Fiszki 10.0 Flashcards
English 10.0
festivo, sociable; gesellig, convivial.
Sociable, genial, warm, friendly, hospitable, affable, cordial, conviviality, gregarious
Having elements of a feast or of entertainment, especially with festivity in eating and drinking.
The group’s convivial atmosphere was infectious, drawing in passersby to join in the impromptu wine tasting and merry singing that filled the street on that lively summer evening.
towarzyski, radosny, przyjazny, serdeczny
English 10.0
penetrar, permear; durchdringen, verwirklichen
Permeate, penetrate, spread, diffuse, saturate, infuse
To be in every part of; to spread through.
The eerie atmosphere of the abandoned mansion began to pervade the group’s excitement, leaving them with a deep-seated feeling of unease.
przenikać, przepełniać, ogarniać, rozprzestrzeniać się
English 10.0
rogar, implorar; flehen, bitten
Entreat, implore, beg, plead, supplicate, request, petition.
to ask someone in a polite and serious way
The king’s desperate queen would beseech the mercy of the opposing ruler, hoping to spare her kingdom from the impending destruction.
błagać, prosić, zaklinać
English 10.0
A great amount of amusement, usually accompanied by laughter.
Amusement, laughter, merriment, glee, comedy
Think of a word that’s used to describe a solemn occasion, and imagine its complete opposite, with the addition of a loud ‘ah’ sound.
The stand-up comedian’s antics on stage escalated into unbridled hilarity, leaving the audience in stitches and gasping for air.
Wesołość, Rozbawienie, Śmiech
English 10.0
Disconcerting, annoying or repulsive; tending to put off.
Repulsive, unpleasant, distasteful, unappealing, annoying, irritating, repellent, disagreeable.
Think of a phrase often used to describe a pushy salesperson’s demeanor, and swap the word ‘salesperson’ with something more general that can fit any annoying situation.
The eerie hotel room with cobwebs in the corner and faded walls created an off-putting atmosphere that made it hard for Sarah to settle in for the night.
odpychający, zniechęcający, nieprzyjemny
English 10.0
nupcial, connubial; ehelich, Braut
Wedding, Marriage, Matrimonial, Conjugal, Bridal, Spousal.
Of or pertaining to wedding and marriage; capable of breeding, especially in animals.
The lavish nuptial celebration, complete with a string quartet and candlelit dinner, exceeded the bride’s wildest dreams.
zaślubinowy, małżeński, weselny
English 10.0
To change from liquid to solid or semi-solid state, especially due to cooling; to become thick and stiff
Freeze, solidify, harden, gel, set, stiffen, clot, solid.
Think of a cold, icy scene from a winter’s tale, and how words related to it might end similarly.
As the night fell and the temperature dropped, the puddle of spilled soup began to congeal into a thick, unappetizing gel on the kitchen floor.
stężeć, zastygnąć, coagulate
English 10.0
astuto, perspicaz; aufgeweckt, gewitzt
Astute, perceptive, discerning, clever, insightful, smart, ingenious, sharp, shrewd
Shrewdness; able to understand and being shrewd, well-informed and perceptive
As a seasoned businesswoman, Sarah’s savvy investor instincts led her to buy out the struggling company and turn it into a thriving success.
sprytny, obeznany, mądry, doświadczony
English 10.0
to be at the end of your tether
estar al límite, llegar al extremo; am Ende seiner Kräfte sein, die Geduld verlieren
At breaking point, at the end of one’s rope, fed up, exasperated, frustrated, at one’s wit’s end.
to be extremely tired or frustrated, unable to cope any longer
After dealing with a never-ending stream of complaints from her noisy neighbors, Sarah was at the end of her tether and decided to move to a quieter apartment.
być u granic wytrzymałości, być na skraju wytrzymałości, być w sytuacji bez wyjścia
English 10.0
viajando por el mundo, trotamundos; Reisender, Weltenbummler
traveling, wandering, roaming, voyaging, jet-setting, adventuring
Traveling to many different countries, especially for pleasure.
After quitting her mundane office job, Emily embarked on a thrilling globe-trotting adventure, backpacking across South America and island-hopping in Southeast Asia.
globtroterstwo, podróżowanie po świecie, zwiedzanie świata
English 10.0
Of, relating to, or connected with marriage
Marriage, matrimony, wedding, union, wedlock
Think of a similar word that starts with “Matr-“ in English and is related to weddings. The non-English word you are looking for has a similar root and ends in the suffix “-ial”.
The young couple’s nuptial ceremony was a grand affair, attended by family and friends from all over the city.
ślubny, małżeński
English 10.0
Altivo, vanidoso; hochmütig, überheblich
Arrogant, condescending, superior, snooty, disdainful, aloof, proud, imperious, high-handed
Conveying in demeanour the assumption of superiority; disdainful, supercilious.
The fashion model’s haughty demeanor and dismissive tone made her appear unapproachable to fans and reporters alike backstage at the runway show.
arogancki, wyniosły, dumny, nadęty
English 10.0
To cross, move from one side to the other; to make an idea evident and successfully explain a thought or feeling.
communicate, convey, transmit, express, impart, reveal, disclose, share.
Think of something you do to move over water, but also sounds like ‘get’ and ‘across’ when put together.
get across
During the heated debate, the speaker struggled to get across her message, as the opposing side constantly interrupted her.
przekazać, dotrzeć do, zrozumieć
English 10.0
- A clever trick or deceptive strategy
- A skillfully crafted object or device
- [Literary] The use of technical skill or craftsmanship
Ruse, Deception, Stratagem, Cunning, Guile, Trickery, Subterfuge, Dupery.
Think of something fake, almost like an “art” created to deceive.
The movie’s special effects relied on a sophisticated artifice of computer-generated imagery to create the illusion of a futuristic city.
sztuka, podstęp, oszustwo, wyrachowanie
English 10.0
To convince not to try or do.
Discourage, deter, dissuade, warn off, deter, deflect, divert, deflect.
‘persuade’, but the opposite action, think of a sound in ‘swade’ games like shade, parade, or trade.
Her parents tried to dissuade her from pursuing a career in acting, but she remained determined to follow her dreams.
odwieść, zniechęcić
English 10.0
Avoiding unnecessary expenditure or waste, using resources efficiently.
Thrifty, economical, parsimonious, stingy, prudent, frugal, miserly.
Think of a fruit often eaten in the summer, but add a sound from “rugal” rugs, not the expensive ones.
After winning the lottery, surprisingly, she chose to live a frugal life in her small hometown, donating the rest of her winnings to charity.
oszczędny, skromny, oszczędzający
English 10.0
Helping or giving support; supplementary or reserved for backup * (grammar) A verb that helps form tenses, moods, and voices of other verbs * A vessel equipped with both sails and engine
Accessory, Subsidiary, Additional, Supplemental, Supporting, Secondary
Think of an “extra pilot”, plus a suffix you often see in words related to ‘help’ or aid.
The auxiliary forces were deployed to assist the main troops during the critical battle, providing crucial support to their weak points.
pomocniczy, dodatkowy, wspomagający
English 10.0
rescate financiero, ayuda económica; Rettungspaket, Staatsbeihilfe
Rescue, subsidy, salvage, aid, relief, sponsorship
A financial rescue or emergency assistance; exiting an aircraft in flight; backup air supply for scuba diving.
The government authorized a massive bailout of the struggling bank to prevent a nationwide financial crisis.
ratunek, wsparcie finansowe, pomoc finansowa
English 10.0
Equilibrio, compostura; Haltung, Eleganz
Balance, Elegance, Refinement, Composure, Dignity
- Composure and graceful self-assurance; a state of balance or stability; dignified bearing or posture
- [Physics] Unit of dynamic viscosity
- [Archaic] Weight or counterweight
As she walked onto the stage to receive her award, the renowned actress exuded poise, her confident smile and elegant posture captivating the audience.
spokój, równowaga, postawa, umiar
English 10.0
Required or obligatory; mandatory; having the power of compulsion.
Mandatory, required, necessary, obligatory, enforced, compulsory
Think of what compels you.
As a condition of their employment contract, all new employees were required to undergo a compulsory training course on workplace safety and emergency procedures.
Obowiązkowy, przymusowy, obligatoryjny
English 10.0
To decrease in intensity, force, or amount; to subside or lessen; [Law] to nullify or put an end to
Diminish, decrease, reduce, lessen, mitigate, alleviate
Think of a word like ‘arate’ but change the first letter to a similar vowel-like sound found in words such as ‘about’ or ‘above’, and you’ll find a verb that fits the description.
As the storm began to lose intensity, the strong winds and heavy rainfall started to abate, bringing a sense of relief to the battered city.
łagodzić, zmniejszać, opadać
English 10.0
desproporcionado, excesivo; unverhältnismäßig, übermäßig
uneven, unbalanced, excessive, immoderate, asymmetrical, lopsided, disparate, irregular, unreasonable.
Not proportionate; out of proportion.
The new, luxurious skyscraper stood as a disproportionate monument amidst the small, humble cottages of the village.
nieproporcjonalny, niewspółmierny, nieadekwatny
English 10.0
sensible, influenciable; anfällig, empfindlich
Vulnerable, prone, sensitive, receptive, impressionable, open, responsive
Easily influenced, affected, or harmed by something; especially sensitive to physical or emotional effects; vulnerable to infection or disease
Her weak immune system made her more susceptible to catching colds and flu whenever she traveled to new places during the winter months.
podatny, wrażliwy, skłonny
English 10.0
amotinamiento, rebelión; Meuterei, Aufstand
Insurrection, uprising, rebellion, revolt, sedition.
An organized rebellion against authority, especially by seamen against their officers; violent commotion, tumult, or strife
The crew’s dissatisfaction with the harsh working conditions and meager pay eventually led to a full-blown mutiny, in which they overthrew the captain and took control of the ship.
bunt, rewolta, sprzeciw
English 10.0
Débil, Pálido; matt, blass
Pale, faint, weak, feeble, sickly, washed-out
Pale and sickly-looking; lacking vigor or brightness; showing little enthusiasm or interest
After a tiring day, her face had a wan expression, indicating that she was clearly exhausted and in need of rest.
blady, mdły, słaby
English 10.0
Have half a mind to
tener ganas de, sentir el deseo de; halb Lust haben, halbherzig sein
Be inclined to, want to, have a notion to, be tempted to, feel like, be in the mood to
To feel a strong but not quite decisive inclination or temptation to do something
After being stuck in traffic for hours, I have half a mind to just leave my car on the road and walk the rest of the way home.
Mieć pół ochoty na, Mieć zamiar, Mieć zamiar coś zrobić
English 10.0
resecar, chamuscar; abtrocknen, abbraten
Dry, Wither, Shrink, Desiccate, Dehydrate
To make extremely dry by heat; to scorch or burn the surface; to make very thirsty; [Regional: to boil slowly, as in parched peas]
After walking for hours under the scorching desert sun, she could feel her skin parch and crack, desperately seeking the relief of a cool oasis.
płonąć, parzyć, wysychać
English 10.0
realización, logro; Vollendung, Verwirklichung
Outcome, realisation, fulfillment, accomplishment, completion, attainment, actualisation.
- The fulfillment of something worked for
- The enjoyment derived from a possession
- The condition of bearing fruit
After years of patiently nurturing her rosebushes, she finally witnessed the fruition of her labor as the first delicate blooms unfolded into vibrant, fragrant flowers.
spełnienie, realizacja, wykonanie
English 10.0
Without the knowledge of
Unnoticed, unseen, unknown, unobserved, unsuspected.
Think of “known” and then consider its opposite, adding a prefix you might use with “employment”
The detective was secretly watching the suspect, unbeknownst to him, as he made his way through the crowded market.
nieznany, nieświadomy, nieznający, w ukryciu
English 10.0
tecnófobo, reaccionario; Technikfeind, Traditionalist
Technophobe, Philistine, Antiquarian, Conservative, Traditionalist
Someone who is opposed to or suspicious of new technology; a person who rejects or is slow to use technological innovations.
My grandmother, a self-proclaimed Luddite, still insists on using a paper map and a handwritten calendar instead of a smartphone.
Luddysta, przeciwnik postępu technologicznego
English 10.0
To erase, remove, or obscure something completely, often from memory, view, or existence; to destroy or ruin something.
Obscure, erase, eliminate, expunge, extinguish, conceal.
Remember a type of paper people use to absorb water, and think of something like erasing or removing a mark or an image completely, almost like “erase” but not exactly that word.
Blot out
The bright lights of the city skyline tended to blot out the faint stars in the night sky.
zatamować, wymazać, przesłonić, zatarć
English 10.0
Totally reprehensible.
Abhorrent, atrocious, depraved, detestable, odious, repugnant, repulsive.
Think of a word that resembles ‘heinous’ in sound when adding ‘crime’ before it, and what people call someone who commits it.
The judge described the brutal murder of the innocent child as a heinous crime that would haunt the community for years to come.
ohydny, potworny, zbrodniczy, haniebny
English 10.0
No me atrae, repelente; abstossend, abschreckend
Repulsive, unpleasant, distasteful, unappealing, annoying, irritating, repellent, disagreeable.
Disconcerting, annoying or repulsive; tending to put off.
The eerie hotel room with cobwebs in the corner and faded walls created an off-putting atmosphere that made it hard for Sarah to settle in for the night.
odpychający, zniechęcający, nieprzyjemny
English 10.0
To mock or taunt with insulting remarks; a mocking or derisive comment; [Nautical] a tackle for hoisting ship’s yards
Taunt, mock, jeer, scorn, deride, sneer.
Cheer but with a twist of spite.
The crowd began to jeer at the comedian’s outdated jokes, their mocking laughter and heckling ultimately forcing him to exit the stage.
wyśmiewać, szydzić, drwić, żartować
English 10.0
Get by
sobrevivir, subsistir; überleben, zurechtkommen
Survive, manage, subsist, cope, make do, scrape by, muddle through
To subsist; to succeed, survive, or manage, at least at a minimal level.
Although John struggled to communicate in French during his trip to Paris, he managed to get by using his phrasebook and a friendly hotel staff.
dać radę, przetrwać, poradzić sobie
English 10.0
A financial rescue or emergency assistance; exiting an aircraft in flight; backup air supply for scuba diving.
Rescue, subsidy, salvage, aid, relief, sponsorship
Think of a type of bond or security - ‘bail’ is also what you post to get out of jail.
The government authorized a massive bailout of the struggling bank to prevent a nationwide financial crisis.
ratunek, wsparcie finansowe, pomoc finansowa
English 10.0
imponente, grandioso; imposant, eindrucksvoll
intimidating, awe-inspiring, formidable, commanding, majestic, monumental, impressive, grandiose, statuesque, humbling.
Magnificent and impressive due to size, appearance, or dignity; to establish or enforce by authority [formal]
The ancient, imposing castle stood on the hill, its towering spires and grand architecture commanding the respect of everyone in the village below.
imponujący, majestatyczny, przytłaczający
English 10.0
To suddenly move back or pull away due to fear or pain
recoil, cringe, wince, flail, shrink, recoil, jerk, twitch.
Think of an insect that might make you react in this way.
to flinch
As the boxer prepared to take a punch from his opponent, he tried to steady himself and not flinch at the impending impact.
cofnąć się, wzdrygnąć się, zadrżeć, wycofać się
English 10.0
ahorrativo, económico; genügsam, sparsam
Thrifty, economical, parsimonious, stingy, prudent, frugal, miserly.
Avoiding unnecessary expenditure or waste, using resources efficiently.
After winning the lottery, surprisingly, she chose to live a frugal life in her small hometown, donating the rest of her winnings to charity.
oszczędny, skromny, oszczędzający
English 10.0
- Movement of tide flowing away from shore
- Gradual decline or decrease
- State of depression or low point
- [Zoology] European corn bunting bird
recede, decline, subside, wane, recede
Think of a word describing the opposite flow movement, and try to find its counterpart.
The tide began to ebb, revealing hidden caves and rocky formations that were previously submerged underwater.
odpływ, maleć, ustępować
English 10.0
Ligero, ventilado; luftig, locker
Light, breezy, airy, spacious, roomy, expansive, breezelike, ventilated.
Light and breezy; open to fresh air; lacking substance or seriousness; delicate or graceful
The grand ballroom, with its high ceilings and large windows, had an airy ambiance that made it perfect for showcasing elegant waltzes.
przestronny, przewiewny, lekki, eteryczny
English 10.0
Descarado, Atrevido; Frech, Draufgängerisch
Impertinent, cheeky, brazen, impudent, forthright, audacious.
- Overly bold, self-assertive, or tactless in behavior
- Bright or showy in a tasteless way
- Impetuous or rash in actions
- [Technical] Brittle, especially when referring to wood or vegetation
- [Archaic] A sudden burst of rain; a rash or eruption
The young entrepreneur’s brash claims that his start-up would revolutionize the industry left many potential investors skeptical.
zuchwały, bezczelny, arogancki
English 10.0
Luxuriant and ostentatiously magnificent; rich, sumptuous and extravagant.
Luxurious, sumptuous, lavish, extravagant, ostentatious, grandiose, affluent, resplendent.
Think of something you might find in an “open” space that sounds similar, but adds an air of luxury.
The luxurious mansion, adorned with crystal chandeliers, marble floors, and priceless artwork, was an opulent testament to the family’s extraordinary wealth and exquisite taste.
luksusowy, bogaty, wystawny, zamożny
English 10.0
To ignore or avoid talking about something unpleasant or difficult.
Downplay, trivialize, overlook, sidestep, evade, cover up, whitewash, brush off, minimize.
If you’re polishing something to make it shiny, think of a related verb, and then apply it to hiding a problem.
Gloss over something
The politician’s speech glossed over the controversy surrounding her party’s financial scandal, leaving many in the audience feeling uninformed and unsatisfied.
zbagatelizować coś, zatuszować coś, pomijać coś, prześlizgnąć się nad czymś
English 10.0
To become less severe, harsh, or strict; to give in after opposing something
yield, surrender, give in, soften, back down.
Think of a word that sounds like it could be related to someone’s “lent” period, in a figurative sense.
The determined fire chief refused to relent in his efforts to rescue the family trapped in the burning building.
ustępować, łagodzić, odpuścić
English 10.0
Careful and consistent in one’s work or efforts; showing a steady and earnest application
Hardworking, industrious, meticulous, thorough, conscientious, painstaking, devoted, assiduous.
There’s a chance you’ll find this word next to ‘l’, a lot, and close to a female deer.
Her diligent efforts in researching the subject, from sifting through numerous historical documents to conducting exhaustive fieldwork, culminated in a groundbreaking academic publication that gained her international recognition.
pilny, sumienny, pracowity
English 10.0
ocultar, esconder; verstecken, verschanzen
Settle, nestle, install, embed, implant, lodge, ensnare, shelter, retreat.
To place in a secure environment; settle comfortably.
As the storm raged outside, she decided to ensconce herself in a cozy corner of the library with a warm cup of coffee and a good book.
ukrywać, schować, zagnieździć
English 10.0
Sweet-smelling; having a pleasant strong scent or fragrance
Aromatic, perfumy, sweet-scented, pungent, scented, odoriferous.
Think of a place you’d find lovely scents, and a type of tree with a similar sound.
As she walked through the garden, the fragrant scent of blooming jasmine wafted through the air, instantly lifting her mood.
aromatyczny, pachnący, wonny
English 10.0
obligatorio, obligadory; obligatorisch, verpflichtend
Mandatory, required, necessary, obligatory, enforced, compulsory
Required or obligatory; mandatory; having the power of compulsion.
As a condition of their employment contract, all new employees were required to undergo a compulsory training course on workplace safety and emergency procedures.
Obowiązkowy, przymusowy, obligatoryjny
English 10.0
Loud and harsh; grating or piercing in sound; aggressively forceful in tone
Harsh, loud, shrill, cacophonous, discordant, ear-piercing, jarring, grating.
Think of a street and violent sounds
The strident sound of the squealing brakes on the city bus pierced through the morning air and woke up the sleeping pedestrians on the sidewalk.
głośny, przenikliwy, ostry, rzężący
English 10.0
- Decorative gathered or pleated strip of fabric used as trim
- To disturb or upset someone’s composure
- To make something no longer smooth (as wind does to hair)
- [Music] A low, vibrating drum beat
- [Zoology] A series of egg cases of certain marine snails
Crumple, wrinkle, rumple, corrugate, crease.
Think of a gentle sound a bird’s feathers might make, and a similar word that means to make someone angry.
The strong gust of wind managed to ruffle her carefully styled hair, rendering her hours of prep useless.
falbana, zmarszczka, zawirowanie
English 10.0
Lúgubre, Sombrío; trostlos, düster.
Gloomy, bleak, dismal, depressing, somber, dreary, melancholy.
Disappointingly inadequate; gloomy, bleak, and depressing.
The old, abandoned mansion on the hill had a dismal atmosphere, with crumbling walls and overgrown gardens that seemed to whisper tales of forgotten grandeur.
ponury, marny, przygnębiający, fatalny
English 10.0
Influence or power to make things happen; [British informal] a heavy blow, especially with the hand; [Baseball] a home run
Influence, power, status, prestige, authority, reputation, importance.
Some fashion item or a messy household residue has this sound.
As a renowned celebrity, her endorsement of the charity had considerable clout, raising millions of dollars in donations within the first week of the campaign.
wpływ, siła, prestiż
English 10.0
Deceitful or mischievous acts; causing discomfort or causing annoyance, especially playful mischief by children.
Mischief, hijinks, antics, mayhem, shenanigancy, monkey business, tomfoolery, capers, pranks.
Think of a leprechaun’s mischief in Ireland, sounds like a common Irish surname.
The group of mischievous roommates got caught red-handed by their landlord after months of suspicious shenanigans that included loud parties and allegedly hidden pets.
figle, psoty, wybryki, niegodziwości
English 10.0
tragar, sorber; glucksen, gurren
Gurgle, gulp, splash, slurp, gulp, swig.
- The sound of liquid being poured from a container
- A noisy burst of liquid when poured
- To drink or swallow liquid quickly
- To pour or flow with a gurgling noise
As the last bit of juice disappeared down her throat, she let out a satisfied glug, feeling the cool liquid trickle down her esophagus.
chlapnięcie, bulgotanie
English 10.0
regañar, reprender; tadeln, zurechtweisen
Scold, reprimand, reprove, rebuke, admonish.
To admonish in blame; to reproach angrily.
Her mother would gently chide her for speaking her mind too freely at the dinner table in front of their esteemed guests.
zbesztać, upominać, ganić, krytykować
English 10.0
apagado, insípido; matt, farblos
Dull, Uninspiring, Unenthusiastic, Unimpressive, Mediocre.
Lacking brightness, energy, or enthusiasm; dull or unimpressive
The new restaurant’s lacklustre service and uninspired menu made it a disappointment compared to the rave reviews that had initially drawn in customers.
matowy, bez wyrazu, nijaki
English 10.0
Incansable, inagotable; unermüdlich, unerschöpflich
Tireless, Energetic, Unwavering, Persistent, Unrelenting, Relentless, Steadfast, Unshakeable
Extremely persistent and untiring.
The famous nurse spent her entire career tirelessly working in disaster zones and war-stricken areas, earning her the reputation of being an indefatigable force for aid and recovery.
niewyczerpany, niezmordowany, niewątpliwy
English 10.0
repeler, desacreditar; widerlegen, entkräften
Disprove, contradict, deny, discredit, rebut.
To prove something to be false or incorrect; to deny the truth or correctness of something.
The scientist’s groundbreaking research effectively refuted the long-standing theory that the planet was formed solely from ice.
obalić, zdementować, podważyć, wyperswadować
English 10.0
to be extremely tired or frustrated, unable to cope any longer
At breaking point, at the end of one’s rope, fed up, exasperated, frustrated, at one’s wit’s end.
Think of a long rope and two common words with similar sounds that describe being extremely exhausted or a thread used for sewing.
to be at the end of your tether
After dealing with a never-ending stream of complaints from her noisy neighbors, Sarah was at the end of her tether and decided to move to a quieter apartment.
być u granic wytrzymałości, być na skraju wytrzymałości, być w sytuacji bez wyjścia
English 10.0
Precario, Inseguro; prekär, unsicher
Unstable, hazardous, uncertain, delicate, dangerous, risky, insecure, volatile.
Dangerously insecure or unstable; perilous; depending on the intention of another; relating to incipient caries [mainly dental].
The rock climber’s precarious position on the edge of the cliff made onlookers hold their breath in fear for her safety.
niepewny, chwiejny, ryzykowny, nieustabilizowany
English 10.0
To display or show off ostentatiously; to wave or flutter showily in the wind [archaic]
Show off, display, parade, exhibit, boast, swagger, prance.
If “sprout” and “vaunt” sound familiar, merge and switch a vowel.
She loved to flaunt her expensive diamond necklace at high-profile parties to showcase her newly acquired status.
zareklamować, popisywać się, afiszować się
English 10.0
High, tall; idealistic or extremely proud, arrogant; haughty.
High, elevated, towering, grandiose, majestic.
Think of an adjective that is high on emotions and sounds like a hole in the roof.
The grand, Gothic cathedral with its soaring spires and stunning stained-glass windows stood as a lofty monument to the city’s rich architectural heritage.
wzniosły, dumny, wysoki, szczytowy
English 10.0
Lacking brightness, energy, or enthusiasm; dull or unimpressive
Dull, Uninspiring, Unenthusiastic, Unimpressive, Mediocre.
Think of a word that’s the opposite of “lustre” - you might find in a jewellery store - and add the prefix for something that is missing or insufficient.
The new restaurant’s lacklustre service and uninspired menu made it a disappointment compared to the rave reviews that had initially drawn in customers.
matowy, bez wyrazu, nijaki
English 10.0
To make extremely dry by heat; to scorch or burn the surface; to make very thirsty; [Regional: to boil slowly, as in parched peas]
Dry, Wither, Shrink, Desiccate, Dehydrate
Similar to a common verb meaning to make dry and wither, but like a document.
After walking for hours under the scorching desert sun, she could feel her skin parch and crack, desperately seeking the relief of a cool oasis.
płonąć, parzyć, wysychać
English 10.0
A greenish-blue color; Sky-blue; Any of various lycaenid butterflies, typically blue or greenish-blue
Azure, Blue, Sapphire, Cobalt, Navy, Sky.
Think of a musical term and the sea, a color related to them is similar.
The artist carefully mixed a vibrant cerulean hue into her painting of a clear summer sky to capture the perfect shade of blue.
błękitny, cerulean
English 10.0
aborrecer, detestar; verabscheuen, hassen
Detest, loathe, despise, abjure, execrate, detestable, scorn, hate
To feel intense hatred, disgust, or loathing towards something; to detest completely [formal]
The activist passionately expressed her absolute disgust and strongly abhor the government’s inhumane treatment of the refugees in the overcrowded camps.
odrażać, nienawidzić, brzydzić się
English 10.0
- Friendly, sociable and comfortable meeting new people
- Departing or leaving (a position, place, or office)
- Ready to be sent out [for mail]
Sociable, extroverted, friendly, gregarious, talkative, convivial, affable, vivacious.
Think of the opposite of someone staying in a group, sounds like “go” with its opposite direction added at the end, and imagine the “out” part also being the initial direction of the word’s character.
As the life of the party, Rachel’s outgoing personality instantly drew the attention of everyone at the gathering and soon she was chatting with people from all walks of life.
towarzyski, otwarty, wychodzący
English 10.0
Producing a display of lustrous, rainbow-like colors, or brilliant, lustrous, or colorful.
Dazzling, shimmering, luminous, radiant, glittering, sparkling, lustrous, prismatic, resplendent, shimmering, scintillating.
Think of a beautiful butterfly or a diamond, and an adjective that starts with ‘ir’ like ‘iron’ but sounds more poetic.
The delicate butterfly’s wings shimmered with an iridescent glow as they caught the sunlight and danced across the garden.
irysowy, migotliwy, opalizujący
English 10.0
derrochador, gastador; Verschwender, Geldverschwendter
Wastrel, profligate, squanderer, extravagant person, lavish spender.
Someone who spends money improvidently or wastefully; extravagant or lavish in a way that is considered profligate and wasteful.
His extravagant lifestyle and tendency to splurge on luxury items earned him a reputation as a notorious spendthrift among his financially responsible friends.
rozrzutnik, marnotrawca
English 10.0
Mostly, generally; with few exceptions
On the whole, generally, mostly, largely, mainly, primarily
Think of a scale used for sailing boats and a phrase often said quickly, then combine their sounds.
by and large
The team, by and large, played an excellent game, despite a few individual mistakes that nearly cost them the championship title.
generalnie, w zasadzie, w dużej mierze, ogólnie rzecz biorąc
English 10.0
Cuajar, coagular; gerinnen, stocken
Coagulate, curd, clot, gel, congeal, solidify, set, thicken.
To form curds so that it no longer flows smoothly, typically in milk; to clot or coagulate blood; to cause a liquid to spoil and form clumps.
The chef’s attempt to make a light and airy omelette was ruined when the eggs began to curdle as soon as he added the boiling water.
zsiadłe mleko, skrzep, coagulate
English 10.0
A true but unwelcome statement.
unpleasant fact, harsh reality, bitter truth, unpalatable reality, unpleasant reality
“Homes” and a “cruel truth that’s often hard to hear”, sounds similar to “this popular place where the heart is”
home truth
Her father sat her down to discuss her spending habits, and gently revealed the uncomfortable home truth that she was going broke.
prawda życiowa, gorzka prawda, oczywista prawda
English 10.0
To feel a strong but not quite decisive inclination or temptation to do something
Be inclined to, want to, have a notion to, be tempted to, feel like, be in the mood to
Split in two, like a decision that’s divided.
Have half a mind to
After being stuck in traffic for hours, I have half a mind to just leave my car on the road and walk the rest of the way home.
Mieć pół ochoty na, Mieć zamiar, Mieć zamiar coś zrobić
English 10.0
perfeccionar, consumar; vervollkommnen, perfektionieren
Proficient, skilled, accomplished, expert, masterful
Extremely skilled or accomplished; or thoroughly completed
The renowned pianist’s consummate performance of Chopin’s Nocturne left the mesmerized audience in awe, a testament to her years of devoted practice and unwavering perfectionism.
zrealizować, doskonały, pełny, spełniony
English 10.0
congelar, solidificar; gefrieren, erkälten
Freeze, solidify, harden, gel, set, stiffen, clot, solid.
To change from liquid to solid or semi-solid state, especially due to cooling; to become thick and stiff
As the night fell and the temperature dropped, the puddle of spilled soup began to congeal into a thick, unappetizing gel on the kitchen floor.
stężeć, zastygnąć, coagulate
English 10.0
Magnificent and impressive due to size, appearance, or dignity; to establish or enforce by authority [formal]
intimidating, awe-inspiring, formidable, commanding, majestic, monumental, impressive, grandiose, statuesque, humbling.
Think of the word that sounds like “posing” but with an extra syllable at the beginning.
The ancient, imposing castle stood on the hill, its towering spires and grand architecture commanding the respect of everyone in the village below.
imponujący, majestatyczny, przytłaczający
English 10.0
To admonish in blame; to reproach angrily.
Scold, reprimand, reprove, rebuke, admonish.
Think of hiding from scolding with a ‘ch’.
Her mother would gently chide her for speaking her mind too freely at the dinner table in front of their esteemed guests.
zbesztać, upominać, ganić, krytykować
English 10.0
Resplandeciente, radiante; glanzvoll, strahlend
Magnificent, Dazzling, Stunning, Brilliant, Radiant, Gorgeous, Glorious, Splendid
Shiny and colourful, and thus pleasing to the eye; exhibiting the property of resplendency in Peano arithmetic.
The fireworks exploded in the night sky, creating a resplendent display of vibrant colors that left the entire crowd in awe.
wspaniały, olśniewający, promienny, błyszczący
English 10.0
To be in every part of; to spread through.
Permeate, penetrate, spread, diffuse, saturate, infuse
Think of something that invades, but in a subtle, widespread way; the ‘ade’ in lemonade may help you find this word.
The eerie atmosphere of the abandoned mansion began to pervade the group’s excitement, leaving them with a deep-seated feeling of unease.
przenikać, przepełniać, ogarniać, rozprzestrzeniać się
English 10.0
- Uninterrupted flow or connection in space or time
- Mathematical property of functions that change smoothly
- Consistency in storylines across multiple episodes or works
- Consistency between different shots in film
- [Broadcasting] Messages between TV or radio programs
Permanence, succession, coherence, flow, uniformity, consistency, steadiness, persistence, extension, prolongation.
Think of “continue” and add a suffix often used to form nouns related to states or processes.
The film editor worked tirelessly to ensure the continuity of the scenes, making sure that the main character’s hairstyle and outfit remained consistent throughout the movie.
ciągłość, kontynuacja
English 10.0
Timón, Dirección; Steuer, Ruder
Steering gear, helm, tiller, aerfoil, stabilizer
A flat, movable control surface used to steer a vessel in water or an aircraft in flight; [archaic] a riddle or sieve
As the captain gripped the worn wooden handle, he carefully adjusted the rudder to steer the vintage sailboat through the choppy waters of the stormy ocean.
ster, rura sterowa
English 10.0
- Overly bold, self-assertive, or tactless in behavior
- Bright or showy in a tasteless way
- Impetuous or rash in actions
- [Technical] Brittle, especially when referring to wood or vegetation
- [Archaic] A sudden burst of rain; a rash or eruption
Impertinent, cheeky, brazen, impudent, forthright, audacious.
Think of the sound in ‘Crash’ and add a royal touch.
The young entrepreneur’s brash claims that his start-up would revolutionize the industry left many potential investors skeptical.
zuchwały, bezczelny, arogancki
English 10.0
extrovertido, sociable; aufgeschlossen, gesellig
Sociable, extroverted, friendly, gregarious, talkative, convivial, affable, vivacious.
- Friendly, sociable and comfortable meeting new people
- Departing or leaving (a position, place, or office)
- Ready to be sent out [for mail]
As the life of the party, Rachel’s outgoing personality instantly drew the attention of everyone at the gathering and soon she was chatting with people from all walks of life.
towarzyski, otwarty, wychodzący
English 10.0
Shrewdness; able to understand and being shrewd, well-informed and perceptive
Astute, perceptive, discerning, clever, insightful, smart, ingenious, sharp, shrewd
Think of a word for a skillful sailor.
As a seasoned businesswoman, Sarah’s savvy investor instincts led her to buy out the struggling company and turn it into a thriving success.
sprytny, obeznany, mądry, doświadczony
English 10.0
iridiscente, opalino; irisierend, schillernd
Dazzling, shimmering, luminous, radiant, glittering, sparkling, lustrous, prismatic, resplendent, shimmering, scintillating.
Producing a display of lustrous, rainbow-like colors, or brilliant, lustrous, or colorful.
The delicate butterfly’s wings shimmered with an iridescent glow as they caught the sunlight and danced across the garden.
irysowy, migotliwy, opalizujący
English 10.0
muleta, bastón; Stock, Krücke
Support, prop, cane, aid, staff, walking stick.
- A support device used under the arm to help walking
- Something relied on for dependency or support, often unnecessarily
- [Archaic] The area where legs meet the body; a crotch
After the painful injury, Carlos had to rely on a crutch for several weeks to support his unsteady gait and alleviate the strain on his broken ankle while it healed.
kule, podpórka
English 10.0
To prove something to be false or incorrect; to deny the truth or correctness of something.
Disprove, contradict, deny, discredit, rebut.
Think of a word that completes “futebol” in Brazilian sports slang.
The scientist’s groundbreaking research effectively refuted the long-standing theory that the planet was formed solely from ice.
obalić, zdementować, podważyć, wyperswadować
English 10.0
Favorable to growth or yielding benefits.
productive, fertile, prolific, abundant, successful, thriving
Think of full, and a fruit often eaten with pits.
Her dedication and perseverance made her trip to Japan a fruitful experience, as she formed lasting connections and gathered valuable insights into the country’s culture.
owocny, produktywny, płodny
English 10.0
To form curds so that it no longer flows smoothly, typically in milk; to clot or coagulate blood; to cause a liquid to spoil and form clumps.
Coagulate, curd, clot, gel, congeal, solidify, set, thicken.
Sounds like “hurdle” but with a culinary twist and related to changes in milk or eggs.
The chef’s attempt to make a light and airy omelette was ruined when the eggs began to curdle as soon as he added the boiling water.
zsiadłe mleko, skrzep, coagulate
English 10.0
A temporary period of quiet or reduced activity; to soothe or calm someone, often by gentle sounds or motions
Soothe, calm, quiet, hush, tranquillize, pacify, gentle.
Think of a popular Christmas carol, then remove “a” from the verb inside it.
The gentle humming of the air conditioner’s motor began to lull her into a deep and soothing sleep.
kołysanie, uspokojenie, uśpienie
English 10.0
Traveling to many different countries, especially for pleasure.
traveling, wandering, roaming, voyaging, jet-setting, adventuring
Think of traveling, and what you might use to look at all the places you’d like to visit, and then add running to it.
After quitting her mundane office job, Emily embarked on a thrilling globe-trotting adventure, backpacking across South America and island-hopping in Southeast Asia.
globtroterstwo, podróżowanie po świecie, zwiedzanie świata
English 10.0
Apuestar, Jugar; Wetten, Glücksspiel
Betting, gaming, speculation, staking, poker, gaming
Betting or gambling, typically involving risking money on an uncertain outcome
The Las Vegas casinos thrive on the constant flow of tourists engaged in high-stakes wagering, many hoping to win big and beat the odds.
zakłady, hazard
English 10.0
A state of dreaming while awake or musing; a loose train of thought. * An extravagant imagination vision. * [Archaic] A caper or frolic, merriment.
Daydream, trance, fantasy, musing, meditation, abstraction, contemplation.
Think of a state similar to a daydream, and recall a word associated with ‘revere’.
As she strolled along the serene lake at sunset, she drifted into a gentle reverie, the sound of the water lapping against the shore mixing with the memories of her childhood summers.
marzenia, marzenia na jawie, zaduma, kontemplacja
English 10.0
- The fulfillment of something worked for
- The enjoyment derived from a possession
- The condition of bearing fruit
Outcome, realisation, fulfillment, accomplishment, completion, attainment, actualisation.
“Think of a fruit, but not to eat, think of when something reaches its final stage of development.”
After years of patiently nurturing her rosebushes, she finally witnessed the fruition of her labor as the first delicate blooms unfolded into vibrant, fragrant flowers.
spełnienie, realizacja, wykonanie
English 10.0
hilaridad, regocijo; Heiterkeit, Fröhlichkeit
Amusement, laughter, merriment, glee, comedy
A great amount of amusement, usually accompanied by laughter.
The stand-up comedian’s antics on stage escalated into unbridled hilarity, leaving the audience in stitches and gasping for air.
Wesołość, Rozbawienie, Śmiech
English 10.0
Arrullar, adormecer; Wiegen, einschläfern
Soothe, calm, quiet, hush, tranquillize, pacify, gentle.
A temporary period of quiet or reduced activity; to soothe or calm someone, often by gentle sounds or motions
The gentle humming of the air conditioner’s motor began to lull her into a deep and soothing sleep.
kołysanie, uspokojenie, uśpienie
English 10.0
To place in a secure environment; settle comfortably.
Settle, nestle, install, embed, implant, lodge, ensnare, shelter, retreat.
Sounds like “scone” and shares a sense of settling with another word that starts with “en” and ends with a verb you do to a ship.
As the storm raged outside, she decided to ensconce herself in a cozy corner of the library with a warm cup of coffee and a good book.
ukrywać, schować, zagnieździć
English 10.0
influencia, peso; Einfluss, Ansehen
Influence, power, status, prestige, authority, reputation, importance.
Influence or power to make things happen; [British informal] a heavy blow, especially with the hand; [Baseball] a home run
As a renowned celebrity, her endorsement of the charity had considerable clout, raising millions of dollars in donations within the first week of the campaign.
wpływ, siła, prestiż
English 10.0
- Not bright or clear; faint or weak
- To make or become less bright
- [Informal] Not intelligent or quick to understand
- [Often in phrase “take a dim view of”] Unfavorable or disapproving
Faint, Dull, Weak, Murky, Gloomy, Obscure, Shadowy
Think of a light switch, but this word is the opposite of bright.
The dim light in the old mansion cast long, ominous shadows on the walls as I walked through the abandoned halls.
przyćmiony, stłumiony, ciemny
English 10.0
Know something inside out
dominar a la perfección, conocer de memoria; im Grunde kennen, wie sie hinten hinausgeht
be familiar with, be well-versed in, be conversant with, master, grasp
to be extremely familiar with something
After decades of working at various positions within the company, the CEO knew the business inside out, from its intricate financial structures to the smallest details of its daily operations.
znać coś na wylot, dobrze coś znać, znać coś dogłębnie
English 10.0
Extremely skilled or accomplished; or thoroughly completed
Proficient, skilled, accomplished, expert, masterful
Sounds almost like the end action of a busy day with food.
The renowned pianist’s consummate performance of Chopin’s Nocturne left the mesmerized audience in awe, a testament to her years of devoted practice and unwavering perfectionism.
zrealizować, doskonały, pełny, spełniony
English 10.0
right on the money
En el clavo, estar en lo cierto; exakt richtig, auf den Punkt
spot on, exactly right, on the nail, on target, bang on, dead on, precisely
Completely accurate or exact; precisely correct.
The financial advisor’s prediction that the company’s stock would rise by 20% proved to be right on the money when the price surged to exactly that amount six months later.
w samą dziesiątkę, trafiony, wprost w sedno
English 10.0
The word “Nupital” refers to related to marriage. However, The term ‘nup
Marriage, matrimony, wedding, union, wedlock
Of, relating to, or connected with marriage
The young couple’s nuptial ceremony was a grand affair, attended by family and friends from all over the city.
ślubny, małżeński
English 10.0
Easily influenced, affected, or harmed by something; especially sensitive to physical or emotional effects; vulnerable to infection or disease
Vulnerable, prone, sensitive, receptive, impressionable, open, responsive
Think of a suspect, and the word that describes how they get caught, then remove “spect” and “ible” to reveal the key.
Her weak immune system made her more susceptible to catching colds and flu whenever she traveled to new places during the winter months.
podatny, wrażliwy, skłonny
English 10.0
To persist or continue to the end.
persevere, hang in there, hold on, endure, persist, remain, abide, see it through, keep going, push through.
Similar to an appendage made of wood used for walking.
stick it out
Although she found her new job challenging, Emily decided to stick it out for at least six months to gain some experience in the industry.
wytrzymać, przetrwać
English 10.0
disminuir, menguar; abebben, dahinschwinden
recede, decline, subside, wane, recede
- Movement of tide flowing away from shore
- Gradual decline or decrease
- State of depression or low point
- [Zoology] European corn bunting bird
The tide began to ebb, revealing hidden caves and rocky formations that were previously submerged underwater.
odpływ, maleć, ustępować
English 10.0
Leave one’s usual place of residence for a short trip, typically on a Friday to Monday.
Take a weekend break, get out of town, have a short trip, leave for a few days, take a mini vacation, go on a weekend getaway, have a brief escape, make a quick escape
Think of a similar phrase, but just for one night, and the word that completes ‘end the week’, then take away the shorter one, and break it down to the first part of that verb and ‘end’.
Go away for the weekend
After a long and exhausting week, Sarah and her husband decided to go away for the weekend to a beach resort to unwind and rejuvenate themselves.
Wybierz się na weekend, Wyjedź na weekend
English 10.0
Conveying in demeanour the assumption of superiority; disdainful, supercilious.
Arrogant, condescending, superior, snooty, disdainful, aloof, proud, imperious, high-handed
Think of an old boastful relative, and ‘high’ attitude, and how ‘eight’ letters might just take you to the correct word.
The fashion model’s haughty demeanor and dismissive tone made her appear unapproachable to fans and reporters alike backstage at the runway show.
arogancki, wyniosły, dumny, nadęty
English 10.0
Just beginning to exist or develop; emerging from nothing
Emergent, fledgling, incipient, immature, embryonic, developing, rudimentary
You might recall a word ending in ‘-cent’ related to a hundred. Think of a development stage, similar to ‘infant’ without the ‘i’.
The young startup’s nascent ideas for a sustainable future were recognized and funded by a prominent tech investor.
wschodzący, nowy, początkowy
English 10.0
An earlier case, decision, or event used as a guide or example for similar situations; an established custom or practice
Model, example, guideline, standard, benchmark, prototype, pattern.
Think of a word for “to come before” with a suffix like “student”.
The landmark court case set a precedent for future lawsuits involving environmental damage caused by corporate negligence.
precedens, przykład, ustalenie, poprzednik
English 10.0
atroz, nefasto; abscheulich, entsetzlich
Abhorrent, atrocious, depraved, detestable, odious, repugnant, repulsive.
Totally reprehensible.
The judge described the brutal murder of the innocent child as a heinous crime that would haunt the community for years to come.
ohydny, potworny, zbrodniczy, haniebny
English 10.0
Complete and careful in every detail; absolute or utter
Comprehensive, meticulous, exhaustive, detailed, methodical, thoroughgoing.
Similar sound to ‘through’ but meaning something is done carefully from start to finish.
The detective conducted a thorough investigation of the crime scene, meticulously examining every shred of evidence and interviewing multiple witnesses.
dokładny, skrupulatny, staranny
English 10.0
Disappointingly inadequate; gloomy, bleak, and depressing.
Gloomy, bleak, dismal, depressing, somber, dreary, melancholy.
“Sound similar to a disorder with sugar”
The old, abandoned mansion on the hill had a dismal atmosphere, with crumbling walls and overgrown gardens that seemed to whisper tales of forgotten grandeur.
ponury, marny, przygnębiający, fatalny
English 10.0
Someone who is opposed to or suspicious of new technology; a person who rejects or is slow to use technological innovations.
Technophobe, Philistine, Antiquarian, Conservative, Traditionalist
Think of a person who’s not a fan of Google, but loves textiles and industry in the 19th century.
My grandmother, a self-proclaimed Luddite, still insists on using a paper map and a handwritten calendar instead of a smartphone.
Luddysta, przeciwnik postępu technologicznego
English 10.0
- The sound of liquid being poured from a container
- A noisy burst of liquid when poured
- To drink or swallow liquid quickly
- To pour or flow with a gurgling noise
Gurgle, gulp, splash, slurp, gulp, swig.
Think of a drink that goes “gulp”.
As the last bit of juice disappeared down her throat, she let out a satisfied glug, feeling the cool liquid trickle down her esophagus.
chlapnięcie, bulgotanie
English 10.0
Continuidad, coherencia; Kontinuität, Kontinuierlichkeit
Permanence, succession, coherence, flow, uniformity, consistency, steadiness, persistence, extension, prolongation.
- Uninterrupted flow or connection in space or time
- Mathematical property of functions that change smoothly
- Consistency in storylines across multiple episodes or works
- Consistency between different shots in film
- [Broadcasting] Messages between TV or radio programs
`*The film editor worked tirelessly to ensure the continuity of the scen
ciągłość, kontynuacja
English 10.0
To subsist; to succeed, survive, or manage, at least at a minimal level.
Survive, manage, subsist, cope, make do, scrape by, muddle through
Remember the verb that sounds similar and means to acquire or obtain, it has the same ending.
Get by
Although John struggled to communicate in French during his trip to Paris, he managed to get by using his phrasebook and a friendly hotel staff.
dać radę, przetrwać, poradzić sobie
English 10.0
Light and breezy; open to fresh air; lacking substance or seriousness; delicate or graceful
Light, breezy, airy, spacious, roomy, expansive, breezelike, ventilated.
Think of “Hair” and then consider somewhere you might find it: outside where it’s free flowing.
The grand ballroom, with its high ceilings and large windows, had an airy ambiance that made it perfect for showcasing elegant waltzes.
przestronny, przewiewny, lekki, eteryczny
English 10.0
- A support device used under the arm to help walking
- Something relied on for dependency or support, often unnecessarily
- [Archaic] The area where legs meet the body; a crotch
Support, prop, cane, aid, staff, walking stick.
Think of something a witch might ride, and shorten it.
After the painful injury, Carlos had to rely on a crutch for several weeks to support his unsteady gait and alleviate the strain on his broken ankle while it healed.
kule, podpórka
English 10.0
precedente, antecedente; Vorgänger, Präzedenzfall
Model, example, guideline, standard, benchmark, prototype, pattern.
An earlier case, decision, or event used as a guide or example for similar situations; an established custom or practice
The landmark court case set a precedent for future lawsuits involving environmental damage caused by corporate negligence.
precedens, przykład, ustalenie, poprzednik
English 10.0
Later in relation to the proper time something should have happened
Late, delayed, overdue, tardy, postponed
Late, but in a way that’s slightly delayed from just that single word.
Her belated birthday wish to her sister was met with a mixture of gratitude and laughter, as it arrived a whole week after the actual celebration.
Opóźniony, Spóźniony, Zaległy
English 10.0
to flinch
encogerse, retroceder; zurückweichen, zusammenzucken
recoil, cringe, wince, flail, shrink, recoil, jerk, twitch.
To suddenly move back or pull away due to fear or pain
As the boxer prepared to take a punch from his opponent, he tried to steady himself and not flinch at the impending impact.
cofnąć się, wzdrygnąć się, zadrżeć, wycofać się
English 10.0
artimaña, ardid;List, Trick
Ruse, Deception, Stratagem, Cunning, Guile, Trickery, Subterfuge, Dupery.
- A clever trick or deceptive strategy
- A skillfully crafted object or device
- [Literary] The use of technical skill or craftsmanship
The movie’s special effects relied on a sophisticated artifice of computer-generated imagery to create the illusion of a futuristic city.
sztuka, podstęp, oszustwo, wyrachowanie
English 10.0
enrollarse, retorcerse; einrollen, aufwickeln
complicate, twist, entwine, confound, perplex, obfuscate
To make unnecessarily complex; to twist or coil into overlapping layers * [Botany] Describes a leaf rolled into a spiral with one edge inside and one outside
The politician’s response was deliberately convolute, weaving together vague statements and unrelated data to obscure the truth about the government’s involvement.
zawiły, pokręcony, skomplikowany
English 10.0
Go away for the weekend
salir de fin de semana, ir de fin de semana; verreisen am Wochenende, übers Wochenende wegfahren
Take a weekend break, get out of town, have a short trip, leave for a few days, take a mini vacation, go on a weekend getaway, have a brief escape, make a quick escape
Leave one’s usual place of residence for a short trip, typically on a Friday to Monday.
After a long and exhausting week, Sarah and her husband decided to go away for the weekend to a beach resort to unwind and rejuvenate themselves.
Wybierz się na weekend, Wyjedź na weekend
English 10.0
Lie through teeth
Hochstapeln, lügen; mentir descaradamente, decir una mentira.
Deceive, mislead, fabricate, distort, dishonest, dissemble, prevaricate, dissimulate.
To tell a blatant or obvious lie
When questioned by police, the suspect continued to lie through his teeth, denying any involvement in the crime despite overwhelming evidence against him.
kłamać w żywe oczy, oszukiwać, mijać się z prawdą
English 10.0
fructífero, provechoso; fruchtbar, ergiebig
productive, fertile, prolific, abundant, successful, thriving
Favorable to growth or yielding benefits.
Her dedication and perseverance made her trip to Japan a fruitful experience, as she formed lasting connections and gathered valuable insights into the country’s culture.
owocny, produktywny, płodny
English 10.0
Extremely persistent and untiring.
Tireless, Energetic, Unwavering, Persistent, Unrelenting, Relentless, Steadfast, Unshakeable
Think of a word that sounds like having lots of “fat” to keep going, similar to tireless, where one prefix is repeated.
The famous nurse spent her entire career tirelessly working in disaster zones and war-stricken areas, earning her the reputation of being an indefatigable force for aid and recovery.
niewyczerpany, niezmordowany, niewątpliwy
English 10.0
A film, novel, or other work with a sad, emotionally charged passage or ending, often causing the audience to cry.
Melodrama, sentimental drama, weepy, tragedy, sad story, sob story.
Think of droplets often associated with sad movies, and recall a song by Red Hot Chili Peppers.
The 90-year-old grandmother’s tearjerker of a farewell speech left everyone in the audience clutching tissues and struggling to hold back their emotions.
dramat, wzruszająca historia, sentymentalny utwór
English 10.0
on the whole
en general, globalmente; im Großen und Ganzen, insgesamt
generally, mostly, overall, by and large, for the most part, essentially, mainly
Mostly or generally, with some exceptions
While some students struggled with the difficult questions, on the whole the class performed exceptionally well on the language proficiency exam.
ogólnie, całościowo, w sumie
English 10.0
Betting or gambling, typically involving risking money on an uncertain outcome
Betting, gaming, speculation, staking, poker, gaming
Think of old pirate treasure hunts, then recall a type of bet called a ‘wager’.
The Las Vegas casinos thrive on the constant flow of tourists engaged in high-stakes wagering, many hoping to win big and beat the odds.
zakłady, hazard
English 10.0
Convalecencia, recuperación; Genesung, Erholung
Recovery, Recuperation, Restoration, Rehabilitation, Restoration to health
A gradual healing after illness or injury; the period of time spent healing.
After a long and grueling battle with illness, she spent several months in convalescence at a seaside resort, gradually regaining her strength and vitality.
rekonwalescencja, powrót do zdrowia, usprawnienie, rehabilitacja
English 10.0
Of or pertaining to wedding and marriage; capable of breeding, especially in animals.
Wedding, Marriage, Matrimonial, Conjugal, Bridal, Spousal.
Think ‘knot’ to tie the union.
The lavish nuptial celebration, complete with a string quartet and candlelit dinner, exceeded the bride’s wildest dreams.
zaślubinowy, małżeński, weselny
English 10.0
home truth
cruel verdad, realidad cruda; harte Wahrheit, unangenehme Wahrheit
unpleasant fact, harsh reality, bitter truth, unpalatable reality, unpleasant reality
A true but unwelcome statement.
Her father sat her down to discuss her spending habits, and gently revealed the uncomfortable home truth that she was going broke.
prawda życiowa, gorzka prawda, oczywista prawda
English 10.0
wash down a meal
tragar, acompañar; hinunterschlucken, herunterspülen
down a drink, quaff a beverage, drink with food, drink alongside a meal
to drink a liquid to accompany or help digest food
After finishing the spicy stir-fry, she reached for her glass of ice-cold milk to wash it down and alleviate the burning sensation in her throat.
popić posiłek, zmyć posiłek, przemyć posiłek
English 10.0
Lack of decision or purpose; vacillation.
Indecisiveness, hesitation, indecision, vacillation, ambivalence, uncertainty, doubt.
Think of a famous Shakespeare play with a similar root, or another word ending in ‘olution’ that people usually want to achieve.
Her inability to choose between two equally appealing job offers left her plagued by irresolution for weeks, affecting her overall mood and productivity.
niepewność, wahanie, niezdecydowanie
English 10.0
azul cielo, celeste; himmelblau, kobaltblau
Azure, Blue, Sapphire, Cobalt, Navy, Sky.
A greenish-blue color; Sky-blue; Any of various lycaenid butterflies, typically blue or greenish-blue
The artist carefully mixed a vibrant cerulean hue into her painting of a clear summer sky to capture the perfect shade of blue.
błękitny, cerulean
English 10.0
Shiny and colourful, and thus pleasing to the eye; exhibiting the property of resplendency in Peano arithmetic.
Magnificent, Dazzling, Stunning, Brilliant, Radiant, Gorgeous, Glorious, Splendid
Think of the sound of ‘respond’ with a stylish ‘lent’ ending.
The fireworks exploded in the night sky, creating a resplendent display of vibrant colors that left the entire crowd in awe.
wspaniały, olśniewający, promienny, błyszczący
English 10.0
Dangerously insecure or unstable; perilous; depending on the intention of another; relating to incipient caries [mainly dental].
Unstable, hazardous, uncertain, delicate, dangerous, risky, insecure, volatile.
Care for one’s ‘car’
The rock climber’s precarious position on the edge of the cliff made onlookers hold their breath in fear for her safety.
niepewny, chwiejny, ryzykowny, nieustabilizowany
English 10.0
ostentación, presumir; prahlen, protzen
Show off, display, parade, exhibit, boast, swagger, prance.
To display or show off ostentatiously; to wave or flutter showily in the wind [archaic]
She loved to flaunt her expensive diamond necklace at high-profile parties to showcase her newly acquired status.
zareklamować, popisywać się, afiszować się
English 10.0
mofar, burlar; verspotten, schmähen
Taunt, mock, jeer, scorn, deride, sneer.
To mock or taunt with insulting remarks; a mocking or derisive comment; [Nautical] a tackle for hoisting ship’s yards
The crowd began to jeer at the comedian’s outdated jokes, their mocking laughter and heckling ultimately forcing him to exit the stage.
wyśmiewać, szydzić, drwić, żartować
English 10.0
Mostly or generally, with some exceptions
generally, mostly, overall, by and large, for the most part, essentially, mainly
Think of “part” but the opposite, almost rhymes with “hole”.
on the whole
While some students struggled with the difficult questions, on the whole the class performed exceptionally well on the language proficiency exam.
ogólnie, całościowo, w sumie
English 10.0
capa, estrato; Lage, Schicht
fold, turn, twist, layer, bend
- A layer or thickness of material
- A strand twisted with others to form rope or yarn
- To work at something diligently; to use (a tool) steadily
- To travel a route regularly
- To persistently offer or press upon someone
- [Nautical] To sail against the wind by tacking
The experienced carpenter deftly began to ply her trade, expertly layering the wood strips to create a beautiful, sturdy chair.
plyta, warstwa, warkocz
English 10.0
ceder, ceder la presión; nachgeben, Eröffnen
yield, surrender, give in, soften, back down.
To become less severe, harsh, or strict; to give in after opposing something
The determined fire chief refused to relent in his efforts to rescue the family trapped in the burning building.
ustępować, łagodzić, odpuścić
English 10.0
To feel intense hatred, disgust, or loathing towards something; to detest completely [formal]
Detest, loathe, despise, abjure, execrate, detestable, scorn, hate
You might ‘adore’ the opposite of this word.
The activist passionately expressed her absolute disgust and strongly abhor the government’s inhumane treatment of the refugees in the overcrowded camps.
odrażać, nienawidzić, brzydzić się
English 10.0
A flat, movable control surface used to steer a vessel in water or an aircraft in flight; [archaic] a riddle or sieve
Steering gear, helm, tiller, aerfoil, stabilizer
Sounds like a bike part.
As the captain gripped the worn wooden handle, he carefully adjusted the rudder to steer the vintage sailboat through the choppy waters of the stormy ocean.
ster, rura sterowa
English 10.0
To make unnecessarily complex; to twist or coil into overlapping layers * [Botany] Describes a leaf rolled into a spiral with one edge inside and one outside
complicate, twist, entwine, confound, perplex, obfuscate
Think of objects you can twist together, the word is a cousin of ‘evolve’, and the verb form is similar to revolve.
The politician’s response was deliberately convolute, weaving together vague statements and unrelated data to obscure the truth about the government’s involvement.
zawiły, pokręcony, skomplikowany
English 10.0
house on fire
casa en llamas, incendio; brennendes Haus, Hausbrand
Emergency situation, urgent problem, crisis, chaotic state, disastrous event
a situation of extreme urgency or emergency
The paramedics quickly attended to John’s severely injured arm, treating it as a top priority as if the emergency room was a house on fire after news broke that the city’s hospital was running out of medical supplies.
dom w płomieniach, płonący dom
English 10.0
Blot out
Borrar, Eliminar; Auslöschen, Tilgen
Obscure, erase, eliminate, expunge, extinguish, conceal.
To erase, remove, or obscure something completely, often from memory, view, or existence; to destroy or ruin something.
The bright lights of the city skyline tended to blot out the faint stars in the night sky.
zatamować, wymazać, przesłonić, zatarć
English 10.0
- Composure and graceful self-assurance; a state of balance or stability; dignified bearing or posture
- [Physics] Unit of dynamic viscosity
- [Archaic] Weight or counterweight
Balance, Elegance, Refinement, Composure, Dignity
Think of a sports position, and how a dancer might balance from that position, also sounds like boys with ‘e’
As she walked onto the stage to receive her award, the renowned actress exuded poise, her confident smile and elegant posture captivating the audience.
spokój, równowaga, postawa, umiar
English 10.0
to avoid something or someone.
avoid, elude, evade, sidestep, dodge, circumvent.
Think direction, in driver’s terms, verb you give before navigating through obstacles, sounds sort of animal-ish
steer clear of
The locals advised tourists to steer clear of the rough neighborhood on the outskirts of town, citing numerous reports of petty theft and harassment.
unikać, trzymać się z daleka od, omijać
English 10.0
sustain a relationship
mantener, conservar; aufrechterhalten, pflegen
Maintain, nurture, cultivate, preserve, uphold, foster
Maintain or support over time, keeping love and affection alive, resolving conflicts and sharing interests, or to continue or keep something going by providing what it needs.
Couples who actively communicate and show affection towards each other are more likely to sustain a relationship through life’s inevitable ups and downs.
utrzymywać związek, podtrzymywać relację
English 10.0
get across
comunicar, expresar; verdeutlichen, vermitteln
communicate, convey, transmit, express, impart, reveal, disclose, share.
To cross, move from one side to the other; to make an idea evident and successfully explain a thought or feeling.
During the heated debate, the speaker struggled to get across her message, as the opposing side constantly interrupted her.
przekazać, dotrzeć do, zrozumieć
English 10.0
trapacerías, travesuras; Unfug, Schlawiniken
Mischief, hijinks, antics, mayhem, shenanigancy, monkey business, tomfoolery, capers, pranks.
Deceitful or mischievous acts; causing discomfort or causing annoyance, especially playful mischief by children.
The group of mischievous roommates got caught red-handed by their landlord after months of suspicious shenanigans that included loud parties and allegedly hidden pets.
figle, psoty, wybryki, niegodziwości
English 10.0
stick it out
aguantar, perseverar; durchhalten, ausharren
persevere, hang in there, hold on, endure, persist, remain, abide, see it through, keep going, push through.
To persist or continue to the end.
Although she found her new job challenging, Emily decided to stick it out for at least six months to gain some experience in the industry.
wytrzymać, przetrwać
English 10.0
altivo, elevado; erhaben, hoch
High, elevated, towering, grandiose, majestic.
High, tall; idealistic or extremely proud, arrogant; haughty.
The grand, Gothic cathedral with its soaring spires and stunning stained-glass windows stood as a lofty monument to the city’s rich architectural heritage.
wzniosły, dumny, wysoki, szczytowy
English 10.0
desatento, inconsciente; ahnungslos, unbewusst
Unaware, heedless, inattentive, unconscious, ignorant, careless, insensible, disconnected, unmindful.
Lacking awareness or unmindful; failing to remember.
Standing amidst the bustling city streets, the oblivious tourist continued to follow her outdated map, completely unaware that the landmark she sought had been demolished years ago.
nieświadomy, nieczuły, obojętny
English 10.0
Having elements of a feast or of entertainment, especially with festivity in eating and drinking.
Sociable, genial, warm, friendly, hospitable, affable, cordial, conviviality, gregarious
Think of the word that’s a synonym for ‘sociable’ and sounds similar to the word for a person’s companions.
The group’s convivial atmosphere was infectious, drawing in passersby to join in the impromptu wine tasting and merry singing that filled the street on that lively summer evening.
towarzyski, radosny, przyjazny, serdeczny
English 10.0
aromático, fragante; parfümiert, duftend
Aromatic, perfumy, sweet-scented, pungent, scented, odoriferous.
Sweet-smelling; having a pleasant strong scent or fragrance
As she walked through the garden, the fragrant scent of blooming jasmine wafted through the air, instantly lifting her mood.
aromatyczny, pachnący, wonny
English 10.0
aglomeración, trajín; Betrieb, Gewühle
Hustle, commotion, chaos, turmoil, hubbub, flurry
- Energetic or busy movement with fussiness
- Noisy, excited activity or commotion
- [Historical] A frame worn under a woman’s skirt to add fullness at the back
The holiday market was filled with a lively bustle of shoppers and street performers as Christmas Eve approached.
zgiełk, pośpiech, tłum, ruch
English 10.0
minucioso, exhaustivo; gründlich, ausführlich
Comprehensive, meticulous, exhaustive, detailed, methodical, thoroughgoing.
Complete and careful in every detail; absolute or utter
The detective conducted a thorough investigation of the crime scene, meticulously examining every shred of evidence and interviewing multiple witnesses.
dokładny, skrupulatny, staranny
English 10.0
Ensoñación, Sueño; Tagtraum, Schwärmerei
Daydream, trance, fantasy, musing, meditation, abstraction, contemplation.
A state of dreaming while awake or musing; a loose train of thought. * An extravagant imagination vision. * [Archaic] A caper or frolic, merriment.
As she strolled along the serene lake at sunset, she drifted into a gentle reverie, the sound of the water lapping against the shore mixing with the memories of her childhood summers.
marzenia, marzenia na jawie, zaduma, kontemplacja
English 10.0
arrastrarse, reptar; kriechen, winseln
Cringe, fawn, cower, abase, prostrate, crawl, cringe, kowtow
- To lie or crawl face down on the ground
- To behave in an excessively humble or submissive way, especially to gain favor
- [Rare] To take pleasure in base or mundane activities
The politician was forced to grovel before the public, issuing a lengthy apology for his scandalous remarks and desperately attempting to salvage his tarnished reputation.
lizać, płaszczyć się
English 10.0
sonido fuerte, estruendo; Krach, Getöse
Noise, clatter, racket, commotion, clamor, disturbance, hubbub
A loud, continuous and unpleasant noise; to make or fill with persistent noise; to repeat something continuously until it’s memorized
The loud din of construction outside my window made it impossible for me to concentrate on my work.
hałas, dźwięk, tupot
English 10.0
Pale and sickly-looking; lacking vigor or brightness; showing little enthusiasm or interest
Pale, faint, weak, feeble, sickly, washed-out
Think of an emotion that’s opposite of a positive one, then swap the first letter.
After a tiring day, her face had a wan expression, indicating that she was clearly exhausted and in need of rest.
blady, mdły, słaby
English 10.0
To flow with a bubbling sound; to make such a sound; a gurgling sound.
Bubble, chatter, gush, splash, babble, burble
Think of the sound a drain makes, and the verb starting with ‘G’ that’s similar to ‘bubble’ or ‘giggle’.
As the delicious champagne poured into the crystal flutes, a soft, happy gurgle erupted from the crowd as they raised their glasses in a toast.
bulgotanie, bulgot, szumienie
English 10.0
borbollar, gluglú; glucksen, gurgeln
Bubble, chatter, gush, splash, babble, burble
To flow with a bubbling sound; to make such a sound; a gurgling sound.
As the delicious champagne poured into the crystal flutes, a soft, happy gurgle erupted from the crowd as they raised their glasses in a toast.
bulgotanie, bulgot, szumienie
English 10.0
Lacking awareness or unmindful; failing to remember.
Unaware, heedless, inattentive, unconscious, ignorant, careless, insensible, disconnected, unmindful.
Think of an absent-minded professor, then consider these suffixes: -ious, -ite, -ist – remember the one related to blindness and then add the “ob-“ prefix.
Standing amidst the bustling city streets, the oblivious tourist continued to follow her outdated map, completely unaware that the landmark she sought had been demolished years ago.
nieświadomy, nieczuły, obojętny
English 10.0
to be extremely familiar with something
be familiar with, be well-versed in, be conversant with, master, grasp
Think of a phrase often used with ‘back’, which also has a word meaning very well.
Know something inside out
After decades of working at various positions within the company, the CEO knew the business inside out, from its intricate financial structures to the smallest details of its daily operations.
znać coś na wylot, dobrze coś znać, znać coś dogłębnie
English 10.0
Spanish: disuadir, desanimar; German: abraten, entmutigen
Discourage, deter, dissuade, warn off, deter, deflect, divert, deflect.
To convince not to try or do.
Her parents tried to dissuade her from pursuing a career in acting, but she remained determined to follow her dreams.
odwieść, zniechęcić
English 10.0
- A layer or thickness of material
- A strand twisted with others to form rope or yarn
- To work at something diligently; to use (a tool) steadily
- To travel a route regularly
- To persistently offer or press upon someone
- [Nautical] To sail against the wind by tacking
fold, turn, twist, layer, bend
Think of something wooden, and split one of its syllables off.
The experienced carpenter deftly began to ply her trade, expertly layering the wood strips to create a beautiful, sturdy chair.
plyta, warstwa, warkocz
English 10.0
steer clear of
evitar, eludir; vermeiden, umgehen
avoid, elude, evade, sidestep, dodge, circumvent.
to avoid something or someone.
The locals advised tourists to steer clear of the rough neighborhood on the outskirts of town, citing numerous reports of petty theft and harassment.
unikać, trzymać się z daleka od, omijać
English 10.0
oscuro, débil; schwach, trüb
Faint, Dull, Weak, Murky, Gloomy, Obscure, Shadowy
- Not bright or clear; faint or weak
- To make or become less bright
- [Informal] Not intelligent or quick to understand
- [Often in phrase “take a dim view of”] Unfavorable or disapproving
The dim light in the old mansion cast long, ominous shadows on the walls as I walked through the abandoned halls.
przyćmiony, stłumiony, ciemny
English 10.0
auxiliar, secundario; Hilfs-, Neben
Accessory, Subsidiary, Additional, Supplemental, Supporting, Secondary
Helping or giving support; supplementary or reserved for backup * (grammar) A verb that helps form tenses, moods, and voices of other verbs * A vessel equipped with both sails and engine
The auxiliary forces were deployed to assist the main troops during the critical battle, providing crucial support to their weak points.
pomocniczy, dodatkowy, wspomagający
English 10.0
by and large
en general, casi siempre; vor allem, zumeist
On the whole, generally, mostly, largely, mainly, primarily
Mostly, generally; with few exceptions
The team, by and large, played an excellent game, despite a few individual mistakes that nearly cost them the championship title.
generalnie, w zasadzie, w dużej mierze, ogólnie rzecz biorąc
English 10.0
- To lie or crawl face down on the ground
- To behave in an excessively humble or submissive way, especially to gain favor
- [Rare] To take pleasure in base or mundane activities
Cringe, fawn, cower, abase, prostrate, crawl, cringe, kowtow
Think of how dogs sometimes show affection.
The politician was forced to grovel before the public, issuing a lengthy apology for his scandalous remarks and desperately attempting to salvage his tarnished reputation.
lizać, płaszczyć się
English 10.0
A gradual healing after illness or injury; the period of time spent healing.
Recovery, Recuperation, Restoration, Rehabilitation, Restoration to health
Think of a large gathering, and the word for that, now add ‘con’ at the beginning and ‘ence’ at the end.
After a long and grueling battle with illness, she spent several months in convalescence at a seaside resort, gradually regaining her strength and vitality.
** rekonwalescencja, powrót do zdrowia, usprawnienie, rehabilitacja**
English 10.0
Maintain or support over time, keeping love and affection alive, resolving conflicts and sharing interests, or to continue or keep something going by providing what it needs.
Maintain, nurture, cultivate, preserve, uphold, foster
Think of a life support and a rock band, combine the first part of the word for that and maintenance with a human aspect
sustain a relationship
Couples who actively communicate and show affection towards each other are more likely to sustain a relationship through life’s inevitable ups and downs.
utrzymywać związek, podtrzymywać relację
English 10.0
Overused and lacking originality; worn-out or hackneyed; [Law] so well established as to be beyond debate
hackneyed, clichéd, overused, banal, mundane, commonplace, ordinary
Think of a phrase “rite of passage” and try changing just one letter.
The romantic comedy’s predictable plot and trite dialogue made it feel like just another cookie-cutter love story.
banalny, oklepany, banalny, pospolity
English 10.0
put something down to the fact that
atribuir a, achacar a,; zu dem Umstand führen, auf Rechnung bringen
blame on, attribute to, ascribe to, chalk up to, credit to, pin on
to believe or think that something is caused by a particular fact or situation
I put my exhaustion down to the fact that I had been traveling non-stop for 24 hours.
przypisać coś do faktu, że, zawdzięczać coś temu, że, tłumaczyć coś tym, że
English 10.0
cliché, superficial; banal, abgedroschen
hackneyed, clichéd, overused, banal, mundane, commonplace, ordinary
Overused and lacking originality; worn-out or hackneyed; [Law] so well established as to be beyond debate
The romantic comedy’s predictable plot and trite dialogue made it feel like just another cookie-cutter love story.
banalny, oklepany, banalny, pospolity
English 10.0
Gloss over something
ignorar, omitir; herunterspielen, kaschieren
Downplay, trivialize, overlook, sidestep, evade, cover up, whitewash, brush off, minimize.
To ignore or avoid talking about something unpleasant or difficult.
The politician’s speech glossed over the controversy surrounding her party’s financial scandal, leaving many in the audience feeling uninformed and unsatisfied.
zbagatelizować coś, zatuszować coś, pomijać coś, prześlizgnąć się nad czymś
English 10.0
fleißig, emsig; minucioso, esforzado
Hardworking, industrious, meticulous, thorough, conscientious, painstaking, devoted, assiduous.
Careful and consistent in one’s work or efforts; showing a steady and earnest application
Her diligent efforts in researching the subject, from sifting through numerous historical documents to conducting exhaustive fieldwork, culminated in a groundbreaking academic publication that gained her international recognition.
pilny, sumienny, pracowity
English 10.0
to believe or think that something is caused by a particular fact or situation
blame on, attribute to, ascribe to, chalk up to, credit to, pin on
It rhymes with “blame” and has a phrase with “square” that’s related.
put something down to the fact that
I put my exhaustion down to the fact that I had been traveling non-stop for 24 hours.
przypisać coś do faktu, że, zawdzięczać coś temu, że, tłumaczyć coś tym, że
English 10.0
to drink a liquid to accompany or help digest food
down a drink, quaff a beverage, drink with food, drink alongside a meal
Sounds like what a sailor might do before dinner, or reminds you of a drink you might find on a ‘menu’, and think of ‘down’ as a word related action.
wash down a meal
After finishing the spicy stir-fry, she reached for her glass of ice-cold milk to wash it down and alleviate the burning sensation in her throat.
popić posiłek, zmyć posiłek, przemyć posiłek
English 10.0
desconocido, ignorado; unbewusst, unerkannt
Unnoticed, unseen, unknown, unobserved, unsuspected.
Without the knowledge of
The detective was secretly watching the suspect, unbeknownst to him, as he made his way through the crowded market.
nieznany, nieświadomy, nieznający, w ukryciu
English 10.0
Someone who spends money improvidently or wastefully; extravagant or lavish in a way that is considered profligate and wasteful.
Wastrel, profligate, squanderer, extravagant person, lavish spender.
Think of a common verb related to money that rhymes with ‘end’.
His extravagant lifestyle and tendency to splurge on luxury items earned him a reputation as a notorious spendthrift among his financially responsible friends.
rozrzutnik, marnotrawca
English 10.0
A loud, continuous and unpleasant noise; to make or fill with persistent noise; to repeat something continuously until it’s memorized
Noise, clatter, racket, commotion, clamor, disturbance, hubbub
Consider a dinner, minus the “ner” part.
The loud din of construction outside my window made it impossible for me to concentrate on my work.
hałas, dźwięk, tupot
English 10.0
Completely accurate or exact; precisely correct.
spot on, exactly right, on the nail, on target, bang on, dead on, precisely
Think of a phrase often exclaimed when a sports player successfully scores, and add two more words that match something good, which brings you a certain amount - that would hit the exact desired phrase.
right on the money
The financial advisor’s prediction that the company’s stock would rise by 20% proved to be right on the money when the price surged to exactly that amount six months later.
w samą dziesiątkę, trafiony, wprost w sedno
English 10.0
- Energetic or busy movement with fussiness
- Noisy, excited activity or commotion
- [Historical] A frame worn under a woman’s skirt to add fullness at the back
Hustle, commotion, chaos, turmoil, hubbub, flurry
It rhymes with hustle, or think of a busy bust on a statue.
The holiday market was filled with a lively bustle of shoppers and street performers as Christmas Eve approached.
zgiełk, pośpiech, tłum, ruch
English 10.0
indecisión, indecibilidad; Unschlüssigkeit, Entschlusslosigkeit
Indecisiveness, hesitation, indecision, vacillation, ambivalence, uncertainty, doubt.
Lack of decision or purpose; vacillation.
Her inability to choose between two equally appealing job offers left her plagued by irresolution for weeks, affecting her overall mood and productivity.
niepewność, wahanie, niezdecydowanie
English 10.0
lagrimón, dramón; Tränenrührer, Gefühlsdrama
Melodrama, sentimental drama, weepy, tragedy, sad story, sob story.
A film, novel, or other work with a sad, emotionally charged passage or ending, often causing the audience to cry.
The 90-year-old grandmother’s tearjerker of a farewell speech left everyone in the audience clutching tissues and struggling to hold back their emotions.
dramat, wzruszająca historia, sentymentalny utwór
English 10.0
estridente, chillón; grell, schrill
Harsh, loud, shrill, cacophonous, discordant, ear-piercing, jarring, grating.
Loud and harsh; grating or piercing in sound; aggressively forceful in tone
The strident sound of the squealing brakes on the city bus pierced through the morning air and woke up the sleeping pedestrians on the sidewalk.
głośny, przenikliwy, ostry, rzężący
English 10.0
emergente,incipiente; entstehend, naszierend
Emergent, fledgling, incipient, immature, embryonic, developing, rudimentary
Just beginning to exist or develop; emerging from nothing
The young startup’s nascent ideas for a sustainable future were recognized and funded by a prominent tech investor.
wschodzący, nowy, początkowy
English 10.0
Not proportionate; out of proportion.
uneven, unbalanced, excessive, immoderate, asymmetrical, lopsided, disparate, irregular, unreasonable.
Think of “proportion” and then multiply that thought by something excessive, and what sounds would that add? Imagine giving “proportion” a really big sibling.
The new, luxurious skyscraper stood as a disproportionate monument amidst the small, humble cottages of the village.
nieproporcjonalny, niewspółmierny, nieadekwatny
English 10.0
To tell a blatant or obvious lie
Deceive, mislead, fabricate, distort, dishonest, dissemble, prevaricate, dissimulate.
Think of a famous Pinocchio’s facial feature that grows when he’s dishonest and associate it with another verb of saying something that’s not true.
Lie through teeth
When questioned by police, the suspect continued to lie through his teeth, denying any involvement in the crime despite overwhelming evidence against him.
kłamać w żywe oczy, oszukiwać, mijać się z prawdą
English 10.0
a situation of extreme urgency or emergency
Emergency situation, urgent problem, crisis, chaotic state, disastrous event
Think of a British home and a flame.
house on fire
The paramedics quickly attended to John’s severely injured arm, treating it as a top priority as if the emergency room was a house on fire after news broke that the city’s hospital was running out of medical supplies.
dom w płomieniach, płonący dom
English 10.0
disminuir, mitigar; verringern, abschwächen
Diminish, decrease, reduce, lessen, mitigate, alleviate
To decrease in intensity, force, or amount; to subside or lessen; [Law] to nullify or put an end to
As the storm began to lose intensity, the strong winds and heavy rainfall started to abate, bringing a sense of relief to the battered city.
łagodzić, zmniejszać, opadać
English 10.0
to ask someone in a polite and serious way
Entreat, implore, beg, plead, supplicate, request, petition.
The king’s desperate queen would beseech the mercy of the opposing ruler, hoping to spare her kingdom from the impending destruction.
błagać, prosić, zaklinać
English 10.0
An organized rebellion against authority, especially by seamen against their officers; violent commotion, tumult, or strife
Insurrection, uprising, rebellion, revolt, sedition.
Think of a monkey, but change some letters.
The crew’s dissatisfaction with the harsh working conditions and meager pay eventually led to a full-blown mutiny, in which they overthrew the captain and took control of the ship.
bunt, rewolta, sprzeciw
English 10.0
arrugar, encolerizar; kräuseln, zerzausen
Crumple, wrinkle, rumple, corrugate, crease.
- Decorative gathered or pleated strip of fabric used as trim
- To disturb or upset someone’s composure
- To make something no longer smooth (as wind does to hair)
- [Music] A low, vibrating drum beat
- [Zoology] A series of egg cases of certain marine snails
The strong gust of wind managed to ruffle her carefully styled hair, rendering her hours of prep useless.
falbana, zmarszczka, zawirowanie
English 10.0
con retraso, atrasado; verspätet, verzögert
Late, delayed, overdue, tardy, postponed
Later in relation to the proper time something should have happened
Her belated birthday wish to her sister was met with a mixture of gratitude and laughter, as it arrived a whole week after the actual celebration.
Opóźniony, Spóźniony, Zaległy