest, drobny znak, niewielki wysiłek, nominalne działanie
Muscle, strength, power
English 6.0
Physical strength and big muscles.
His brawn was evident as he lifted the car to retrieve the lost ball.
siła, muskuły, krzepa, tężyzna fizyczna
Undermine, destabilize, overthrow
English 6.0
To try to destroy or damage something, especially an established political system.
The spy’s mission was to subvert the enemy’s plans with a baguette.
podważać, obalać, zniweczyć, zakłócić
Voucher, emblem, representation
English 6.0
Taken it as a token of my gratitude
Fail, plummet, collapse
English 6.0
- Fail, do poorly
- Lose intentionally
- Protect a wall (with substance
His confidence tanked after the disastrous presentation.
ponieść klęskę, spadać, załamać się, zepsuć się
Neutralize, offset, counterbalance
English 6.0
To reduce or remove the effect of something unwanted by producing an opposite effect.
He tried to counteract his sleepiness with copious amounts of coffee.
przeciwdziałać, zneutralizować, skompensować, przeciwstawić się
Performance, show, job
English 6.0
A single performance by a musician or group of musicians, especially playing modern or pop music.
Her first gig was in a cozy café filled with jazz enthusiasts.
Baby bed, cot, cradle
English 6.0
A small bed with high, usually slatted sides made for ensuring the baby won’t climb or fall out.
The baby’s crib was a safe haven of soft blankets and plush toys.
łóżeczko dziecięce, kołyska, kojec, łóżeczko niemowlęce
Prime, golden age, peak
English 6.0
The period of a person’s or thing’s greatest success, popularity, activity, or vigor.
In its heyday, the circus was the highlight of the town.
szczyt, złoty wiek, okres rozkwitu, najlepszy okres
Inequality, difference, discrepancy
English 6.0
A lack of equality or similarity, especially in a way that is not fair.
The disparity between his dreams and reality was like night and day.
nierówność, różnica, dysproporcja, rozbieżność
Dollar, deer, tool
English 6.0
A tool like a hammer with a large, flat end made of wood or rubber. It can also refer to a dollar or a male rabbit or deer.
He saved his first buck in a piggy bank shaped like an actual pig.
dolar, jeleń, młotek, narzędzie