English 4.0 Flashcards
Brigade, battalion, troop
English 4.0
A military unit consisting of several battalions; also, strict organization or control.
The regiment marched in perfect unison.
pułk, regiment, oddział, batalion
Scoundrel, rogue, villain
English 4.0
A mischievous or dishonest person, especially a playful one.
That little rascal stole the cookie from the jar!
łobuz, łajdak, urwis, szelma
Roguish, mischievous, knavish
English 4.0
Characteristic of a rascal; playfully mischievous or dishonest.
His rascally grin was impossible to resist.
łobuzerski, szelmowski, psotny, łajdacki
Junior officer, subordinate, underling
English 4.0
A junior officer in the British army; also, a subordinate or inferior in rank or position.
The subaltern saluted his superior with respect.
podporucznik, niższy rangą, podwładny, podoficer
Emphasize, highlight, underscore
English 4.0
To make more noticeable or prominent; to emphasize.
Her dress accentuated her blue eyes.
podkreślić, zaakcentować, uwypuklić, wyostrzyć
Craven, cower, shrink
English 4.0
To show fear or apprehension; to shrink back in fear.
She quailed at the thought of speaking in public.
truchleć, zadrżeć, zanieść się, cofnąć się
Tedious, tiring, boring
English 4.0
Causing fatigue or boredom; tedious or tiresome.
The lecture was so wearisome that I nearly fell asleep.
Sadly, mournfully, woefully
English 4.0
In a manner expressing sorrow or melancholy; mournfully.
She spoke plaintively of her lost youth.
smutno, żałośnie, lamentująco, żalosnym tonem
Bias, discrimination, partiality
English 4.0
Preconceived opinion or bias, often unfair or harmful; also, damage or injury to a person’s rights.
His decisions were influenced by his prejudices.
uprzedzenie, przesąd, stronniczość, niechęć
Respond, retort, reply
English 4.0
To answer back, often sharply or witty; also, to join again.
He rejoined the debate with a clever argument.
odpowiedzieć, rejońować, wrócić, dołączyć ponownie
Truths, realities, certainties
English 4.0
Fundamental truths or realities, especially enduring ones.
She spoke simple verities that resonated with everyone.
prawdy, rzeczywistości, niezaprzeczalne fakty, pewniki
Annoy, irritate, exasperate
English 4.0
To irritate or annoy, especially with trivial matters.
The constant noise from the street vexed him greatly.
drażnić, irytować, złościć, męczyć
Amiss, off the path, lost
English 4.0
Away from the correct path or direction; also, into error or morally wrong behavior.
The tourists went astray in the dense forest.
zabłąkany, na manowce, zagubiony, mylny
Endeavor, enterprise, undertaking
English 4.0
An undertaking with an uncertain outcome; also, to dare to do something risky.
He decided to venture into the unknown territory.
przedsięwzięcie, ryzyko, zaryzykować, odważyć się
Trill, chirp, sing
English 4.0
To sing in a melodious, quavering voice, especially like a bird.
The bird warbled cheerfully from the tree.
ćwierkać, szczebiotać, trele, śpiew
Absurdities, foolishness, imprudences
English 4.0
Lack of good sense; foolish actions or practices.
His youth was filled with the follies of inexperience.
głupstwa, niedorzeczności, nierozsądku, błędy
Regain, recover, reclaim
English 4.0
To capture again; also, to relive or experience again, especially positively.
He recaptured the joy of his childhood.
odzyskać, ponownie schwytać, przywrócić, rekaptura
Effervesce, fizz, froth
English 4.0
To form, rise, and release bubbles in a liquid; also to move or proceed with a gentle, continuous motion.
The soup bubbled gently on the stove.
gotować na wolnym ogniu, bulgotać, pienić się, kipieć
Creep, slither, inch
English 4.0
To move slowly or with difficulty, especially with the body close to the ground.
The baby crawled across the floor.
czołgać się, pełzać, raczkować, skradać się
Edge, border, periphery
English 4.0
The outer, marginal, or extreme part of an area, group, or sphere of activity.
Her ideas were on the fringe of current scientific thought.
frędzle, margines, obrzeża, peryferie
Lying down, lounging, resting
English 4.0
To lie back or down; to relax in a lying position.
He enjoyed reclining on the sofa after a long day.
leżący, odprężający się, wyciągnięty, oparty
Carpet, mat, floor covering
English 4.0
A floor covering of thick woven material or animal skin, typically not covering the entire floor.
The colorful rug brightened the room.
dywanik, chodnik, mata, kobierzec
Froth, lather, suds
English 4.0
A mass of small bubbles formed in or on a liquid; also, to form such bubbles.
The waves crashed against the shore, leaving foam behind.
piana, spienić, szumieć, pienista masa
Eagerness, sharpness, acuteness
English 4.0
The quality of being sharp, perceptive, or intense.
Her keenness of mind was evident in her quick responses.
bystrość, zaciętość, przenikliwość, entuzjazm
Scatter, sprinkle, distribute
English 4.0
To spread or scatter things untidily over a surface or area.
Petals were strewn across the pathway for the wedding.
rozrzucać, posypywać, rozsiewać, rozmieszczać
Click, tock, beat
English 4.0
A light, regular sound such as that made by a clock or watch.
The tick of the clock was soothing in the quiet room.
tykanie, kleszcz, pukanie, odgłos zegara
Storm, gale, squall
English 4.0
A violent windy storm, often with rain, snow, or hail.
The tempest raged outside, shaking the windows.
burza, nawałnica, wichura, sztorm
Unclear, nebulous, indistinct
English 4.0
Lacking clear
shape or form; hazy or uncertain.
He had a vague idea of what he wanted to do.
Boil, simmer, fume
English 4.0
To be filled with intense but unexpressed anger; also, to bubble up as a liquid.
She was seething with anger over the injustice.
kłębić się, wrzeć, kipieć, gotować się ze złości
Incline, gradient, slant
English 4.0
A surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than another; a rising or falling surface.
The children sledded down the snowy slope.
stok, nachylenie, zbocze, spadek
Detailed, intricate, complex
English 4.0
Involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and complicated in design.
The plan was so elaborate that it took hours to explain.
skomplikowany, rozbudowany, szczegółowy, opracowany
Be well of
Prosperous, affluent, well-to-do
English 4.0
To be in a good or favorable condition, especially in terms of wealth or well-being.
He was well off after years of hard work.
być zamożnym, dobrze sytuowanym, zasobnym, opływać w dostatki
Manservant, attendant, butler
English 4.0
A man’s personal male attendant, responsible for his clothes and appearance.
The valet carefully pressed his master’s suit.
służący, lokaj, osobisty asystent, kamerdyner
Ancestry, lineage, descent
English 4.0
The identity and origins of one’s parents; also, the quality or state of being a parent.
Her parentage was a mix of Italian and Greek heritage.
rodzicielstwo, pochodzenie, ród, przodkowie
Reside, inhabit, live
English 4.0
To live or stay as a permanent resident; also, to focus attention on for a long time.
She dwelled in a small cottage by the sea.
mieszkać, przebywać, zamieszkiwać, rozpamiętywać
Abundant, plentiful, spacious
English 4.0
Enough or more than enough; plentiful; also, large and accommodating.
The room was ample for their needs.
obszerny, wystarczający, obfity, przestronny
Noblewoman, aristocrat, lady
English 4.0
A woman holding a rank equivalent to duke in her own right; also, the wife or widow of a duke.
The duchess graced the ball with her presence.
księżna, diwka, arystokratka, władczyni
Effortless, simple, superficial
English 4.0
Easily achieved; superficial or too simplistic.
His facile answer did not satisfy the complex question.
łatwy, powierzchowny, prosty, płytki
Robustness, strength, firmness
English 4.0
The quality of being strong, durable, or firm; also, corpulence.
His stoutness was an advantage in the wrestling match.
krzepkość, tężyzna, moc, solidność
Drab, unfashionable, frumpy
English 4.0
Lacking in style or neatness; old-fashioned and unattractive.
Her dowdy dress did not impress at the fashionable party.
niegustowny, staroświecki, niechlujny, przestarzały
Be in wonder
Amazed, astonished, marvel
English 4.0
To be in a state of amazement or awe; to marvel.
She was in wonder at the beauty of the sunset.
dziwić się, podziwiać, być zdumionym, zachwycać się
Ask, question, probe
English 4.0
To ask for information; to question.
I tried to inquire this information but to no avail
Trill, chirp, sing
Absurdities, foolishness, imprudences
English 4.0
Lack of good sense; foolish actions or practices.
His youth was filled with the follies of inexperience.
głupstwa, niedorzeczności, nierozsądku, błędy
Regain, recover, reclaim
English 4.0
To capture again; also, to relive or experience again, especially positively.
He recaptured the joy of his childhood.
odzyskać, ponownie schwytać, przywrócić, rekaptura
Effervesce, fizz, froth
English 4.0
To form, rise, and release bubbles in a liquid; also to move or proceed with a gentle, continuous motion.
The soup bubbled gently on the stove.
gotować na wolnym ogniu, bulgotać, pienić się, kipieć
Creep, slither, inch
English 4.0
To move slowly or with difficulty, especially with the body close to the ground.
The baby crawled across the floor.
czołgać się, pełzać, raczkować, skradać się
Edge, border, periphery
English 4.0
The outer, marginal, or extreme part of an area, group, or sphere of activity.
Her ideas were on the fringe of current scientific thought.
frędzle, margines, obrzeża, peryferie
Lying down, lounging, resting
English 4.0
To lie back or down; to relax in a lying position.
He enjoyed reclining on the sofa after a long day.
leżący, odprężający się, wyciągnięty, oparty
Carpet, mat, floor covering
English 4.0
A floor covering of thick woven material or animal skin, typically not covering the entire floor.
The colorful rug brightened the room.
dywanik, chodnik, mata, kobierzec
Scatter, sprinkle, distribute
English 4.0
To spread or scatter things untidily over a surface or area.
Leaves were strewn all over the lawn.
rozrzucać, posypywać, rozsiewać, rozmieszczać
Froth, lather, suds
English 4.0
A mass of small bubbles formed in or on a liquid; also, to form such bubbles.
The waves crashed against the shore, leaving foam behind.
piana, spienić, szumieć, pienista masa
Eagerness, sharpness, acuteness
English 4.0
The quality of being sharp, perceptive, or intense.
Her keenness of mind was evident in her quick responses.
bystrość, zaciętość, przenikliwość, entuzjazm
Click, tock, beat
English 4.0
A light, regular sound such as that made by a clock or watch.
The tick of the clock was soothing in the quiet room.
tykanie, kleszcz, pukanie, odgłos zegara
Storm, gale, squall
English 4.0
A violent windy storm, often with rain, snow, or hail.
The tempest raged outside, shaking the windows.
burza, nawałnica, wichura, sztorm
Unclear, nebulous, indistinct
English 4.0
Lacking clear shape or form; hazy or uncertain.
He had a vague idea of what he wanted to do.
niejasny, mglisty, niewyraźny, ogólnikowy
Boil, simmer, fume
English 4.0
To be filled with intense but unexpressed anger; also, to bubble up as a liquid.
She was seething with anger over the injustice.
kłębić się, wrzeć, kipieć, gotować się ze złości
Incline, gradient, slant
English 4.0
A surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than another; a rising or falling surface.
The children sledded down the snowy slope.
stok, nachylenie, zbocze, spadek
Detailed, intricate, complex
English 4.0
Involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and complicated in design.
The plan was so elaborate that it took hours to explain.
skomplikowany, rozbudowany, szczegółowy, opracowany
Be well of
Prosperous, affluent, well-to-do
English 4.0
To be in a good or favorable condition, especially in terms of wealth or well-being.
He was well off after years of hard work.
być zamożnym, dobrze sytuowanym, zasobnym, opływać w dostatki
Manservant, attendant, butler
English 4.0
A man’s personal male attendant, responsible for his clothes and appearance.
The valet carefully pressed his master’s suit.
służący, lokaj, osobisty asystent, kamerdyner
Ancestry, lineage, descent
English 4.0
The identity and origins of one’s parents; also, the quality or state of being a parent.
Her parentage was a mix of Italian and Greek heritage.
rodzicielstwo, pochodzenie, ród, przodkowie
Reside, inhabit, live
English 4.0
To live or stay as a permanent resident; also, to focus attention on for a long time.
She dwelled in a small cottage by the sea.
mieszkać, przebywać, zamieszkiwać, rozpamiętywać
Abundant, plentiful, spacious
English 4.0
Enough or more than enough; plentiful; also, large and accommodating.
The room was ample for their needs.
obszerny, wystarczający, obfity, przestronny
Noblewoman, aristocrat, lady
English 4.0
A woman holding a rank equivalent to duke in her own right; also, the wife or widow of a duke.
The duchess graced the ball with her presence.
księżna, diwka, arystokratka, władczyni
Effortless, simple, superficial
English 4.0
Easily achieved; superficial or too simplistic.
His facile answer did not satisfy the complex question.
łatwy, powierzchowny, prosty, płytki
Robustness, strength, firmness
English 4.0
The quality of being strong, durable, or firm; also, corpulence.
His stoutness was an advantage in the wrestling match.
krzepkość, tężyzna, moc, solidność
Drab, unfashionable, frumpy
English 4.0
Lacking in style or neatness; old-fashioned and unattractive.
Her dowdy dress did not impress at the fashionable party.
niegustowny, staroświecki, niechlujny, przestarzały
Be in wonder
Amazed, astonished, marvel
English 4.0
To be in a state of amazement or awe; to marvel.
She was in wonder at the beauty of the sunset.
dziwić się, podziwiać, być zdumionym, zachwycać się
Ask, question, probe
English 4.0
To seek information by asking a question; also, to make an official investigation.
She inquired about the train schedule.
pytać, dowiadywać się, zapytać, dociekać
Absurdities, foolishness, imprudences
English 4.0
Lack of good sense; foolish actions or practices.
His youth was filled with the follies of inexperience.
głupstwa, niedorzeczności, nierozsądku, błędy
Regain, recover, reclaim
English 4.0
To capture again; also, to relive or experience again, especially positively.
He recaptured the joy of his childhood.
odzyskać, ponownie schwytać, przywrócić, rekaptura
Effervesce, fizz, froth
English 4.0
To form, rise, and release bubbles in a liquid; also to move or proceed with a gentle, continuous motion.
The soup bubbled gently on the stove.
gotować na wolnym ogniu, bulgotać, pienić się, kipieć
Creep, slither, inch
English 4.0
To move slowly or with difficulty, especially with the body close to the ground.
The baby crawled across the floor.
czołgać się, pełzać, raczkować, skradać się
Edge, border, periphery
English 4.0
The outer, marginal, or extreme part of an area, group, or sphere of activity.
Her ideas were on the fringe of current scientific thought.
frędzle, margines, obrzeża, peryferie
Lying down, lounging, resting
English 4.0
To lie back or down; to relax in a lying position.
He enjoyed reclining on the sofa after a long day.
leżący, odprężający się, wyciągnięty, oparty
Carpet, mat, floor covering
English 4.0
A floor covering of thick woven material or animal skin, typically not covering the entire floor.
The colorful rug brightened the room.
dywanik, chodnik, mata, kobierzec
Scatter, sprinkle, distribute
English 4.0
To spread or scatter things untidily over a surface or area.
Leaves were strewn all over the lawn.
rozrzucać, posypywać, rozsiewać, rozmieszczać
Froth, lather, suds
English 4.0
A mass of small bubbles formed in or on a liquid; also, to form such bubbles.
The waves crashed against the shore, leaving foam behind.
piana, spienić, szumieć, pienista masa
Eagerness, sharpness, acuteness
English 4.0
The quality of being sharp, perceptive, or intense.
Her keenness of mind was evident in her quick responses.
bystrość, zaciętość, przenikliwość, entuzjazm
Click, tock, beat
English 4.0
A light, regular sound such as that made by a clock or watch.
The tick of the clock was soothing in the quiet room.
tykanie, kleszcz, pukanie, odgłos zegara
Storm, gale, squall
English 4.0
A violent windy storm, often with rain, snow, or hail.
The tempest raged outside, shaking the windows.
burza, nawałnica, wichura, sztorm
Unclear, nebulous, indistinct
English 4.0
Lacking clear shape or form; hazy or uncertain.
He had a vague idea of what he wanted to do.
niejasny, mglisty, niewyraźny, ogólnikowy
Boil, simmer, fume
English 4.0
To be filled with intense but unexpressed anger; also, to bubble up as a liquid.
She was seething with anger over the injustice.
kłębić się, wrzeć, kipieć, gotować się ze złości
Incline, gradient, slant
English 4.0
A surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than another; a rising or falling surface.
The children sledded down the snowy slope.
stok, nachylenie, zbocze, spadek
Detailed, intricate, complex
English 4.0
Involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and complicated in design.
The plan was so elaborate that it took hours to explain.
skomplikowany, rozbudowany, szczegółowy, opracowany
Be well of
Prosperous, affluent, well-to-do
English 4.0
To be in a good or favorable condition, especially in terms of wealth or well-being.
He was well off after years of hard work.
być zamożnym, dobrze sytuowanym, zasobnym, opływać w dostatki
Manservant, attendant, butler
English 4.0
A man’s personal male attendant, responsible for his clothes and appearance.
The valet carefully pressed his master’s suit.
służący, lokaj, osobisty asystent, kamerdyner
Ancestry, lineage, descent
English 4.0
The identity and origins of one’s parents; also, the quality or state of being a parent.
Her parentage was a mix of Italian and Greek heritage.
rodzicielstwo, pochodzenie, ród, przodkowie
Reside, inhabit, live
English 4.0
To live or stay as a permanent resident; also, to focus attention on for a long time.
She dwelled in a small cottage by the sea.
mieszkać, przebywać, zamieszkiwać, rozpamiętywać
Abundant, plentiful, spacious
English 4.0
Enough or more than enough; plentiful; also, large and accommodating.
The room was ample for their needs.
obszerny, wystarczający, obfity, przestronny
Noblewoman, aristocrat, lady
English 4.0
A woman holding a rank equivalent to duke in her own right; also, the wife or widow of a duke.
The duchess graced the ball with her presence.
księżna, diwka, arystokratka, władczyni
Effortless, simple, superficial
English 4.0
Easily achieved; superficial or too simplistic.
His facile answer did not satisfy the complex question.
łatwy, powierzchowny, prosty, płytki
Robustness, strength, firmness
English 4.0
The quality of being strong, durable, or firm; also, corpulence.
His stoutness was an advantage in the wrestling match.
krzepkość, tężyzna, moc, solidność
Drab, unfashionable, frumpy
English 4.0
Lacking in style or neatness; old-fashioned and unattractive.
Her dowdy dress did not impress at the fashionable party.
niegustowny, staroświecki, niechlujny, przestarzały
Be in wonder
Amazed, astonished, marvel
English 4.0
To be in a state of amazement or awe; to marvel.
She was in wonder at the beauty of the sunset.
dziwić się, podziwiać, być zdumionym, zachwycać się
Ask, question, probe
English 4.0
To seek information by asking a question; also, to make an official investigation.
She inquired about the train schedule.
pytać, dowiadywać się, zapytać, dociekać
Sensual, fleshly, physical
English 4.0
Relating to physical, especially sexual, needs and activities.
He was driven by carnal desires.
cielesny, zmysłowy, seksualny, fizyczny
Linger, delay, loiter
English 4.0
To delay or be slow in leaving or doing something.
Let’s not tarry; we have a long way ahead.
zwlekać, ociągać się, marudzić, zasiedzieć się
Labor, toil, hardship
English 4.0
Hard work or suffering; also, laborious effort.
After years of travail, he finally achieved his goals.
trud, męka, ciężka praca, wysiłek
A Pack of Lies
Falsehoods, fabrications, deceptions
English 4.0
A collection or series of lies or false statements.
His excuse turned out to be a pack of lies.
kłamstwa, fałszywe twierdzenia, wymysły, oszustwa
Tremble, shiver, shake
English 4.0
To tremble or shake with a slight, rapid motion.
Her voice quivered with emotion.
drżeć, trząść się, dygotać, wibrować
Complain, murmur, grouse
English 4.0
To complain about something in a bad-tempered way.
He always grumbles about the weather.
narzekać, zrzędzić, marudzić, pomstować
Weave, interlace, intertwine
English 4.0
To make (textiles or garments) by interlocking loops of yarn with needles.
She knit a warm scarf for the winter.
robić na drutach, pleść, łączyć, zszywać
Agreement, consent, approval
English 4.0
To express approval or agreement, typically officially.
The proposal received assent from all members.
zgoda, aprobata, akceptacja, przyzwolenie
Impoverished, broke, destitute
English 4.0
Having no money; extremely poor.
He arrived in the city penniless and alone.
bez grosza, biedny, ubogi, bez środków do życia
Sarcastic, ironic, twisted
English 4.0
Using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humor.
He gave a wry smile when he heard the joke.
krzywy, ironiczny, skrzywiony, sarkastyczny
Panicked, frenzied, hysterical
English 4.0
Wild or distraught with fear, anxiety, or other emotion.
She was frantic with worry about her missing dog.
szaleńczy, rozgorączkowany, wściekły, oszalały
Knotted, entwined, twisted
English 4.0
Twisted together in a confused mass; knotted.
Her hair was tangled after the windy day.
splątany, poplątany, zawikłany, skomplikowany
Frantically, excitedly, restlessly
English 4.0
In a manner showing great excitement or energy, often due to worry or illness.
He worked feverishly to meet the deadline.
gorączkowo, z podnieceniem, nerwowo, niecierpliwie
Rattan, cane, basketry
English 4.0
A material made from twisted twigs or stems, often used for making furniture and baskets.
She sat in the comfortable wicker chair.
wiklina, plecionka, koszykarski, rattanowy
Sprint, rush, bolt
English 4.0
To run or travel somewhere in a great hurry; also, to strike or fling violently.
He dashed to catch the bus.
pędzić, rozbijać, rzucać, śpieszyć się
Whim, impulse, fancy
English 4.0
A sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behavior.
Her decisions were often guided by caprice rather than logic.
kaprys, zachcianka, grymas, fantazja
Flap, wave, flicker
English 4.0
To move with quick, light, irregular movements; also, to be agitated or excited.
The curtains fluttered in the breeze.
trzepotać, poruszać, drgać, łopotać
Influence, control, oscillate
English 4.0
To move or cause to move slowly or rhythmically backward and forward or from side to side.
The trees swayed gently in the wind.
kołysać, wpływać, huśtać, wymachiwać
Bend, crouch, bow
English 4.0
To bend one’s body forward and downward; also, to lower oneself morally.
He stooped to tie his shoelaces.
pochylać się, schylać, garbić, przygarbić
Ponder, muse, dwell
English 4.0
To think deeply about something that makes one unhappy, angry, or worried.
She brooded over her failed exam.
rozmyślać, zamartwiać się, rozpamiętywać, wysiadywać
Tilt, lean, angle
English 4.0
To slope or lean in a particular direction; also, a biased point of view.
The roof slants at a steep angle.
pochyłość, nachylenie, skos, tendencja
Magnificently, excellently, superbly
English 4.0
In a splendid or very impressive manner.
The team played splendidly, winning the match.
wspaniale, świetnie, znakomicie, wyśmienicie
Be in wonder
Amazed, astonished, marvel
English 4.0
To be in a state of amazement or awe; to marvel.
She was in wonder at the beauty of the sunset.
dziwić się, podziwiać, być zdumionym, zachwycać się
Ask, question, probe
English 4.0
To ask for information; to question.
I found it pretty hard to inquire this information
zdobywać informację
Absurdities, foolishness, imprudences
English 4.0
Lack of good sense; foolish actions or practices.
His youth was filled with the follies of inexperience.
głupstwa, niedorzeczności, nierozsądku, błędy
Regain, recover, reclaim
English 4.0
To capture again; also, to relive or experience again, especially positively.
He recaptured the joy of his childhood.
odzyskać, ponownie schwytać, przywrócić, rekaptura
Effervesce, fizz, froth
English 4.0
To form, rise, and release bubbles in a liquid; also to move or proceed with a gentle, continuous motion.
The soup bubbled gently on the stove.
gotować na wolnym ogniu, bulgotać, pienić się, kipieć
Creep, slither, inch
English 4.0
To move slowly or with difficulty, especially with the body close to the ground.
The baby crawled across the floor.
czołgać się, pełzać, raczkować, skradać się
Edge, border, periphery
English 4.0
The outer, marginal, or extreme part of an area, group, or sphere of activity.
Her ideas were on the fringe of current scientific thought.
frędzle, margines, obrzeża, peryferie
Lying down, lounging, resting
English 4.0
To lie back or down; to relax in a lying position.
He enjoyed reclining on the sofa after a long day.
leżący, odprężający się, wyciągnięty, oparty
Carpet, mat, floor covering
English 4.0
A floor covering of thick woven material or animal skin, typically not covering the entire floor.
The colorful rug brightened the room.
dywanik, chodnik, mata, kobierzec
Scatter, sprinkle, distribute
English 4.0
To spread or scatter things untidily over a surface or area.
Leaves were strewn all over the lawn.
rozrzucać, posypywać, rozsiewać, rozmieszczać
Froth, lather, suds
English 4.0
A mass of small bubbles formed in or on a liquid; also, to form such bubbles.
The waves crashed against the shore, leaving foam behind.
piana, spienić, szumieć, pienista masa
Eagerness, sharpness, acuteness
English 4.0
The quality of being sharp, perceptive, or intense.
Her keenness of mind was evident in her quick responses.
bystrość, zaciętość, przenikliwość, entuzjazm
Click, tock, beat
English 4.0
A light, regular sound such as that made by a clock or watch.
The tick of the clock was soothing in the quiet room.
tykanie, kleszcz, pukanie, odgłos zegara
Storm, gale, squall
English 4.0
A violent windy storm, often with rain, snow, or hail.
The tempest raged outside, shaking the windows.
burza, nawałnica, wichura, sztorm
Unclear, nebulous, indistinct
English 4.0
Lacking clear shape or form; hazy or uncertain.
He had a vague idea of what he wanted to do.
niejasny, mglisty, niewyraźny, ogólnikowy
Boil, simmer, fume
English 4.0
To be filled with intense but unexpressed anger; also, to bubble up as a liquid.
She was seething with anger over the injustice.
kłębić się, wrzeć, kipieć, gotować się ze złości
Incline, gradient, slant
English 4.0
A surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than another; a rising or falling surface.
The children sledded down the snowy slope.
stok, nachylenie, zbocze, spadek
Detailed, intricate, complex
English 4.0
Involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and complicated in design.
The plan was so elaborate that it took hours to explain.
skomplikowany, rozbudowany, szczegółowy, opracowany
Be well of
Prosperous, affluent, well-to-do
English 4.0
To be in a good or favorable condition, especially in terms of wealth or well-being.
He was well off after years of hard work.
być zamożnym, dobrze sytuowanym, zasobnym, opływać w dostatki
Manservant, attendant, butler
English 4.0
A man’s personal male attendant, responsible for his clothes and appearance.
The valet carefully pressed his master’s suit.
służący, lokaj, osobisty asystent, kamerdyner
Ancestry, lineage, descent
English 4.0
The identity and origins of one’s parents; also, the quality or state of being a parent.
Her parentage was a mix of Italian and Greek heritage.
rodzicielstwo, pochodzenie, ród, przodkowie
Reside, inhabit, live
English 4.0
To live or stay as a permanent resident; also, to focus attention on for a long time.
She dwelled in a small cottage by the sea.
mieszkać, przebywać, zamieszkiwać, rozpamiętywać
Abundant, plentiful, spacious
English 4.0
Enough or more than enough; plentiful; also, large and accommodating.
The room was ample for their needs.
obszerny, wystarczający, obfity, przestronny
Noblewoman, aristocrat, lady
English 4.0
A woman holding a rank equivalent to duke in her own right; also, the wife or widow of a duke.
The duchess graced the ball with her presence.
księżna, diwka, arystokratka, władczyni
Effortless, simple, superficial
English 4.0
Easily achieved; superficial or too simplistic.
His facile answer did not satisfy the complex question.
łatwy, powierzchowny, prosty, płytki
Robustness, strength, firmness
English 4.0
The quality of being strong, durable, or firm; also, corpulence.
His stoutness was an advantage in the wrestling match.
krzepkość, tężyzna, moc, solidność
Drab, unfashionable, frumpy
English 4.0
Lacking in style or neatness; old-fashioned and unattractive.
Her dowdy dress did not impress at the fashionable party.
niegustowny, staroświecki, niechlujny, przestarzały
Be in wonder
Amazed, astonished, marvel
English 4.0
To be in a state of amazement or awe; to marvel.
She was in wonder at the beauty of the sunset.
dziwić się, podziwiać, być zdumionym, zachwycać się
Ask, question, probe
English 4.0
To seek information by asking a question; also, to make an official investigation.
She inquired about the train schedule.
pytać, dowiadywać się, zapytać, dociekać
Sensual, fleshly, physical
English 4.0
Relating to physical, especially sexual, needs and activities.
He was driven by carnal desires.
cielesny, zmysłowy, seksualny, fizyczny
Linger, delay, loiter
English 4.0
To delay or be slow in leaving or doing something.
Let’s not tarry; we have a long way ahead.
zwlekać, ociągać się, marudzić, zasiedzieć się
Labor, toil, hardship
English 4.0
Hard work or suffering; also, laborious effort.
After years of travail, he finally achieved his goals.
trud, męka, ciężka praca, wysiłek
A Pack of Lies
Falsehoods, fabrications, deceptions
English 4.0
A collection or series of lies or false statements.
His excuse turned out to be a pack of lies.
kłamstwa, fałszywe twierdzenia, wymysły, oszustwa
Tremble, shiver, shake
English 4.0
- To tremble or shake with a slight, rapid motion.
- container for arrows
Her voice quivered with emotion.
drżeć, trząść się, dygotać, wibrować
Complain, murmur, grouse
English 4.0
To complain about something in a bad-tempered way.
He always grumbles about the weather.
narzekać, zrzędzić, marudzić, pomstować
Weave, interlace, intertwine
English 4.0
To make (textiles or garments) by interlocking loops of yarn with needles.
She knit a warm scarf for the winter.
robić na drutach, pleść, łączyć, zszywać
Agreement, consent, approval
English 4.0
To express approval or agreement, typically officially.
The proposal received assent from all members.
zgoda, aprobata, akceptacja, przyzwolenie
Impoverished, broke, destitute
English 4.0
Having no money; extremely poor.
He arrived in the city penniless and alone.
bez grosza, biedny, ubogi, bez środków do życia
Sarcastic, ironic, twisted
English 4.0
Using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humor.
He gave a wry smile when he heard the joke.
krzywy, ironiczny, skrzywiony, sarkastyczny
Exclamation of surprise or exasperation
English 4.0
An exclamation expressing surprise, annoyance, or disbelief.
Egad! I forgot my keys at home.
oj, psia krew, a niech mnie, och
Guy, fellow, man
English 4.0
A man or boy; a person
(informal, UK, old-fashioned)
He’s a nice chap, always willing to help.
facet, gość, chłopak, koleś
Panicked, frenzied, hysterical
English 4.0
Wild or distraught with fear, anxiety, or other emotion.
She was frantic with worry about her missing dog.
szaleńczy, rozgorączkowany, wściekły, oszalały
Silence, quiet, still
English 4.0
To make or become silent; to calm or soothe.
Hush, the baby is finally asleep.
uciszyć, ucichnąć, zamilknąć, wyciszyć
Hush Up
Conceal, suppress, keep quiet
English 4.0
To keep something secret or to prevent something from being known.
They tried to hush up the scandal.
Knotted, entwined, twisted
English 4.0
Twisted together in a confused mass; knotted.
Her hair was tangled after the windy day.
splątany, poplątany, zawikłany, skomplikowany
Frantically, excitedly, restlessly
English 4.0
In a manner showing great excitement or energy, often due to worry or illness.
He worked feverishly to meet the deadline.
gorączkowo, z podnieceniem, nerwowo, niecierpliwie
Suppress, smother, restrain
English 4.0
To restrain or stop oneself from acting on an emotion; to suffocate.
She had to stifle a laugh during the meeting.
tłumić, dusić, powstrzymywać, zdusić
Rattan, cane, basketry
English 4.0
A material made from twisted twigs or stems, often used for making furniture and baskets.
She sat in the comfortable wicker chair.
wiklina, plecionka, koszykarski, rattanowy
Sprint, rush, bolt
English 4.0
To run or travel somewhere in a great hurry; also, to strike or fling violently.
He dashed to catch the bus.
pędzić, rozbijać, rzucać, śpieszyć się
Whim, impulse, fancy
English 4.0
A sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behavior.
Her decisions were often guided by caprice rather than logic.
kaprys, zachcianka, grymas, fantazja
Flap, wave, flicker
English 4.0
To move with quick, light, irregular movements; also, to be agitated or excited.
The curtains fluttered in the breeze.
trzepotać, poruszać, drgać, łopotać
Influence, control, oscillate
English 4.0
To move or cause to move slowly or rhythmically backward and forward or from side to side.
The trees swayed gently in the wind.
kołysać, wpływać, huśtać, wymachiwać
Bend, crouch, bow
English 4.0
To bend one’s body forward and downward; also, to lower oneself morally.
He stooped to tie his shoelaces.
pochylać się, schylać, garbić, przygarbić
Outdo, surpass, triumph
English 4.0
To beat someone or something by doing or producing something better.
His argument was trumped by the new evidence.
przebić, przewyższyć, zwyciężyć, as
Threshold, entrance, portal
English 4.0
An opening into a building or room, serving as an entrance.
He stood in the doorway, watching the rain.
drzwi, wejście, otwór, przejście
Tilt, lean, angle
English 4.0
To slope or lean in a particular direction; also, a biased point of view.
The roof slants at a steep angle.
pochyłość, nachylenie, skos, tendencja
Magnificently, excellently, superbly
English 4.0
In a splendid or very impressive manner.
The team played splendidly, winning the match.
wspaniale, świetnie, znakomicie, wyśmienicie
In Wonder
Amazed, awestruck, astonished
English 4.0
Feeling a surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, or inexplicable.
She gazed at the stars in wonder.
w zdumieniu, pełen podziwu, z zachwytem, w osłupieniu
Pang (of)
Twinge, spasm, ache
Pang of (emotion, pain)
A sudden sharp pain or painful emotion.
A pang of guilt struck him after the lie.
ukłucie, ból, przeszywający ból, nagły atak bólu
Rude, unrefined, coarse
English 4.0
Lacking good manners, refinement, or grace.
His uncouth behavior embarrassed his friends.
nieokrzesany, prostacki, niegrzeczny, niezręczny
Piece of Work
Difficult person, problem, challenge
English 4.0
A person or thing of a particular and often difficult or problematic nature.
He’s a real piece of work, always causing trouble.
trudna osoba, problem, wyzwanie, dziwak
Dispute, argument, brawl
English 4.0
An angry argument or disagreement, typically between people who are usually on good terms.
They had a quarrel over something trivial.
kłótnia, spór, awantura, niezgoda
Inconsequential details, minutiae, trifles
English 4.0
Details, considerations, or pieces of information of little importance or value.
We spent the evening discussing all kinds of trivia.
drobiazgi, błahostki, ciekawostki, mało ważne informacje
Rip, rend, split
English 4.0
To pull or rip something apart or to pieces with force.
She tore the letter in frustration.
rozdzierać, rozrywać, drzeć, rozerwać
Clatter, jangle, shake
English 4.0
To make a rapid succession of short, sharp sounds, as in shaking.
The windows rattled in the wind.
grzechotać, brzęczeć, trzaskać, dzwonić
Ribbed, grooved, channeled
English 4.0
Having grooves or ridges; shaped into a series of regular, hollow, vertical ridges.
The column was elegantly fluted.
kanelowany, żłobkowany, rowkowany, falowany
Come Across
Encounter, find, stumble upon
English 4.0
To find or meet by chance.
She came across an old friend in the street.
natknąć się, napotkać, trafić na, znaleźć przypadkiem
Jump, bound, spring
English 4.0
To jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force.
The cat leaped over the fence effortlessly.
skoczyć, przeskoczyć, rzucić się, podskoczyć
Supple, flexible, graceful
English 4.0
(especially of a person’s body) Thin, supple, and graceful.
Her lithe figure moved elegantly across the room.
zgrabny, gibki, smukły, elastyczny
Wander, deviate, roam
English 4.0
To move away aimlessly from a group or from the right course or place.
The dog strayed from its home.
błąkać się, zabłąkać, oddalić się, zgubić
Tear, rend, slash
English 4.0
To tear or pull something quickly or forcibly away from something or someone.
He ripped the poster off the wall.
rozdzierać, rozerwać, podrzeć, rozedrzeć
Lacquer, glaze, finish
English 4.0
A liquid that is spread over a surface and dries to form a hard, shiny coating.
She applied varnish to the wooden table.
lakier, politura, werniks, pokrywać lakierem
Loaded, burdened, heavy
English 4.0
lHeavily loaded or weighed down.
The truck was laden with goods.
obładowany, obciążony, załadowany, pełen
Loathsome, abhorrent, repulsive
English 4.0
Deserving intense dislike or hatred; extremely unpleasant or repulsive.
His detestable behavior made everyone avoid him.
odrażający, wstrętny, nieznośny, obrzydliwy
Disgrace, abhorrence, contempt
English 4.0
General or widespread hatred or disgust directed toward someone as a result of their actions.
He faced the odium of the public after the scandal.
nienawiść, odraza, potępienie, wstręt
Gloomy, dark, melancholy
English 4.0
Dark or dull in color or tone; gloomy, serious, or solemn.
The funeral was a sombre occasion.
ponury, mroczny, posępny, smutny
Loyalty, faithfulness, devotion
English 4.0
Faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support.
He swore fidelity to the king.
wierność, lojalność, oddanie, przysięga wierności
Commotion, bother, ado
English 4.0
Excessive excitement, activity, or interest made about something trivial; to be overly concerned or fastidious.
She made a big fuss over the small scratch on the car.
zamieszanie, szum, awantura, krzątanina
Next day, following day, day after
English 4.0
The following day; the next day.
I’ll see you on the morrow.
jutro, następny dzień, dzień późniejszy, kolejny dzień
Hansom cab, carriage, cab
English 4.0
A two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage accommodating two inside, with the driver seated behind.
They rode through the city in a hansom.
dorożka, bryczka, powóz, fiakra
Coal mine, mine, pit
English 4.0
A coal mine and the buildings and equipment associated with it.
The colliery operated day and night to meet demand.
kopalnia węgla, szyb kopalniany, zakład górniczy, kopalnia
Obtain, acquire, stem from
English 4.0
To obtain something from a specified source; to come from a source or origin.
He derived great pleasure from painting.
pochodzić, czerpać, wywodzić się, pochodna
Friendly, affable, amiable
English 4.0
Friendly and cheerful; warmly and pleasantly cheerful.
His genial nature made him popular among his peers.
przyjazny, sympatyczny, życzliwy, serdeczny
Laziness, idleness, slothfulness
English 4.0
Avoidance of activity or exertion; laziness.
His indolence was evident by the state of his untidy room.
lenistwo, opieszałość, bezczynność, niemrawość
Excessive, undue, unreasonable
English 4.0
Unusually or disproportionately large; excessive or immoderate.
He spent an inordinate amount of time watching TV.
Formal, proper, prissy
English 4.0
Formally precise or proper, often excessively so; stiffly neat.
She sat with prim composure during the interview.
sztywny, wyprostowany, pedantyczny, pruderyjny
Send off, expedite, transmit
English 4.0
To send off to a destination or for a purpose; also, quick, efficient action.
She dispatched the letter with urgency.
wysłać, ekspediować, załatwić sprawnie, przesłać
Spectrum, refractor, optical crystal
English 4.0
A transparent optical element that refracts light, often used to break light into a spectrum.
The prism split the light into a beautiful rainbow.
pryzmat, rozszczepiający światło, kryształ optyczny, spektrum
Saunter, amble, walk leisurely
English 4.0
To walk in a leisurely or relaxed manner.
They enjoyed a peaceful stroll in the park.
spacerować, przechadzać się, wędrować, flanować
Unthought of
Unforeseen, unexpected, unconsidered
English 4.0
Not previously considered or anticipated.
The solution was unthought of but brilliant.
nieprzewidziany, nieoczekiwany, nierozważony, niepomyślany
Propriety, decorum, appropriateness
English 4.0
Behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability.
She always acted with decency and kindness.
przyzwoitość, odpowiedniość, godność, porządność
Fop, gallant, exquisite
English 4.0
A man excessively concerned with his appearance and clothes; a fop.
He dressed like a dandy and charmed everyone he met.
dandys, elegant, modniś, strojniś
Going to the Dogs
Deteriorating, declining, worsening
English 4.0
In a state of decline or deterioration.
The old mansion was going to the dogs.
pogarszać się, schodzić na psy, podupadać, zanikać
Complain, mutter, grouse
English 4.0
To complain about something in a bad-tempered way.
He grumbled about the cold weather.
narzekać, zrzędzić, marudzić, burczeć
Fireplace, fireside, home
English 4.0
The area in front of a fireplace; also symbolizes home or family life.
They gathered around the hearth to share stories.
kominek, palenisko, ognisko domowe, serce domu
Nonsense, deception, trickery
English 4.0
Deceptive or false talk or behavior; nonsense.
He dismissed the rumors as mere humbug.
bzdura, oszustwo, fałsz, szarlataneria
Adorn, embellish, overlay
English 4.0
To cover thinly with gold; also, to give a deceptively attractive appearance to something.
The artist gilded the frame beautifully.
pokryć złotem, pozłacać, upiększać, dekorować
Twist, coil, loop
English 4.0
To form or shape into twists or spirals; also, a piece of hair that naturally forms a curve or loop.
Her hair curled softly around her face.
zakręcać, zwijać, loki, spirala
Carve, sculpt, engrave
English 4.0
A tool with a long, sharp edge for carving or cutting hard materials; also, to shape or carve with a chisel.
The sculptor chiseled the marble with precision.
dłuto, rzeźbić, wykuć, wyżłobić
Trademark, label, mark
English 4.0
- A type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name; also, to mark or label something.
- [literary] piece of wood used to give light
- Label someone or something (brand of a criminal)
The brand was known for its high-quality products.
marka, znak firmowy, oznaczyć, brandować
Inappropriate, unsuitable, improper
English 4.0
Not appropriate, suitable, or flattering; especially of behavior or dress.
*His behavior was unbecoming of a professional
nieodpowiedni, niestosowny, niewłaściwy, nieprzystojny
Scorch, burn, char
English 4.0
To burn or char the surface of something with sudden intense heat.
The chef seared the steak to perfection.
przypiekać, osmalić, przypalić, wysuszyć
Waste, dissipate, misuse
English 4.0
To waste something, especially money or time, in a reckless or foolish manner.
He squandered his inheritance on trivial things.
marnować, trwonić, zaprzepaścić, roztrwonić
Star-shaped, starlike, radiate
English 4.0
Shaped like a star; having a star-like shape.
The stellate leaves were fascinating to observe.
gwiaździsty, w kształcie gwiazdy, promienisty, rozgwieżdżony
Lethargic, slow, inactive
English 4.0
Slow-moving or inactive; lacking energy or alertness.
He felt sluggish after the heavy meal.
ospały, powolny, leniwy, niemrawy
Clamber, hustle, struggle
English 4.0
To move or climb quickly but with difficulty, often using both hands and feet; also, a hurried or confused situation.
The kids scrambled over the rocks to reach the top.
wspinać się, bić się, mieszać, pośpiech
Shrivel, fade, decay
English 4.0
To become dry and shriveled; to lose vitality or freshness.
The flowers withered in the hot sun.
więdnąć, usychać, zasychać, tracić świeżość
Placated, satisfied, mollified
English 4.0
To bring to a state of peace or contentment; to pacify or conciliate.
The compromise appeased both parties.
uspokoić, zadowolić, złagodzić, przekupić
Plea, appeal, supplication
English 4.0
An earnest or humble request or plea.
Her entreaty for help was impossible to ignore.
błaganie, prośba, apel, usilna prośba
Unyielding, persistent, incessant
English 4.0
Unstoppably intense or harsh; showing no signs of stopping or lessening in intensity.
The relentless storm caused great damage.
nieustępliwy, nieprzerwany, bezlitosny, nieugięty
Caprice, fancifulness, playfulness
English 4.0
Playfully quaint or fanciful behavior or humor; capriciousness.
Her whimsy was both charming and unpredictable.
kaprys, dziwactwo, fantazyjność, kapryśność
Trace, remnant, relic
English 4.0
A trace or remnant of something that is disappearing or no longer exists.
The ancient ruins were a vestige of a lost civilization.
ślad, pozostałość, resztka, relikt
Assortment, collection, range
English 4.0
An impressive display or range of a particular type of thing.
The museum’s array of artifacts was stunning.
zestaw, kolekcja, szereg, rozmaitość
Frequency, regularity, recurrence
English 4.0
The quality or character of being periodic; the tendency to recur at intervals.
The periodicity of the comets was fascinating to astronomers.
okresowość, regularność, cykliczność, powtarzalność
Daytime, daily, active during the day
English 4.0
Active during the day; occurring every day.
The diurnal habits of the bird fascinated the watchers.
dziennoaktywny, codzienny, dobowy, dzienny
Deep-rooted, embedded, entrenched
English 4.0
Firmly fixed or established; difficult to change.
His ingrained habits were hard to break.
zakorzeniony, wrodzony, głęboko osadzony, nieodłączny
Secular, worldly, non-spiritual
English 4.0
Relating to worldly as opposed to spiritual affairs; also, relating to time.
The king’s temporal power was unmatched.
świecki, czasowy, doczesny, ziemski
Fortifications, battlements, parapets
English 4.0
Broad embankments surrounding a castle or fort, used for defense.
The soldiers guarded the ramparts vigilantly.
wały obronne, bastiony, umocnienia, mur obronny
Mislead, dupe, trick
English 4.0
To cause someone to believe something that is not true; to mislead.
He tried to deceive her with a false story.
oszukać, zwodzić, wprowadzać w błąd, mylić
Loose, lax, relaxed
English 4.0
Not tight, tense, or firm; slackness in terms of work or effort.
The rope was too slack to hold weight.
luźny, niedbały, bez napięcia, wiotki
Friendly, amiable, sociable
English 4.0
Friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to.
His affable nature made him popular at parties.
przyjazny, sympatyczny, towarzyski, łatwy w obyciu
Astound, flabbergast, overwhelm
English 4.0
To be overwhelmed by the thought or complexity of something; also, to hesitate.
The complexity of the puzzle boggled his mind.
przytłaczać, zbić z tropu, zadziwiać, zawahać się
Disturbing, disconcerting, disquieting
English 4.0
Causing unease or worry; disturbing.
The unsettling noise kept her awake at night.
niepokojący, zatrważający, niespokojny, wytrącający z równowagi
Unsettling, disturbing, troubling
English 4.0
Causing one to feel unsettled or confused.
His sudden change in behavior was disconcerting.
dezorientujący, niepokojący, zakłopotujący, zaskakujący
Eerie, supernatural, strange
English 4.0
Strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way.
She had an uncanny ability to predict events.
niesamowity, zadziwiający, tajemniczy, nadprzyrodzony
Intimidate, discourage, dismay
English 4.0
To make someone feel intimidated or apprehensive.
The challenge did not daunt her.
onieśmielać, zrażać, zniechęcać, przestraszyć
Competitiveness, rivalry, outdoing others
English 4.0
The technique or practice of gaining an advantage or feeling of superiority over another person.
The game of one-upmanship was tiresome to all involved.
przewyższanie, rywalizacja, wyścig szczurów, prześciganie się
Sweep somebody off their feet
Enthrall, captivate, charm
English 4.0
To completely overwhelm and enchant someone, typically romantically.
His charm swept her off her feet.
zadziwić kogoś, rozkochać w sobie, oczarować, zawrócić w głowie
Accident, stroke of luck, chance
English 4.0
An unlikely chance occurrence, especially a surprising piece of luck.
Her success was a fluke.
Fart, szczęśliwy traf, trafiło się ślepej kurze ziarno
Excess, unnecessary, extra
English 4.0
More than is needed, desired, or required; unnecessary excess.
The extra details were superfluous to the story.
zbędny, niepotrzebny, nadmierny, przesadny
Obstacle, impediment, barrier
English 4.0
Something that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something or someone.
The lack of funds was a major hindrance to the project.
przeszkoda, utrudnienie, zawada, zahamowanie
Impede, obstruct, hamper
English 4.0
To cause delay, interruption, or difficulty in; to impede.
Bad weather hindered our travel plans.
utrudniać, przeszkadzać, hamować, zawadzać
Junction (American)
Intersection, crossroads, confluence
English 4.0
A point where two or more things are joined; a road intersection or railway crossing.
Meet me at the junction of Fifth and Main.
skrzyżowanie, węzeł, złącze, połączenie
Angry, irritated, annoyed
English 4.0
Showing irritation or annoyance; also, to go or extend across.
She was cross after the long wait.
rozgniewany, rozirytowany, zły, przekraczać
Prairie, savannah, pasture
English 4.0
A large open area of country covered with grass, especially one used for grazing.
The vast grasslands stretched as far as the eye could see.
łąka, step, pastwisko, trawiaste obszary
Pasture, field, lea
English 4.0
A piece of grassland, especially one used for hay or as pasture for grazing animals.
Cows grazed peacefully in the meadow.
łąka, pastwisko, polana, obszar trawiasty
Turn away
Reject, refuse, dismiss
English 4.0
To refuse admittance or service to someone; also, to avert or divert something.
The club had to turn away many people due to overcrowding.
odprawić, odmówić, odwrócić się, nie przyjąć
Flashy, showy, ostentatious
English 4.0
Extravagantly bright or showy, typically so as to be tasteless.
The decorations were gaudy but festive.
krzykliwy, jaskrawy, tandetny, przesadny
Include, surround, encircle
English 4.0
To surround and have or hold within; to include comprehensively.
The study encompasses a broad range of topics.
obejmować, zawierać, otaczać, włączać
Spooky, creepy, strange
English 4.0
Strange and frightening; inspiring superstitious fear.
The eerie sounds made it hard to sleep at night.
niesamowity, upiorny, dziwny, z dreszczykiem
Uncontrolled, widespread, unrestrained
English 4.0
Growing or spreading unchecked; flourishing or spreading unchecked.
Crime was rampant in the neglected neighborhood.
szerzący się, nieokiełznany, gwałtowny, rozpowszechniony
Greedy, voracious, plundering
English 4.0
Aggressively greedy or grasping; excessively acquisitive.
The rapacious businessman exploited every opportunity.
łakomy, zachłanny, drapieżny, chciwy
A military unit consisting of several battalions; also, strict organization or control.
The regiment marched in perfect unison.
pułk, regiment, oddział, batalion
Brigade, battalion, troop
English 4.0
A mischievous or dishonest person, especially a playful one.
That little rascal stole the cookie from the jar!
łobuz, łajdak, urwis, szelma
Scoundrel, rogue, villain
English 4.0
Characteristic of a rascal; playfully mischievous or dishonest.
His rascally grin was impossible to resist.
łobuzerski, szelmowski, psotny, łajdacki
Roguish, mischievous, knavish
English 4.0
A junior officer in the British army; also, a subordinate or inferior in rank or position.
The subaltern saluted his superior with respect.
podporucznik, niższy rangą, podwładny, podoficer
Junior officer, subordinate, underling
English 4.0
To make more noticeable or prominent; to emphasize.
Her dress accentuated her blue eyes.
podkreślić, zaakcentować, uwypuklić, wyostrzyć
Emphasize, highlight, underscore
English 4.0
To show fear or apprehension; to shrink back in fear.
She quailed at the thought of speaking in public.
truchleć, zadrżeć, zanieść się, cofnąć się
Craven, cower, shrink
English 4.0
Causing fatigue or boredom; tedious or tiresome.
The lecture was so wearisome that I nearly fell asleep.
Tedious, tiring, boring
English 4.0
In a manner expressing sorrow or melancholy; mournfully.
She spoke plaintively of her lost youth.
smutno, żałośnie, lamentująco, żalosnym tonem
Sadly, mournfully, woefully
English 4.0
Preconceived opinion or bias, often unfair or harmful; also, damage or injury to a person’s rights.
His decisions were influenced by his prejudices.
uprzedzenie, przesąd, stronniczość, niechęć
Bias, discrimination, partiality
English 4.0
To answer back, often sharply or witty; also, to join again.
He rejoined the debate with a clever argument.
odpowiedzieć, rejońować, wrócić, dołączyć ponownie
Respond, retort, reply
English 4.0
Fundamental truths or realities, especially enduring ones.
She spoke simple verities that resonated with everyone.
prawdy, rzeczywistości, niezaprzeczalne fakty, pewniki
Truths, realities, certainties
English 4.0
To irritate or annoy, especially with trivial matters.
The constant noise from the street vexed him greatly.
drażnić, irytować, złościć, męczyć
Annoy, irritate, exasperate
English 4.0
Away from the correct path or direction; also, into error or morally wrong behavior.
The tourists went astray in the dense forest.
zabłąkany, na manowce, zagubiony, mylny
Amiss, off the path, lost
English 4.0
An undertaking with an uncertain outcome; also, to dare to do something risky.
He decided to venture into the unknown territory.
przedsięwzięcie, ryzyko, zaryzykować, odważyć się
Endeavor, enterprise, undertaking
English 4.0
To sing in a melodious, quavering voice, especially like a bird.
The bird warbled cheerfully from the tree.
ćwierkać, szczebiotać, trele, śpiew
Trill, chirp, sing
English 4.0
Lack of good sense; foolish actions or practices.
His youth was filled with the follies of inexperience.
głupstwa, niedorzeczności, nierozsądku, błędy
Absurdities, foolishness, imprudences
English 4.0
To capture again; also, to relive or experience again, especially positively.
He recaptured the joy of his childhood.
odzyskać, ponownie schwytać, przywrócić, rekaptura
Regain, recover, reclaim
English 4.0
To form, rise, and release bubbles in a liquid; also to move or proceed with a gentle, continuous motion.
The soup bubbled gently on the stove.
gotować na wolnym ogniu, bulgotać, pienić się, kipieć
Effervesce, fizz, froth
English 4.0
To move slowly or with difficulty, especially with the body close to the ground.
The baby crawled across the floor.
czołgać się, pełzać, raczkować, skradać się
Creep, slither, inch
English 4.0
The outer, marginal, or extreme part of an area, group, or sphere of activity.
Her ideas were on the fringe of current scientific thought.
frędzle, margines, obrzeża, peryferie
Edge, border, periphery
English 4.0
To lie back or down; to relax in a lying position.
He enjoyed reclining on the sofa after a long day.
leżący, odprężający się, wyciągnięty, oparty
Lying down, lounging, resting
English 4.0
A floor covering of thick woven material or animal skin, typically not covering the entire floor.
The colorful rug brightened the room.
dywanik, chodnik, mata, kobierzec
Carpet, mat, floor covering
English 4.0
A mass of small bubbles formed in or on a liquid; also, to form such bubbles.
The waves crashed against the shore, leaving foam behind.
piana, spienić, szumieć, pienista masa
Froth, lather, suds
English 4.0
The quality of being sharp, perceptive, or intense.
Her keenness of mind was evident in her quick responses.
bystrość, zaciętość, przenikliwość, entuzjazm
Eagerness, sharpness, acuteness
English 4.0
To spread or scatter things untidily over a surface or area.
Petals were strewn across the pathway for the wedding.
rozrzucać, posypywać, rozsiewać, rozmieszczać
Scatter, sprinkle, distribute
English 4.0
A light, regular sound such as that made by a clock or watch.
The tick of the clock was soothing in the quiet room.
tykanie, kleszcz, pukanie, odgłos zegara
Click, tock, beat
English 4.0
A violent windy storm, often with rain, snow, or hail.
The tempest raged outside, shaking the windows.
burza, nawałnica, wichura, sztorm
Storm, gale, squall
English 4.0
Lacking clear
shape or form; hazy or uncertain.
He had a vague idea of what he wanted to do.
Unclear, nebulous, indistinct
English 4.0
To be filled with intense but unexpressed anger; also, to bubble up as a liquid.
She was seething with anger over the injustice.
kłębić się, wrzeć, kipieć, gotować się ze złości
Boil, simmer, fume
English 4.0
A surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than another; a rising or falling surface.
The children sledded down the snowy slope.
stok, nachylenie, zbocze, spadek
Incline, gradient, slant
English 4.0
Involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and complicated in design.
The plan was so elaborate that it took hours to explain.
skomplikowany, rozbudowany, szczegółowy, opracowany
Detailed, intricate, complex
English 4.0
To be in a good or favorable condition, especially in terms of wealth or well-being.
He was well off after years of hard work.
być zamożnym, dobrze sytuowanym, zasobnym, opływać w dostatki
Be well of
Prosperous, affluent, well-to-do
English 4.0
A man’s personal male attendant, responsible for his clothes and appearance.
The valet carefully pressed his master’s suit.
służący, lokaj, osobisty asystent, kamerdyner
Manservant, attendant, butler
English 4.0
The identity and origins of one’s parents; also, the quality or state of being a parent.
Her parentage was a mix of Italian and Greek heritage.
rodzicielstwo, pochodzenie, ród, przodkowie
Ancestry, lineage, descent
English 4.0
To live or stay as a permanent resident; also, to focus attention on for a long time.
She dwelled in a small cottage by the sea.
mieszkać, przebywać, zamieszkiwać, rozpamiętywać
Reside, inhabit, live
English 4.0
Enough or more than enough; plentiful; also, large and accommodating.
The room was ample for their needs.
obszerny, wystarczający, obfity, przestronny
Abundant, plentiful, spacious
English 4.0
A woman holding a rank equivalent to duke in her own right; also, the wife or widow of a duke.
The duchess graced the ball with her presence.
księżna, diwka, arystokratka, władczyni
Noblewoman, aristocrat, lady
English 4.0
Easily achieved; superficial or too simplistic.
His facile answer did not satisfy the complex question.
łatwy, powierzchowny, prosty, płytki
Effortless, simple, superficial
English 4.0
The quality of being strong, durable, or firm; also, corpulence.
His stoutness was an advantage in the wrestling match.
krzepkość, tężyzna, moc, solidność
Robustness, strength, firmness
English 4.0
Lacking in style or neatness; old-fashioned and unattractive.
Her dowdy dress did not impress at the fashionable party.
niegustowny, staroświecki, niechlujny, przestarzały
Drab, unfashionable, frumpy
English 4.0
To be in a state of amazement or awe; to marvel.
She was in wonder at the beauty of the sunset.
dziwić się, podziwiać, być zdumionym, zachwycać się
Be in wonder
Amazed, astonished, marvel
English 4.0
To ask for information; to question.
I tried to inquire this information but to no avail
Trill, chirp, sing
Ask, question, probe
English 4.0
Lack of good sense; foolish actions or practices.
His youth was filled with the follies of inexperience.
głupstwa, niedorzeczności, nierozsądku, błędy
Absurdities, foolishness, imprudences
English 4.0
To capture again; also, to relive or experience again, especially positively.
He recaptured the joy of his childhood.
odzyskać, ponownie schwytać, przywrócić, rekaptura
Regain, recover, reclaim
English 4.0
To form, rise, and release bubbles in a liquid; also to move or proceed with a gentle, continuous motion.
The soup bubbled gently on the stove.
gotować na wolnym ogniu, bulgotać, pienić się, kipieć
Effervesce, fizz, froth
English 4.0
To move slowly or with difficulty, especially with the body close to the ground.
The baby crawled across the floor.
czołgać się, pełzać, raczkować, skradać się
Creep, slither, inch
English 4.0
The outer, marginal, or extreme part of an area, group, or sphere of activity.
Her ideas were on the fringe of current scientific thought.
frędzle, margines, obrzeża, peryferie
Edge, border, periphery
English 4.0
To lie back or down; to relax in a lying position.
He enjoyed reclining on the sofa after a long day.
leżący, odprężający się, wyciągnięty, oparty
Lying down, lounging, resting
English 4.0
A floor covering of thick woven material or animal skin, typically not covering the entire floor.
The colorful rug brightened the room.
dywanik, chodnik, mata, kobierzec
Carpet, mat, floor covering
English 4.0
To spread or scatter things untidily over a surface or area.
Leaves were strewn all over the lawn.
rozrzucać, posypywać, rozsiewać, rozmieszczać
Scatter, sprinkle, distribute
English 4.0
A mass of small bubbles formed in or on a liquid; also, to form such bubbles.
The waves crashed against the shore, leaving foam behind.
piana, spienić, szumieć, pienista masa
Froth, lather, suds
English 4.0
The quality of being sharp, perceptive, or intense.
Her keenness of mind was evident in her quick responses.
bystrość, zaciętość, przenikliwość, entuzjazm
Eagerness, sharpness, acuteness
English 4.0
A light, regular sound such as that made by a clock or watch.
The tick of the clock was soothing in the quiet room.
tykanie, kleszcz, pukanie, odgłos zegara
Click, tock, beat
English 4.0
A violent windy storm, often with rain, snow, or hail.
The tempest raged outside, shaking the windows.
burza, nawałnica, wichura, sztorm
Storm, gale, squall
English 4.0
Lacking clear shape or form; hazy or uncertain.
He had a vague idea of what he wanted to do.
niejasny, mglisty, niewyraźny, ogólnikowy
Unclear, nebulous, indistinct
English 4.0
To be filled with intense but unexpressed anger; also, to bubble up as a liquid.
She was seething with anger over the injustice.
kłębić się, wrzeć, kipieć, gotować się ze złości
Boil, simmer, fume
English 4.0
A surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than another; a rising or falling surface.
The children sledded down the snowy slope.
stok, nachylenie, zbocze, spadek
Incline, gradient, slant
English 4.0
Involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and complicated in design.
The plan was so elaborate that it took hours to explain.
skomplikowany, rozbudowany, szczegółowy, opracowany
Detailed, intricate, complex
English 4.0
To be in a good or favorable condition, especially in terms of wealth or well-being.
He was well off after years of hard work.
być zamożnym, dobrze sytuowanym, zasobnym, opływać w dostatki
Be well of
Prosperous, affluent, well-to-do
English 4.0
A man’s personal male attendant, responsible for his clothes and appearance.
The valet carefully pressed his master’s suit.
służący, lokaj, osobisty asystent, kamerdyner
Manservant, attendant, butler
English 4.0
The identity and origins of one’s parents; also, the quality or state of being a parent.
Her parentage was a mix of Italian and Greek heritage.
rodzicielstwo, pochodzenie, ród, przodkowie
Ancestry, lineage, descent
English 4.0
To live or stay as a permanent resident; also, to focus attention on for a long time.
She dwelled in a small cottage by the sea.
mieszkać, przebywać, zamieszkiwać, rozpamiętywać
Reside, inhabit, live
English 4.0
Enough or more than enough; plentiful; also, large and accommodating.
The room was ample for their needs.
obszerny, wystarczający, obfity, przestronny
Abundant, plentiful, spacious
English 4.0
A woman holding a rank equivalent to duke in her own right; also, the wife or widow of a duke.
The duchess graced the ball with her presence.
księżna, diwka, arystokratka, władczyni
Noblewoman, aristocrat, lady
English 4.0
Easily achieved; superficial or too simplistic.
His facile answer did not satisfy the complex question.
łatwy, powierzchowny, prosty, płytki
Effortless, simple, superficial
English 4.0
The quality of being strong, durable, or firm; also, corpulence.
His stoutness was an advantage in the wrestling match.
krzepkość, tężyzna, moc, solidność
Robustness, strength, firmness
English 4.0
Lacking in style or neatness; old-fashioned and unattractive.
Her dowdy dress did not impress at the fashionable party.
niegustowny, staroświecki, niechlujny, przestarzały
Drab, unfashionable, frumpy
English 4.0
To be in a state of amazement or awe; to marvel.
She was in wonder at the beauty of the sunset.
dziwić się, podziwiać, być zdumionym, zachwycać się
Be in wonder
Amazed, astonished, marvel
English 4.0
To seek information by asking a question; also, to make an official investigation.
She inquired about the train schedule.
pytać, dowiadywać się, zapytać, dociekać
Ask, question, probe
English 4.0
Lack of good sense; foolish actions or practices.
His youth was filled with the follies of inexperience.
głupstwa, niedorzeczności, nierozsądku, błędy
Absurdities, foolishness, imprudences
English 4.0
To capture again; also, to relive or experience again, especially positively.
He recaptured the joy of his childhood.
odzyskać, ponownie schwytać, przywrócić, rekaptura
Regain, recover, reclaim
English 4.0
To form, rise, and release bubbles in a liquid; also to move or proceed with a gentle, continuous motion.
The soup bubbled gently on the stove.
gotować na wolnym ogniu, bulgotać, pienić się, kipieć
Effervesce, fizz, froth
English 4.0
To move slowly or with difficulty, especially with the body close to the ground.
The baby crawled across the floor.
czołgać się, pełzać, raczkować, skradać się
Creep, slither, inch
English 4.0
The outer, marginal, or extreme part of an area, group, or sphere of activity.
Her ideas were on the fringe of current scientific thought.
frędzle, margines, obrzeża, peryferie
Edge, border, periphery
English 4.0
To lie back or down; to relax in a lying position.
He enjoyed reclining on the sofa after a long day.
leżący, odprężający się, wyciągnięty, oparty
Lying down, lounging, resting
English 4.0
A floor covering of thick woven material or animal skin, typically not covering the entire floor.
The colorful rug brightened the room.
dywanik, chodnik, mata, kobierzec
Carpet, mat, floor covering
English 4.0
To spread or scatter things untidily over a surface or area.
Leaves were strewn all over the lawn.
rozrzucać, posypywać, rozsiewać, rozmieszczać
Scatter, sprinkle, distribute
English 4.0
A mass of small bubbles formed in or on a liquid; also, to form such bubbles.
The waves crashed against the shore, leaving foam behind.
piana, spienić, szumieć, pienista masa
Froth, lather, suds
English 4.0
The quality of being sharp, perceptive, or intense.
Her keenness of mind was evident in her quick responses.
bystrość, zaciętość, przenikliwość, entuzjazm
Eagerness, sharpness, acuteness
English 4.0
A light, regular sound such as that made by a clock or watch.
The tick of the clock was soothing in the quiet room.
tykanie, kleszcz, pukanie, odgłos zegara
Click, tock, beat
English 4.0
A violent windy storm, often with rain, snow, or hail.
The tempest raged outside, shaking the windows.
burza, nawałnica, wichura, sztorm
Storm, gale, squall
English 4.0
Lacking clear shape or form; hazy or uncertain.
He had a vague idea of what he wanted to do.
niejasny, mglisty, niewyraźny, ogólnikowy
Unclear, nebulous, indistinct
English 4.0
To be filled with intense but unexpressed anger; also, to bubble up as a liquid.
She was seething with anger over the injustice.
kłębić się, wrzeć, kipieć, gotować się ze złości
Boil, simmer, fume
English 4.0
A surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than another; a rising or falling surface.
The children sledded down the snowy slope.
stok, nachylenie, zbocze, spadek
Incline, gradient, slant
English 4.0
Involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and complicated in design.
The plan was so elaborate that it took hours to explain.
skomplikowany, rozbudowany, szczegółowy, opracowany
Detailed, intricate, complex
English 4.0
To be in a good or favorable condition, especially in terms of wealth or well-being.
He was well off after years of hard work.
być zamożnym, dobrze sytuowanym, zasobnym, opływać w dostatki
Be well off
Prosperous, affluent, well-to-do
English 4.0
A man’s personal male attendant, responsible for his clothes and appearance.
The valet carefully pressed his master’s suit.
służący, lokaj, osobisty asystent, kamerdyner
Manservant, attendant, butler
English 4.0
The identity and origins of one’s parents; also, the quality or state of being a parent.
Her parentage was a mix of Italian and Greek heritage.
rodzicielstwo, pochodzenie, ród, przodkowie
Ancestry, lineage, descent
English 4.0
To live or stay as a permanent resident; also, to focus attention on for a long time.
She dwelled in a small cottage by the sea.
mieszkać, przebywać, zamieszkiwać, rozpamiętywać
Reside, inhabit, live
English 4.0
Enough or more than enough; plentiful; also, large and accommodating.
The room was ample for their needs.
obszerny, wystarczający, obfity, przestronny
Abundant, plentiful, spacious
English 4.0
A woman holding a rank equivalent to duke in her own right; also, the wife or widow of a duke.
The duchess graced the ball with her presence.
księżna, diwka, arystokratka, władczyni
Noblewoman, aristocrat, lady
English 4.0
Easily achieved; superficial or too simplistic.
His facile answer did not satisfy the complex question.
łatwy, powierzchowny, prosty, płytki
Effortless, simple, superficial
English 4.0
The quality of being strong, durable, or firm; also, corpulence.
His stoutness was an advantage in the wrestling match.
krzepkość, tężyzna, moc, solidność
Robustness, strength, firmness
English 4.0
Lacking in style or neatness; old-fashioned and unattractive.
Her dowdy dress did not impress at the fashionable party.
niegustowny, staroświecki, niechlujny, przestarzały
Drab, unfashionable, frumpy
English 4.0
To be in a state of amazement or awe; to marvel.
She was in wonder at the beauty of the sunset.
dziwić się, podziwiać, być zdumionym, zachwycać się
Be in wonder
Amazed, astonished, marvel
English 4.0
To seek information by asking a question; also, to make an official investigation.
She inquired about the train schedule.
pytać, dowiadywać się, zapytać, dociekać
Ask, question, probe
English 4.0
Relating to physical, especially sexual, needs and activities.
He was driven by carnal desires.
cielesny, zmysłowy, seksualny, fizyczny
Sensual, fleshly, physical
English 4.0
To delay or be slow in leaving or doing something.
Let’s not tarry; we have a long way ahead.
zwlekać, ociągać się, marudzić, zasiedzieć się
Linger, delay, loiter
English 4.0
Hard work or suffering; also, laborious effort.
After years of travail, he finally achieved his goals.
trud, męka, ciężka praca, wysiłek
Labor, toil, hardship
English 4.0
A collection or series of lies or false statements.
His excuse turned out to be a pack of lies.
kłamstwa, fałszywe twierdzenia, wymysły, oszustwa
A Pack of Lies
Falsehoods, fabrications, deceptions
English 4.0
To tremble or shake with a slight, rapid motion.
Her voice quivered with emotion.
drżeć, trząść się, dygotać, wibrować
Tremble, shiver, shake
English 4.0
To complain about something in a bad-tempered way.
He always grumbles about the weather.
narzekać, zrzędzić, marudzić, pomstować
Complain, murmur, grouse
English 4.0
To make (textiles or garments) by interlocking loops of yarn with needles.
She knit a warm scarf for the winter.
robić na drutach, pleść, łączyć, zszywać
Weave, interlace, intertwine
English 4.0
To express approval or agreement, typically officially.
The proposal received assent from all members.
zgoda, aprobata, akceptacja, przyzwolenie
Agreement, consent, approval
English 4.0
Having no money; extremely poor.
He arrived in the city penniless and alone.
bez grosza, biedny, ubogi, bez środków do życia
Impoverished, broke, destitute
English 4.0
Using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humor.
He gave a wry smile when he heard the joke.
krzywy, ironiczny, skrzywiony, sarkastyczny
Sarcastic, ironic, twisted
English 4.0
Wild or distraught with fear, anxiety, or other emotion.
She was frantic with worry about her missing dog.
szaleńczy, rozgorączkowany, wściekły, oszalały
Panicked, frenzied, hysterical
English 4.0
Twisted together in a confused mass; knotted.
Her hair was tangled after the windy day.
splątany, poplątany, zawikłany, skomplikowany
Knotted, entwined, twisted
English 4.0
In a manner showing great excitement or energy, often due to worry or illness.
He worked feverishly to meet the deadline.
gorączkowo, z podnieceniem, nerwowo, niecierpliwie
Frantically, excitedly, restlessly
English 4.0
A material made from twisted twigs or stems, often used for making furniture and baskets.
She sat in the comfortable wicker chair.
wiklina, plecionka, koszykarski, rattanowy
Rattan, cane, basketry
English 4.0
To run or travel somewhere in a great hurry; also, to strike or fling violently.
He dashed to catch the bus.
pędzić, rozbijać, rzucać, śpieszyć się
Sprint, rush, bolt
English 4.0
A sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behavior.
Her decisions were often guided by caprice rather than logic.
kaprys, zachcianka, grymas, fantazja
Whim, impulse, fancy
English 4.0
To move with quick, light, irregular movements; also, to be agitated or excited.
The curtains fluttered in the breeze.
trzepotać, poruszać, drgać, łopotać
Flap, wave, flicker
English 4.0
To move or cause to move slowly or rhythmically backward and forward or from side to side.
The trees swayed gently in the wind.
kołysać, wpływać, huśtać, wymachiwać
Influence, control, oscillate
English 4.0
To bend one’s body forward and downward; also, to lower oneself morally.
He stooped to tie his shoelaces.
pochylać się, schylać, garbić, przygarbić
Bend, crouch, bow
English 4.0
To think deeply about something that makes one unhappy, angry, or worried.
She brooded over her failed exam.
rozmyślać, zamartwiać się, rozpamiętywać, wysiadywać
Ponder, muse, dwell
English 4.0
To slope or lean in a particular direction; also, a biased point of view.
The roof slants at a steep angle.
pochyłość, nachylenie, skos, tendencja
Tilt, lean, angle
English 4.0
In a splendid or very impressive manner.
The team played splendidly, winning the match.
wspaniale, świetnie, znakomicie, wyśmienicie
Magnificently, excellently, superbly
English 4.0
To be in a state of amazement or awe; to marvel.
She was in wonder at the beauty of the sunset.
dziwić się, podziwiać, być zdumionym, zachwycać się
Be in wonder
Amazed, astonished, marvel
English 4.0
To ask for information; to question.
I found it pretty hard to inquire this information
zdobywać informację
Ask, question, probe
English 4.0
Lack of good sense; foolish actions or practices.
His youth was filled with the follies of inexperience.
głupstwa, niedorzeczności, nierozsądku, błędy
Absurdities, foolishness, imprudences
English 4.0
To capture again; also, to relive or experience again, especially positively.
He recaptured the joy of his childhood.
odzyskać, ponownie schwytać, przywrócić, rekaptura
Regain, recover, reclaim
English 4.0
To form, rise, and release bubbles in a liquid; also to move or proceed with a gentle, continuous motion.
The soup bubbled gently on the stove.
gotować na wolnym ogniu, bulgotać, pienić się, kipieć
Effervesce, fizz, froth
English 4.0
To move slowly or with difficulty, especially with the body close to the ground.
The baby crawled across the floor.
czołgać się, pełzać, raczkować, skradać się
Creep, slither, inch
English 4.0
The outer, marginal, or extreme part of an area, group, or sphere of activity.
Her ideas were on the fringe of current scientific thought.
frędzle, margines, obrzeża, peryferie
Edge, border, periphery
English 4.0
To lie back or down; to relax in a lying position.
He enjoyed reclining on the sofa after a long day.
leżący, odprężający się, wyciągnięty, oparty
Lying down, lounging, resting
English 4.0
A floor covering of thick woven material or animal skin, typically not covering the entire floor.
The colorful rug brightened the room.
dywanik, chodnik, mata, kobierzec
Carpet, mat, floor covering
English 4.0
To spread or scatter things untidily over a surface or area.
Leaves were strewn all over the lawn.
rozrzucać, posypywać, rozsiewać, rozmieszczać
Scatter, sprinkle, distribute
English 4.0
A mass of small bubbles formed in or on a liquid; also, to form such bubbles.
The waves crashed against the shore, leaving foam behind.
piana, spienić, szumieć, pienista masa
Froth, lather, suds
English 4.0
The quality of being sharp, perceptive, or intense.
Her keenness of mind was evident in her quick responses.
bystrość, zaciętość, przenikliwość, entuzjazm
Eagerness, sharpness, acuteness
English 4.0
A light, regular sound such as that made by a clock or watch.
The tick of the clock was soothing in the quiet room.
tykanie, kleszcz, pukanie, odgłos zegara
Click, tock, beat
English 4.0
A violent windy storm, often with rain, snow, or hail.
The tempest raged outside, shaking the windows.
burza, nawałnica, wichura, sztorm
Storm, gale, squall
English 4.0
Lacking clear shape or form; hazy or uncertain.
He had a vague idea of what he wanted to do.
niejasny, mglisty, niewyraźny, ogólnikowy
Unclear, nebulous, indistinct
English 4.0
To be filled with intense but unexpressed anger; also, to bubble up as a liquid.
She was seething with anger over the injustice.
kłębić się, wrzeć, kipieć, gotować się ze złości
Boil, simmer, fume
English 4.0
A surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than another; a rising or falling surface.
The children sledded down the snowy slope.
stok, nachylenie, zbocze, spadek
Incline, gradient, slant
English 4.0
Involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and complicated in design.
The plan was so elaborate that it took hours to explain.
skomplikowany, rozbudowany, szczegółowy, opracowany
Detailed, intricate, complex
English 4.0
To be in a good or favorable condition, especially in terms of wealth or well-being.
He was well off after years of hard work.
być zamożnym, dobrze sytuowanym, zasobnym, opływać w dostatki
Be well of
Prosperous, affluent, well-to-do
English 4.0
A man’s personal male attendant, responsible for his clothes and appearance.
The valet carefully pressed his master’s suit.
służący, lokaj, osobisty asystent, kamerdyner
Manservant, attendant, butler
English 4.0
The identity and origins of one’s parents; also, the quality or state of being a parent.
Her parentage was a mix of Italian and Greek heritage.
rodzicielstwo, pochodzenie, ród, przodkowie
Ancestry, lineage, descent
English 4.0
To live or stay as a permanent resident; also, to focus attention on for a long time.
She dwelled in a small cottage by the sea.
mieszkać, przebywać, zamieszkiwać, rozpamiętywać
Reside, inhabit, live
English 4.0
Enough or more than enough; plentiful; also, large and accommodating.
The room was ample for their needs.
obszerny, wystarczający, obfity, przestronny
Abundant, plentiful, spacious
English 4.0
A woman holding a rank equivalent to duke in her own right; also, the wife or widow of a duke.
The duchess graced the ball with her presence.
księżna, diwka, arystokratka, władczyni
Noblewoman, aristocrat, lady
English 4.0
Easily achieved; superficial or too simplistic.
His facile answer did not satisfy the complex question.
łatwy, powierzchowny, prosty, płytki
Effortless, simple, superficial
English 4.0
- The quality of being strong, durable, or firm; also, corpulence.
His stoutness was an advantage in the wrestling match.
krzepkość, tężyzna, moc, solidność
Robustness, strength, firmness
English 4.0
Lacking in style or neatness; old-fashioned and unattractive.
Her dowdy dress did not impress at the fashionable party.
niegustowny, staroświecki, niechlujny, przestarzały
Drab, unfashionable, frumpy
English 4.0
To be in a state of amazement or awe; to marvel.
She was in wonder at the beauty of the sunset.
dziwić się, podziwiać, być zdumionym, zachwycać się
Be in wonder
Amazed, astonished, marvel
English 4.0
To seek information by asking a question; also, to make an official investigation.
She inquired about the train schedule.
pytać, dowiadywać się, zapytać, dociekać
Ask, question, probe
English 4.0
Relating to physical, especially sexual, needs and activities.
He was driven by carnal desires.
cielesny, zmysłowy, seksualny, fizyczny
Sensual, fleshly, physical
English 4.0
To delay or be slow in leaving or doing something.
Let’s not tarry; we have a long way ahead.
zwlekać, ociągać się, marudzić, zasiedzieć się
Linger, delay, loiter
English 4.0
Hard work or suffering; also, laborious effort.
After years of travail, he finally achieved his goals.
trud, męka, ciężka praca, wysiłek
Labor, toil, hardship
English 4.0
A collection or series of lies or false statements.
His excuse turned out to be a pack of lies.
kłamstwa, fałszywe twierdzenia, wymysły, oszustwa
A Pack of Lies
Falsehoods, fabrications, deceptions
English 4.0
To tremble or shake with a slight, rapid motion.
Her voice quivered with emotion.
drżeć, trząść się, dygotać, wibrować
Tremble, shiver, shake
English 4.0
To complain about something in a bad-tempered way.
He always grumbles about the weather.
narzekać, zrzędzić, marudzić, pomstować
Complain, murmur, grouse
English 4.0
To make (textiles or garments) by interlocking loops of yarn with needles.
She knit a warm scarf for the winter.
robić na drutach, pleść, łączyć, zszywać
Weave, interlace, intertwine
English 4.0
To express approval or agreement, typically officially.
The proposal received assent from all members.
zgoda, aprobata, akceptacja, przyzwolenie
Agreement, consent, approval
English 4.0
Having no money; extremely poor.
He arrived in the city penniless and alone.
bez grosza, biedny, ubogi, bez środków do życia
Impoverished, broke, destitute
English 4.0
Using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humor.
He gave a wry smile when he heard the joke.
krzywy, ironiczny, skrzywiony, sarkastyczny
Sarcastic, ironic, twisted
English 4.0
An exclamation expressing surprise, annoyance, or disbelief.
Egad! I forgot my keys at home.
oj, psia krew, a niech mnie, och
Exclamation of surprise or exasperation
English 4.0
A man or boy; a person
(informal, UK, old-fashioned)
He’s a nice chap, always willing to help.
facet, gość, chłopak, koleś
Guy, fellow, man
English 4.0
Wild or distraught with fear, anxiety, or other emotion.
She was frantic with worry about her missing dog.
szaleńczy, rozgorączkowany, wściekły, oszalały
Panicked, frenzied, hysterical
English 4.0
To make or become silent; to calm or soothe.
Hush, the baby is finally asleep.
uciszyć, ucichnąć, zamilknąć, wyciszyć
Silence, quiet, still
English 4.0
To keep something secret or to prevent something from being known.
They tried to hush up the scandal.
Hush Up
Conceal, suppress, keep quiet
English 4.0
Twisted together in a confused mass; knotted.
Her hair was tangled after the windy day.
splątany, poplątany, zawikłany, skomplikowany
Knotted, entwined, twisted
English 4.0
In a manner showing great excitement or energy, often due to worry or illness.
He worked feverishly to meet the deadline.
gorączkowo, z podnieceniem, nerwowo, niecierpliwie
Frantically, excitedly, restlessly
English 4.0
To restrain or stop oneself from acting on an emotion; to suffocate.
She had to stifle a laugh during the meeting.
tłumić, dusić, powstrzymywać, zdusić
Suppress, smother, restrain
English 4.0
A material made from twisted twigs or stems, often used for making furniture and baskets.
She sat in the comfortable wicker chair.
wiklina, plecionka, koszykarski, rattanowy
Rattan, cane, basketry
English 4.0
To run or travel somewhere in a great hurry; also, to strike or fling violently.
He dashed to catch the bus.
pędzić, rozbijać, rzucać, śpieszyć się
Sprint, rush, bolt
English 4.0
A sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behavior.
Her decisions were often guided by caprice rather than logic.
kaprys, zachcianka, grymas, fantazja
Whim, impulse, fancy
English 4.0
To move with quick, light, irregular movements; also, to be agitated or excited.
The curtains fluttered in the breeze.
trzepotać, poruszać, drgać, łopotać
Flap, wave, flicker
English 4.0
To move or cause to move slowly or rhythmically backward and forward or from side to side.
The trees swayed gently in the wind.
kołysać, wpływać, huśtać, wymachiwać
Influence, control, oscillate
English 4.0
To bend one’s body forward and downward; also, to lower oneself morally.
He stooped to tie his shoelaces.
pochylać się, schylać, garbić, przygarbić
Bend, crouch, bow
English 4.0
To beat someone or something by doing or producing something better.
His argument was trumped by the new evidence.
przebić, przewyższyć, zwyciężyć, as
Outdo, surpass, triumph
English 4.0
An opening into a building or room, serving as an entrance.
He stood in the doorway, watching the rain.
drzwi, wejście, otwór, przejście
Threshold, entrance, portal
English 4.0
To slope or lean in a particular direction; also, a biased point of view.
The roof slants at a steep angle.
pochyłość, nachylenie, skos, tendencja
Tilt, lean, angle
English 4.0
In a splendid or very impressive manner.
The team played splendidly, winning the match.
wspaniale, świetnie, znakomicie, wyśmienicie
Magnificently, excellently, superbly
English 4.0
Feeling a surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, or inexplicable.
She gazed at the stars in wonder.
w zdumieniu, pełen podziwu, z zachwytem, w osłupieniu
In Wonder
Amazed, awestruck, astonished
English 4.0
A sudden sharp pain or painful emotion.
A pang of guilt struck him after the lie.
ukłucie, ból, przeszywający ból, nagły atak bólu
Twinge, spasm, ache
English 4.0
Lacking good manners, refinement, or grace.
His uncouth behavior embarrassed his friends.
nieokrzesany, prostacki, niegrzeczny, niezręczny
Rude, unrefined, coarse
English 4.0
A person or thing of a particular and often difficult or problematic nature.
He’s a real piece of work, always causing trouble.
trudna osoba, problem, wyzwanie, dziwak
Piece of Work
Difficult person, problem, challenge
English 4.0
An angry argument or disagreement, typically between people who are usually on good terms.
They had a quarrel over something trivial.
kłótnia, spór, awantura, niezgoda
Dispute, argument, brawl
English 4.0
Details, considerations, or pieces of information of little importance or value.
We spent the evening discussing all kinds of trivia.
drobiazgi, błahostki, ciekawostki, mało ważne informacje
Inconsequential details, minutiae, trifles
English 4.0
To pull or rip something apart or to pieces with force.
She tore the letter in frustration.
rozdzierać, rozrywać, drzeć, rozerwać
Rip, rend, split
English 4.0
To make a rapid succession of short, sharp sounds, as in shaking.
The windows rattled in the wind.
grzechotać, brzęczeć, trzaskać, dzwonić
Clatter, jangle, shake
English 4.0
Having grooves or ridges; shaped into a series of regular, hollow, vertical ridges.
The column was elegantly fluted.
kanelowany, żłobkowany, rowkowany, falowany
Ribbed, grooved, channeled
English 4.0
- To find or meet by chance.
- to behave in a way that makes people believe that you have a particular characteristic:
She came across an old friend in the street.
natknąć się, napotkać, trafić na, znaleźć przypadkiem
To jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force.
The cat leaped over the fence effortlessly.
skoczyć, przeskoczyć, rzucić się, podskoczyć
Jump, bound, spring
English 4.0
(especially of a person’s body) Thin, supple, and graceful.
Her lithe figure moved elegantly across the room.
zgrabny, gibki, smukły, elastyczny
Supple, flexible, graceful
English 4.0
To move away aimlessly from a group or from the right course or place.
The dog strayed from its home.
błąkać się, zabłąkać, oddalić się, zgubić
Wander, deviate, roam
English 4.0
To tear or pull something quickly or forcibly away from something or someone.
He ripped the poster off the wall.
rozdzierać, rozerwać, podrzeć, rozedrzeć
Tear, rend, slash
English 4.0
A liquid that is spread over a surface and dries to form a hard, shiny coating.
She applied varnish to the wooden table.
lakier, politura, werniks, pokrywać lakierem
Lacquer, glaze, finish
English 4.0
lHeavily loaded or weighed down.
The truck was laden with goods.
obładowany, obciążony, załadowany, pełen
Loaded, burdened, heavy
English 4.0
Deserving intense dislike or hatred; extremely unpleasant or repulsive.
His detestable behavior made everyone avoid him.
odrażający, wstrętny, nieznośny, obrzydliwy
Loathsome, abhorrent, repulsive
English 4.0
General or widespread hatred or disgust directed toward someone as a result of their actions.
He faced the odium of the public after the scandal.
nienawiść, odraza, potępienie, wstręt
Disgrace, abhorrence, contempt
English 4.0
Dark or dull in color or tone; gloomy, serious, or solemn.
The funeral was a sombre occasion.
ponury, mroczny, posępny, smutny
Gloomy, dark, melancholy
English 4.0
Faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support.
He swore fidelity to the king.
wierność, lojalność, oddanie, przysięga wierności
Loyalty, faithfulness, devotion
English 4.0
Excessive excitement, activity, or interest made about something trivial; to be overly concerned or fastidious.
She made a big fuss over the small scratch on the car.
zamieszanie, szum, awantura, krzątanina
Commotion, bother, ado
English 4.0
The following day; the next day.
I’ll see you on the morrow.
jutro, następny dzień, dzień późniejszy, kolejny dzień
Next day, following day, day after
English 4.0
A two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage accommodating two inside, with the driver seated behind.
They rode through the city in a hansom.
dorożka, bryczka, powóz, fiakra
Hansom cab, carriage, cab
English 4.0
A coal mine and the buildings and equipment associated with it.
The colliery operated day and night to meet demand.
kopalnia węgla, szyb kopalniany, zakład górniczy, kopalnia
Coal mine, mine, pit
English 4.0
To obtain something from a specified source; to come from a source or origin.
He derived great pleasure from painting.
pochodzić, czerpać, wywodzić się, pochodna
Obtain, acquire, stem from
English 4.0
Friendly and cheerful; warmly and pleasantly cheerful.
His genial nature made him popular among his peers.
przyjazny, sympatyczny, życzliwy, serdeczny
Friendly, affable, amiable
English 4.0
Avoidance of activity or exertion; laziness.
His indolence was evident by the state of his untidy room.
lenistwo, opieszałość, bezczynność, niemrawość
Laziness, idleness, slothfulness
English 4.0
Unusually or disproportionately large; excessive or immoderate.
He spent an inordinate amount of time watching TV.
Excessive, undue, unreasonable
English 4.0
Formally precise or proper, often excessively so; stiffly neat.
She sat with prim composure during the interview.
sztywny, wyprostowany, pedantyczny, pruderyjny
Formal, proper, prissy
English 4.0
To send off to a destination or for a purpose; also, quick, efficient action.
She dispatched the letter with urgency.
wysłać, ekspediować, załatwić sprawnie, przesłać
Send off, expedite, transmit
English 4.0
A transparent optical element that refracts light, often used to break light into a spectrum.
The prism split the light into a beautiful rainbow.
pryzmat, rozszczepiający światło, kryształ optyczny, spektrum
Spectrum, refractor, optical crystal
English 4.0
To walk in a leisurely or relaxed manner.
They enjoyed a peaceful stroll in the park.
spacerować, przechadzać się, wędrować, flanować
Saunter, amble, walk leisurely
English 4.0
Not previously considered or anticipated.
The solution was unthought of but brilliant.
nieprzewidziany, nieoczekiwany, nierozważony, niepomyślany
Unthought of
Unforeseen, unexpected, unconsidered
English 4.0
Behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability.
She always acted with decency and kindness.
przyzwoitość, odpowiedniość, godność, porządność
Propriety, decorum, appropriateness
English 4.0
A man excessively concerned with his appearance and clothes; a fop.
He dressed like a dandy and charmed everyone he met.
dandys, elegant, modniś, strojniś
Fop, gallant, exquisite
English 4.0
In a state of decline or deterioration.
The old mansion was going to the dogs.
pogarszać się, schodzić na psy, podupadać, zanikać
Going to the Dogs
Deteriorating, declining, worsening
English 4.0
To complain about something in a bad-tempered way.
He grumbled about the cold weather.
narzekać, zrzędzić, marudzić, burczeć
Complain, mutter, grouse
English 4.0
The area in front of a fireplace; also symbolizes home or family life.
They gathered around the hearth to share stories.
kominek, palenisko, ognisko domowe, serce domu
Fireplace, fireside, home
English 4.0
Deceptive or false talk or behavior; nonsense.
He dismissed the rumors as mere humbug.
bzdura, oszustwo, fałsz, szarlataneria
Nonsense, deception, trickery
English 4.0
To cover thinly with gold; also, to give a deceptively attractive appearance to something.
The artist gilded the frame beautifully.
pokryć złotem, pozłacać, upiększać, dekorować
Adorn, embellish, overlay
English 4.0
To form or shape into twists or spirals; also, a piece of hair that naturally forms a curve or loop.
Her hair curled softly around her face.
zakręcać, zwijać, loki, spirala
Twist, coil, loop
English 4.0
A tool with a long, sharp edge for carving or cutting hard materials; also, to shape or carve with a chisel.
The sculptor chiseled the marble with precision.
dłuto, rzeźbić, wykuć, wyżłobić
Carve, sculpt, engrave
English 4.0
- A type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name; also, to mark or label something.
- [literary] piece of wood used to give light
- Label someone or something (brand of a criminal)
The brand was known for its high-quality products.
marka, znak firmowy, oznaczyć, brandować
Trademark, label, mark
English 4.0
Not appropriate, suitable, or flattering; especially of behavior or dress.
*His behavior was unbecoming of a professional
nieodpowiedni, niestosowny, niewłaściwy, nieprzystojny
Inappropriate, unsuitable, improper
English 4.0
To burn or char the surface of something with sudden intense heat.
The chef seared the steak to perfection.
przypiekać, osmalić, przypalić, wysuszyć
Scorch, burn, char
English 4.0
To waste something, especially money or time, in a reckless or foolish manner.
He squandered his inheritance on trivial things.
marnować, trwonić, zaprzepaścić, roztrwonić
Waste, dissipate, misuse
English 4.0
Shaped like a star; having a star-like shape.
The stellate leaves were fascinating to observe.
gwiaździsty, w kształcie gwiazdy, promienisty, rozgwieżdżony
Star-shaped, starlike, radiate
English 4.0
Slow-moving or inactive; lacking energy or alertness.
He felt sluggish after the heavy meal.
ospały, powolny, leniwy, niemrawy
Lethargic, slow, inactive
English 4.0
To move or climb quickly but with difficulty, often using both hands and feet; also, a hurried or confused situation.
The kids scrambled over the rocks to reach the top.
wspinać się, bić się, mieszać, pośpiech
Clamber, hustle, struggle
English 4.0
To become dry and shriveled; to lose vitality or freshness.
The flowers withered in the hot sun.
więdnąć, usychać, zasychać, tracić świeżość
Shrivel, fade, decay
English 4.0
To bring to a state of peace or contentment; to pacify or conciliate.
The compromise appeased both parties.
uspokoić, zadowolić, złagodzić, przekupić
Placated, satisfied, mollified
English 4.0
An earnest or humble request or plea.
Her entreaty for help was impossible to ignore.
błaganie, prośba, apel, usilna prośba
Plea, appeal, supplication
English 4.0
Unstoppably intense or harsh; showing no signs of stopping or lessening in intensity.
The relentless storm caused great damage.
nieustępliwy, nieprzerwany, bezlitosny, nieugięty
Unyielding, persistent, incessant
English 4.0
Playfully quaint or fanciful behavior or humor; capriciousness.
Her whimsy was both charming and unpredictable.
kaprys, dziwactwo, fantazyjność, kapryśność
Caprice, fancifulness, playfulness
English 4.0
A trace or remnant of something that is disappearing or no longer exists.
The ancient ruins were a vestige of a lost civilization.
ślad, pozostałość, resztka, relikt
Trace, remnant, relic
English 4.0
An impressive display or range of a particular type of thing.
The museum’s array of artifacts was stunning.
zestaw, kolekcja, szereg, rozmaitość
Assortment, collection, range
English 4.0
The quality or character of being periodic; the tendency to recur at intervals.
The periodicity of the comets was fascinating to astronomers.
okresowość, regularność, cykliczność, powtarzalność
Frequency, regularity, recurrence
English 4.0
Active during the day; occurring every day.
The diurnal habits of the bird fascinated the watchers.
dziennoaktywny, codzienny, dobowy, dzienny
Daytime, daily, active during the day
English 4.0
Firmly fixed or established; difficult to change.
His ingrained habits were hard to break.
zakorzeniony, wrodzony, głęboko osadzony, nieodłączny
Deep-rooted, embedded, entrenched
English 4.0
Relating to worldly as opposed to spiritual affairs; also, relating to time.
The king’s temporal power was unmatched.
świecki, czasowy, doczesny, ziemski
Secular, worldly, non-spiritual
English 4.0
Broad embankments surrounding a castle or fort, used for defense.
The soldiers guarded the ramparts vigilantly.
wały obronne, bastiony, umocnienia, mur obronny
Fortifications, battlements, parapets
English 4.0
To cause someone to believe something that is not true; to mislead.
He tried to deceive her with a false story.
oszukać, zwodzić, wprowadzać w błąd, mylić
Mislead, dupe, trick
English 4.0
Not tight, tense, or firm; slackness in terms of work or effort.
The rope was too slack to hold weight.
luźny, niedbały, bez napięcia, wiotki
Loose, lax, relaxed
English 4.0
Friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to.
His affable nature made him popular at parties.
przyjazny, sympatyczny, towarzyski, łatwy w obyciu
Friendly, amiable, sociable
English 4.0
To be overwhelmed by the thought or complexity of something; also, to hesitate.
The complexity of the puzzle boggled his mind.
przytłaczać, zbić z tropu, zadziwiać, zawahać się
Astound, flabbergast, overwhelm
English 4.0
Causing unease or worry; disturbing.
The unsettling noise kept her awake at night.
niepokojący, zatrważający, niespokojny, wytrącający z równowagi
Disturbing, disconcerting, disquieting
English 4.0
Causing one to feel unsettled or confused.
His sudden change in behavior was disconcerting.
dezorientujący, niepokojący, zakłopotujący, zaskakujący
Unsettling, disturbing, troubling
English 4.0
Strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way.
She had an uncanny ability to predict events.
niesamowity, zadziwiający, tajemniczy, nadprzyrodzony
Eerie, supernatural, strange
English 4.0
To make someone feel intimidated or apprehensive.
The challenge did not daunt her.
onieśmielać, zrażać, zniechęcać, przestraszyć
Intimidate, discourage, dismay
English 4.0
The technique or practice of gaining an advantage or feeling of superiority over another person.
The game of one-upmanship was tiresome to all involved.
przewyższanie, rywalizacja, wyścig szczurów, prześciganie się
Competitiveness, rivalry, outdoing others
English 4.0
To completely overwhelm and enchant someone, typically romantically.
His charm swept her off her feet.
zadziwić kogoś, rozkochać w sobie, oczarować, zawrócić w głowie
Sweep somebody off their feet
Enthrall, captivate, charm
English 4.0
An unlikely chance occurrence, especially a surprising piece of luck.
Her success was a fluke.
Fart, szczęśliwy traf, trafiło się ślepej kurze ziarno
Accident, stroke of luck, chance
English 4.0
More than is needed, desired, or required; unnecessary excess.
The extra details were superfluous to the story.
zbędny, niepotrzebny, nadmierny, przesadny
Excess, unnecessary, extra
English 4.0
Something that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something or someone.
The lack of funds was a major hindrance to the project.
przeszkoda, utrudnienie, zawada, zahamowanie
Obstacle, impediment, barrier
English 4.0
To cause delay, interruption, or difficulty in; to impede.
Bad weather hindered our travel plans.
utrudniać, przeszkadzać, hamować, zawadzać
Impede, obstruct, hamper
English 4.0
A point where two or more things are joined; a road intersection or railway crossing.
Meet me at the junction of Fifth and Main.
skrzyżowanie, węzeł, złącze, połączenie
Junction (American)
Intersection, crossroads, confluence
English 4.0
- On street
- your mind
- annoy someone by defying
She was cross after the long wait.
rozgniewany, rozirytowany, zły, przekraczać
Angry, irritated, annoyed
English 4.0
A large open area of country covered with grass, especially one used for grazing.
The vast grasslands stretched as far as the eye could see.
łąka, step, pastwisko, trawiaste obszary
Prairie, savannah, pasture
English 4.0
A piece of grassland, especially one used for hay or as pasture for grazing animals.
Cows grazed peacefully in the meadow.
łąka, pastwisko, polana, obszar trawiasty
Pasture, field, lea
English 4.0
To refuse admittance or service to someone; also, to avert or divert something.
The club had to turn away many people due to overcrowding.
odprawić, odmówić, odwrócić się, nie przyjąć
Turn away
Reject, refuse, dismiss
English 4.0
Extravagantly bright or showy, typically so as to be tasteless.
The decorations were gaudy but festive.
krzykliwy, jaskrawy, tandetny, przesadny
Flashy, showy, ostentatious
English 4.0
To surround and have or hold within; to include comprehensively.
The study encompasses a broad range of topics.
obejmować, zawierać, otaczać, włączać
Include, surround, encircle
English 4.0
Strange and frightening; inspiring superstitious fear.
The eerie sounds made it hard to sleep at night.
niesamowity, upiorny, dziwny, z dreszczykiem
Spooky, creepy, strange
English 4.0
Growing or spreading unchecked; flourishing or spreading unchecked.
Crime was rampant in the neglected neighborhood.
szerzący się, nieokiełznany, gwałtowny, rozpowszechniony
Uncontrolled, widespread, unrestrained
English 4.0
Aggressively greedy or grasping; excessively acquisitive.
The rapacious businessman exploited every opportunity.
łakomy, zachłanny, drapieżny, chciwy
Greedy, voracious, plundering
English 4.0