Endocrone 5 Flashcards
Infantile hypothyroidism
Not enough thyroid hormone
Infantile hypothyroidism symptoms
- low metabolic rate
- cold interolerant
- growth is retarded
- brain development
Cause of infantile hypothyroidism
- lack of iodine in mothers dies
- mother iodine supplemtaion is recommended throughout the whole of pregnancy
HYPOSECRETION: not enough thyroid hormone in new BØRNS
Iodine dificiency disorder
- thyroud gland is unable to make enough thyroid hormone (TH)
- when stored the TH is depleted, TRH and TSH secretion increase to stimulate the thyroid gland to make more TH
- without iodine, TH cannot be made
Result of iodine dificeny disorder (simple Goitre)
- loss of negative feedback control and over stimulation of the thyroid glan
- excess TSH stimulates growth of the thyroid gland
- thyroid gland enlarges with continual stimulation by TSH (loss of negative feedback control as there is an inadequate concentration of iodine to make TH)
Graves’ disease cause
- too much thyroid hormone (hypersecretion) as a result of AUTOIMMUIMITY: - antibodies bind to receptor to realise hormone
Autoimmune disorder
Symptoms of Graves’ disease
- high metabolic rate
- weight loss
- heat intolerant
- increased heart rate
- nervousness
- hair loss
- exophthalmos
- thyroid swelling
Hyperparathyroidism symptoms
- bones become soft, deformed and fragile
- raises the blood levels of calcium and phosphate ions
- promotes formation of kidney stones composed of calcium phosphate
What happens when calcium is too high
Hypercalcaemia symptoms
- nerve and muscle cells less responsive and excitable
- can lead to depression of the nervous system, emotional disturbances, muscle weakness, sluggish reflexes
- if plasma levels are signicaicnly elevated it can lead to cardiac arrest
If calcium is too low
Symptoms to hypocalcemia
- if low enough can have spontaneous depolarisations
Increased excitability of the nervous system - leads to muscle tremors, spasms or cramps (tetany)
- when very low: get Whenverylow:getparaesthesia
(tingling/burning sensation) in hands and
face, muscle cramps, and in some cases the Saladin, Anatomy and Physiology,
muscles of the larynx may contract tightly (laryngospasm), which can shut off air flow and cause suffocation
What is hypocalcemia caused by
• Causedby:
• Vitamin D deficiency
• Diarrhoea
• Thyroid tumors: unregulated C-cells producing calcitonin • Underactive (or removal of) parathyroid glands
• Pregnancy and lactation
Type 1 diabetics mellitus
HYPOSECRETION: too little or no insulin secreted
Cause: can be causes by destruction of pancreatic Beta cells but the immune system
Outcome: glucosuria, polyuria, diabetic, heart problems
Treatment: insulin injections or infusion - can’t be in tablet as insulin is a peptide hormone
Under normal circumstances all the glucose that is filtered in the kidneys comes back into the body - important fuel source as its the only one the brain can use - but when they’re is too much some wont be taken back into the body fast enough and will go into secretion thus the body - GLUCOSUREA
Glucose is osmitically active meaning it will take water with it thus polyuria
Type 2 diabetes mellitus
HYPOSENSITIVE: too little or no response to insulin: ‘insulin resistance’ - signal isn’t getting throug - receptor isn’t responding properly anymore
CAuse: desensitisation of insulin receptor - associated with obesity. The insulin receptors have been exposed to too high blood sugar for too long damaging them
Outcome: glucosuria, polyuria
Treatment: canchages in diet and exercise - varies medication
How is diabetes mellitus diagnosed?
- cannot take single blood glucose measurement:
- need to check response to glucose (glucose tolerance test), insulin levels, and longer-term exposure (HbA1C test)
Addisons diesease
- lowered secretion of both cortisol and aldosterone
- low cortisol concentration leads to an increase in ACTH secretion
- excess ACTH stimulates melanin synthesis - darker skin
Other symptoms:
- low blood pressure
- weakness (lack of fuel)
Growth hormone disorders - excess
- excess (gigantism)
- extreme Gareth
- causing is often due to a Timorese in the cells that secrete growth hormone in anterior pituitary
Growth hormone disorders - too little
- difficienty
- dwarfism
- short and stature
Cause of iodine deficiency disorder
Hyposecretion: thyroid gland can’t make enough thyroid hormone
- low amounts stimulate the hypothalamus to secrete TRH and thus the anterior pituitary to secrete TSH - the level of TH never increases so the two hormones keep being secreted
Hyperparathyroidism cause
- leads to excess PTH secretion HYPERSECRETION
- usually caused by a parathyroid tumor
Hypercalcaemia cause
- may be caused by a tumor or other influences
Why does hypocalcemia cause the effects it does?
- changes in plasma ca causes a shift in RMP
- decrease in extracellular Ca results in cells being closer to threshold (membrane potential) and thus they are more responsive
Why does Hypercalcaemia have the effects it does?
- changes in plasma Ca causes a shift in RMP
- increase in extra cellular Ca means exitable cells are further from threshold and thus making them less responsive
What can increase blood glucose levels
Glucagon (main)
Growth hormone
Eaxapmles of when you need to change a set point (reference range) to maintain homeostatis
Change in altitude
- change blood count of oxygen carrying capacity
Shift in a location with different climate
- change BMR
- need to shift set point temporarily