Endocrine System Flashcards
endocrine system
long bone growth, reproductive capability, metabolic rate, glucose homeostasis, Ca++, Na+, blood pressure. endocrine cell releases hormone at capillary to target muscle, gland, organ, slow.
to maintain a good level
endocrine gland
gland without a duct that secretes chemical signals into a capillary. Ex: pancreas secretes insulin.
exocrine gland
secretes products into a duct: ex: salivary gland. can be both
polypeptides, lipophilic, modified amino acids
neurosecretory cell
neuron that releases a chemical signal into a capillary.
the chemical signal released by a neurosecretory cell.
endocrine gland, activated by drop in body temp
anterior pituitary
activated by drop in body temp. TRH goes here.
posterior pituitary
endocrine gland, neurosecretory cells release vasopressin to increase h2o reabsorption at the kidney
thyroid gland
influences aerobic metabolism
parathyroid gland
influences Ca++ homeostasis
influences long bone growth
adrenal gland
aldosterone, influences Na++ homeostasis
endocrine pancreas
produces insulin
estrogen and progesterone
binds to liver cells, adipose cells, and striated muscles, these cells take up glucose.
parathyroid hormone
hormone from parathyroid gland released to control calcium levels