Endocrine system Flashcards
the cells that hormones act upon are called….
target cells
difference between NS and endocrine system in communication, response, duration, function?
NS - wired communication ,rapid response, short duration, muscle movement and temp
endocrine- wireless, slow response, long duration, metabolism and growth.
…….. act to increase or decrease the production of specific proteins (in steroid hormones)
the receptor-hormone complexes
1- Androgens and estrogens
2- mineralocorticoids
3- glucocorticoids
4- calcitriol
steroid hormones
cyclic AMP works as a ……….. that carries information from the first hormone to the interior of the call (non steroid)
second messenger
……..hormones affect target cells quickly, short lasting effect.
the endocrine is directly tied to the NS through ……….
- is composed of neuroendocrine neurons
-produce :
1- oxytocin : childbirth and lactation hormone
2-antidiuretic hormone ADH (affect nephron in the kidney) and (reabsorb water and increase blood pressure)
The posterior pituitary
- composed of glandular tissue
- produces hormones that stimulate growth, metabolic rate, milk production, and glucocorticoid production.
the anterior pituitary
………… hormones that cause (stimulate) target cells to secrete other hormones
messenger hormones
(anterior pituitary) a hormone that stimulates the adrenal cortex to produce glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids
(2anterior pituitary hormone)
- both are gonadotropins
- stimulate growth of ovaries and testes (estrogen and testosterone )
follicule-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing (LH)
(pituitary glands)
- directly stimulates target cells
- …..1….. stimulates milk production in females
- …..2….. stimulates growth of muscles, cartilage,and bone, causes many cells to speed up protein synthesis, cell division and the burning of fats for energy.
1- Prolactin (PRL)
2- Human growth hormone (hGH)
located on top of the kidney
adrenal gland
the ….. …… secretes :
1- glucocorticoids
2- mineralocorticoids
3- small amount of estrogen and testosterone
adrenal cortex
the ……. …….. secretes:
- epinephrine and norepinephrine
adrenal medulla
(adrenal gland)
similar to cortisol in that it promotes the use of fats and proteins as energy source.
(adrenal glands) hormone that monitor and maintain ion balance
(adrenal glands) hormone that regulates sodium and potassium which affects water balance
( adrenal glands) 2 hormones that help maintain secondary Male and female sex characteristics.
estrogen and testosteron
(adrenal glands)
- 2 non steroid hormones
- flight or fight
epinephrine and norepinephrine
- is responsible for the cellular conversion of glucose to ATP
- located in the thyroid gland
Thyroxin (T4)
………….. occurs when the thyroid over-secretes the thyroid hormones.
fluid build up behind eyes, makes them pop from sockets, making the whites of the eyes visible
- occurs more often in females
- increases production of TSH causes thyroid to enlarge a condition called “the goiter”
graves diseases
(thyroid gland) -stimulates calcium uptake by osteoblast depositing it into the bones --causes increased bone mass - inhibits osteoclasts preventing bone from getting destroyed
the parathyroid glands secrete …………………
-removes calcium and phosphate from bones, stimulates uptake of calcium from the digestive tract, and prevents loss of calcium in the kidneys ( where calcium is exchanged for phosphate.)
parathyroid hormone (PTH)
- located in the anterior mediastinum
- infancy and childhood
- secretes hormones For lymphatic cell maturation
(thymosin) AND (thymopoietin)
Thymus gland
-in the brain
- like thymus, it’s more active in infancy and childhood
– secretes Melatonin
(sleep patterns)
Pineal Gland
in pancreas
- carried out by the acini
- secrete digestive enzymes through ducts
Exocrine glands
in pancreas
- carried out by islets of Langerhans
- secrete several hormones involved in maintaining blood glucose levels
endocrine glands
isles of langerhans contain three secreting cells:
1- Alpha cells - secrete ……… to raise blood glucose
2-Beta cells - secrete ……… to lower blood glucose
3-Delta cells- secrete …….. to inhibit if hormones over-produce
1- glucagon
long chains of bonded glucose molecules
hormones secreted by the kidney:
1-…….. stimulates the production of RBC
2-……. involved in calcium ion homeostasis
3-……. secreted when the kidney renal blood is low (to raise blood volume)
1- Erythropoietin
2- calcitriol
3- renin
hormones secreted by the intestine :
1- ……… stimulates stomach secretions
2- ……. causes release of bile
3- ……. causes pancreas to secrete digestive enzymes into duodenum
1- gastrin
2- cholecystokinin
3- secretin
hormones secreted by the heart:
-………. decreases blood volume by causing water loss, opposite function of renin
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)