Energy Systems Flashcards
Chemical energy
- Carbohydrates
- Fats
- Protein
Chemical waste
- Carbon dioxide
- Water
Food for energy
Amino acids+Glucose=Anaerobic
Fatty acids+Gluecose=Aerobic
Breakdown of ATP
- ATP has three phosphate molecules
- ATPase takes one of them (leaving just two)
- This causes a release of energy (exothermic)
- This changes ATP into ADP
- The store of ATP in the muscle cell is exhausted quickly (2-3 seconds)
ATP-PC system
Type: Anaerobic
Fuel: Phosphocreatine (PC)
Site: (Muscle) Sarcopasm
Enzyme: Creatine Kinase (CK)
Yield: 1:1
Process: Phosphocreatine is broken down into phosphate and creatine and energy is released
Products: None
- Simple compound so rapid reaction to break it down
- Doesn’t require O2 so it is fast. No by-products
- Provides high intensity explosive energy
- Fuel (PC) is stored in the muscles - easily available
- PC is quickly resynthesised (No delay)
- Small amounts of ATP/PC stored in muscles and cells
- Provides energy to resynthesise ATP for 8-10 seconds
- Leads to rapid fatigue after 8-10 seconds
- Low ATP yeild
Glycolytic system
Type; Anaerobic
Fuel: Glycogen
Site: (Muscle) Sarcoplasm
Enzyme: PFK
Yield: 1:2 ATP
Process: Glycogen>Glucose>Pyruvic acid>Lactic acid
Products: Lactic acid
Intensity: High Intensity
Duration: 10 seconds to 3 minutes
- Large glycogen stores (Muscles/Liver/Blood)
- Resynthesise 2 ATP. No delay (O2 not needed)
- LA can be recycled and used for fuel production
- Provides energy quickly for high intensity
- GPP and PFK activated due to decrease in PC
- Low yield, recovery can be lengthy
- Creates fatigue and produces lactic acid
- Not as fast as ATP-PC system
- Reduces pH which inhibits enzyme activity
- Stimulates pain receptors
Aerobic system
Type: Aerobic
Fuel: Glycogen
Site: Mitochondria
Enzyme: PFK/GPP
Yield: 38:1
Process: 3 stages
Intensity: Moderate-Low
Duration: 3+ Minutes
- Large potential glycogen and FFA stores avaliable/large food stores
- Efficient ATP resynthesis (38)
- There is no fatigue
- Good for endurance
- Lasts forever is fuels are replaced
- Delay for O2 delivery/slow re synthesis
- Limited to sub-maximal work
- Slow to metabolise, takes a while to engage
- Complex reaction and recovery
Aerobic system method
1. Glucose->Pyruvic acid (PFK catalyses)
2. Releases 2 ATP
3. O2 is sufficient/pyruvic acid->lactic acid
4. Link reaction to produce acetylCoA
5. Catalysed by COE enzyme A
6. Allows access to mitochondria
7. AcetylCoA and oxaloacetic combine
8. Forms citric acid (oxidises through reactions)
9. CO2/hydrogen/energy are released
10. 2 ATP are released
11. H atoms carried through EEC by NAD and FAD
12. Splits H into ions and electrons
13. Ions = oxidised, remved as H2O
14. Electrons = carried away by NAD
15. Releases 30 ATP
16. Those carried away by FAD release 4 ATP