Endocrinology- sex hormones during life Flashcards
What is puberty?
maturation of reproductive organs
production of sex steriods
secondary sexual characterisitcs
capability to reproduce
What is used to measure puberty in Tanner staging?
females - breasts
males- genitalia, i.e testes grow volume measured by orchidometer
pubic hair - curled long etc
What are the onset of certain characteristics called? Terminology?
Gonadarche - Activation of gonads by HPG axis
Thelarche - Breast Development
Menarche - Menstrual Cycles
Spermarche - Spermatogenesis
Adrenarche - Adrenal Androgen Production
(starts ~2yrs before Gonadarche)
Pubarche - Pubic hair
What causes sec characteristics
and what are they for each gender?

What is the difference between girls and boys puberty?
Boys 1 year later
Describe HPG axis?

Which hormones intiates puberty? How does it change?
function as when foetal for testiular descent, penile length, sertoli cells and behaviour effects

When does menarche begin?
What are conditions when it goes wrong?
after peak heigh velocity 2 years Thelarche
Primary amenorrhoea - never have mentral cycle after 16 years
secondary amenorrhoea - period started but stopped for 3-6 months
What is olgio-menorrhoea?
irregular periods longer than 35 days
Describe hormonal changes (1) in follicular changes?
E2 is oestrogen
E2 and inhibin reduce FSH
dominant follicules can survive without FSH
small follicle die

Second part of follicular phase?
High LH and FSH trigger ovulation

What a 3 phases of uterus?
menstrual- breakdown of previous
proliferative - new epitherial cells, gland proliferation, increase in stroma
secretory - receptive for implantaion, increase volume of stromal cells, glands secreted glycogen , coiling of spinal arteries
What happens when GnRH is non - pulsatile?
Decrease LH and FSH

needs to be pulsatile
What are levels like in primary hypogonaldism?
low oestrogen/testoterone
men - infection, cancer, truama
women - menopause
What are levels like in secondary hypogonaldism?
high prolactin, pit tumour
Low everything
What additionally does menpause has
low inhibin
high FSH and LH
low estorgen
what are symptoms of menopause/lack of oestrogen?
ymptoms of Menopause
Skin dryness
Hair thinning
Hot flushes/sweating
Sleep disturbance
Mood disturbance
Osteoporosis; decrease in bone mineral density (BMD) - E2 stimulates osteoblasts
Weight gain
Sexual dysfunction; vaginal dryness; decreased libido
Amenorrhoea - no periods for 1yr/ cessation of fertility
Climacteric - irregular periods in the years approaching menopause
treatment of menopause?
Oestrogen replacement - HRT
however oestrogen stimulaes endometrium,
add progesterone to prevent hyperlasia/cancer of endometrial
What is a good indicator of ovary reserve
granulosa cells produce AMH
What ages in menopause common?
median 51
What is another name for early menopause?
premature ovarian insufficnicy
diagnosis: high FSH
causes: autoimmnue, genetic, cancer therapy
Does andropause exist?
Kind of,
means free testerone declines, becomes binded
strongly bound testosterone increasses SHBG
overall levels don’t change
How do levels of tesosterone change in a day?
diural rhythm
can fall 20% with sugar so fasting
highest around 8
Symptoms of tesosterone deficiency?

How does testosterone have local tissue effects?
Can be:
converted to oestrogen by aromatase
converted by 5a-reductase to DHT
function of DHT and oestrogen?
oestrogen- bone health
DHT - bind to Adrogen receptors on for development secondary sexual