endocrine system Flashcards
function of endocrine system
release hormones
hormones are required for
Maintenance for stable internal environment
Onset of puberty
Function of signalling molecules
communicate, send signals and receive other signalling molecules
Why are hormones specific
Hormone molecules bind to specific receipts on target cells that are complemayar to the hormones, causing a response in the target cell.
Therefore, hormone are specific because they only influence cells with specific receotprs
Why is it ensured that endocrine hormones only affect certain organs or cell and not random organs or cels as it passes through the bloodstream:
Because the endocrine hormones only bind to specific receptor on target cells that are complementary to the hormone, therefore only affecting certain cells or organs
what is the endocrine system
a collection of glands responsible for the production of hormones,
Where are hormones transported and how ar ethye tranpsorted
Hormones are transported to where they are needed in the body via the bloodstream in the blood circulatory system.
Forms of chemical signalling:
when a cell release a signal hormone that targets a distant cell and passes through the bloodstream to recreate this cell
when a cell releases a signal that target an adjacent cell or a nearby cell eg. a neuron that targets a nearby cell
when a cell releases a signals that targets itself eg. t cells as they release signals that bind to other t cells causing t cells to multiply
helps maintain body temperature and influences the function of the pituitary gland
Pituitary gland
regulates many glands and releases many hormones
what does the hypothalamus do when it detects a temperature change in the body
signals to the body to bring back the change to normal by signalling to the pituitary gland
Pineal gland
regulates sleep and bone metabolism
Thyroid and parathyroid gland:
ontrols growth rate metabolic rate, and development of the body
produces the hormone thymosin which stimulates the development of cellsof the immune system
Pancreas i
involved in digestive system nad maintenance of blood sugar by releasing insulin and glucagon
function of insulin
decreases blood sugar levels
how does insulin decrease blood sugar levels
by causing gllucose to be stored as glycogen,
function of glucagon
increases blood sugar levles
how does glucagon increase blood sugar levles
breaks down the stored glyogen back into glucose and releases this glucose into the bloodstream
Adrenal gland:
Involves in bodys stress response
,metbaolic regulation,
blood pressure
immune system
nourishes the baby and sitmulates mammary growth
Major role in developing and regulating the bodys reproductive system
What hormone does the pituitary gland produce and its funciton, what are the target organs/cells and what i
produces growth hormone
target audience is bone and muscle
its requried for growth and protein sythensis
WhWhat hormone does the thyroid gland produce and its funciton, what are the target organs/cells and what i
produces thyroxine
target organs are manycells
it regulates the rate of celluar metabolism
What hormone does the aderenal gladn produce and its funciton, what are the target organs/cells and what i
produces adrenaline
makes your heart beat faster and your lungs breathe more efficiently
What hormone does the pancreas
produce and its funciton, what are the target organs/cells
prodcues insulin
regulates blood glucose levels
targets many differnet cells
What hormone does the ovaries produce and its funciton, what are the target organs/cells
reuqired for sexual delveopment, breast development and reuglation of menstrual cycle
targets female reproductive tissues
What hormone does the testes produce and its funciton, what are the target organs/cells
required for sexual devloepemnt, increased muscle and body hair growth
targetted towards male reproductive tissues
what organ of the body releass antiduiertic hormone
putitary gland
one exmaple of an effector is the smooth msucle in peripheral blood vessels
apart frm smmoth muslce tissue in perohpal blood vessels, nameone other effector that wouldbe involed in decrease body temp of a aperons
sweat glands
one exmaple of an effector is the smooth msucle in peripheral blood vessels
explain how this effector brings a decrease in body temperature
the smooth muslce tissue within te perihpal blood vessels releases,allowing vessels to dilate. This increasesthe volume of blood close to the surface of the skin, leading to heat loss.
one exmaple of an effector is the smooth msucle in peripheral blood vessels
explain how this effector brings a decrease in body temperature
the smooth muslce tissue within te perihpal blood vessels releases,allowing vessels to dilate. This increasesthe volume of blood close to the surface of the skin, leading to heat loss.
why would a leaf be rolled
drought and high temeprature
how does hyperthyrdoisim result in weightloss
hyperthyrdoism results in an overporuction of hydroid hromoens wich regulate body systems. An excessive amount of these hormones can increase metabolic rates in the body resulting in weight loss
how may the malfunctiioning of the glomeulerus result in microablurminia
how may the malfunctiioning of the glomeulerus result in microablurminia
besides the glomeulrus, what other parts of the nephron may result in microalbumrinia
proximal convulated tubule
possible symtpom of kindey damage
changes in urine volume
with reference to the glomerlus, explain how kidney damage may lead to microalbumrinina
high blood pressure meanst hat blood is filtered through the glomeularus with great force which could cause small tears in the capillaries comprising the glomeuleurus and damaging it.
diabetes rsults in bodys failure to achieve homeostasis. define homesatsis with specific reference to this disease
homestasis in regards to diaetes refers to the maintance of blood gluose levels within a narrow range for optimal function
for people with diabetets, their pancreas fails to produce insulin or their cells irreposnive to insulin. Why?
these outcpomes are the result of te failure of a sensor and their cells to become irresponsive to insulin
explain how the action of antiduiertic hormone for controlling water balance
ADH travels trhouhg the bloodstream to act on the kidneys increasing the permabilty of the kidneys(distal convouluted) tubules(and/or collect duct) to water. Therefore greater reabsorption of water from the kidney filtrate would occur, decreasing water loss through urine.
why is the lock and key model essiental in the endocrine system.
The endocrine system involves hormones travelling through the blood stream to distant sites and therefore, the lock and key model is important to ensure that the hormones only bind to specific receptors on its target cell rather than any other cells it encounters as it travels through the blood stream