digesve system x2 Flashcards
what are the 3 parts of the large intestine
break down lipase into glycerol and fatty acids
what would happen if there was no bile
most ingested lipids would be excreted as faeces
fibirous plant eating animals that have 4 chamebered stomachs are called
what do the 4 chmabers of a rumiant do
the firts 2 chambers are responsible for ferminatiion of food before the food is regurgitated, chewed and passed into the second two chambers for chemicla digetsion.
hydrchoirc acid do
kills pathoens that enter the stomahc
optimal ph of pepsin
how would ulcers befound
hydrochlroci acid kills pathogens and mucus membanres portcets the stomach lining from being digested by pepsin and form hydrochloric acid.
how long does food stya in sotmach
4 hours
stya in sotmach
absorb nutrients in the blood
pyloric sphincter
muslce that seperates the duodenum from the stomach and holds the food in the stomahc until it is broken down
neutrlaises acidic food frm the stomahc the bring hte optium PH to 7.6
protein digestiing enyzme that digests proteins into amni acids
pancreal duct and bile duct function
pathway that allows secretiosn frm the pancreas into the small intestine
bile duct pathya where bile is secreted from the liver into the small inteistne
Rats – no gall bladder. What does this say about their diet?
they are constnatly eating thus their body does need to store bile