Endocrine Flashcards
What is premature adrenarche?
Early activation of HPA axis, often seen in obese children. Typical onset 4-8 yrs. Mild growth spurt. May have mildly advanced bone age. Pubic hair, axillary hair, apocrine sweat.
What is premature thelarche?
Early breast development
Typically happens between birth to 2 yrs, most regress, no long term risks.
At what tanner stage does peak height velocity occur in males?
Tanner stage 4-5
When does peak height velocity occur in girls, relative to menarche?
growth spurt occurs before menses
Definition of precocious puberty
girls < 8 yrs, boys < 9 yrs
hormone pattern in primary gonadal failure
elevated LH/FSH, low estrogen/testosterone
pubic hair, acne, body odor but no thelarche
premature adrenarche due to secretion fo adrenal androgens (DHEA)
first sign of puberty in boys
testicular growth
what is pubarche?
pubic hair growth
what testicular volume indicates puberty?
4mL = 2.5 cm
what is DHEAS
an adrenally produced androgen
what is an intervention you can take to improve growth in Turner’s syndrome?
growth hormone
incidence of Turner syndrome
diagnosis of type 1 diabetes - fasting
fasting blood glucose > 7 mmol
diagnosis of type 1 diabetes - random
random glucose > 11.1 mmol
most common CAH mutation
21-hydroxylase enzyme deficiency
micropenis in term infant
most common type of pediatric thyroid cancer
papillary carcinoma
treatment of thyroid cancer
thyroidectomy, post-operative radio-ablation to remove any remaining tissue
what is the antibody in graves disease
thyrotropin receptor stimulating antibody
causes of hyperthyroidism
graves (thyrotropin receptor stimulating antibody), subacute thyroiditis, suppurative thyroiditis, toxic adenoma, exogenous thyroid hormone
syndromes associated with pheochromocytoma
how to screen for cushing’s disease
24 hour urinary free cortisol
definition of pathologic #s
2 or more long bone #s < 10 yrs, 3 or more long bone #s < 19 yrs, any vertebral compression # (loss of > 20% of vertebral height)
anterior pituitary hormones
TSH LH FSH prolactin GH ACTH "go find the adenoma please"
posterior pituitary hormones
steroids made by adrenal gland
zona glomerulosa - aldosterone
zona fasiculata - cortisol
zona reticularis - DHEA-S and androstenedione (pre-cursor to testosterone)
first sign of puberty in males
testicular enlargement (volume > 4mLs or size > 2.5cm)
first sign of puberty in females
breast bud formation
Definition of premature adrenarche
sexual hair < 8 yrs in girls, < 9 yrs in boys
What does premature adrenarche put girls at risk for?
PCOS, hyperandrogenism, +/- metabolic syndrome
DDX isolated vaginal bleeding
vulvovaginitis urethral prolapse sexual abuse sarcoma botryoides foreign body
What is the origin of a craniopharyngioma?
remnant of rathke’s pouch
stimuli for ADH release?
increased plasma osmolality (sensed by osmoreceptors in hypothalamus)
hypovolemia (sensed by baroreceptors in carotid sinus of aortic arch)
What should you think of if you see a patient with a single central incisor?
Midline defects – congenital hypopituitarism and GH deficiency
DDX acquired GH deficiency
autoimmune - sarcoid irradiation idiopathic sheehan syndrome tumour (craniopharyngeoma, glioma, pinealoma, pituitary adenoma) CNS - stroke, TBI (NAI) infectious (meningitis, encephalitis)
Triad associated with multiple pituitary hormone deficiency
Anterior pituitary hypoplasia
Absent pituitary stalk
Ectopic bright spot on MRI
Definition of precocious puberty
Appearance of secondary sexual characteristics OTHER THAN PUBIC HAIR
Girls < 8 yrs
Boys < 9 yrs
DDX central precocious puberty
idiopathic CNS tumours hypothalamic hamartoma severe, untreated hypothyroidism (elevated TSH - alpha subunit is same as FSH) hydrocephalus, myelomeningocele trauma
Precocious puberty in boys - what percent have structural/CNS cause?
Evaluation of precocious puberty
Random LH
Leuprolide (GnRH) stimulation test - then measure LH after
Sex steroids (testosterone, estradiol, DHEA-S), TSH
Bone age (should be advanced)
Consider MRI brain - ALWAYS in males, in females < 6 yrs
Abdo U/S - ovaries, uterus
When to MRI if concerned about central precocious puberty
Girls with rapid breast development, girls < 6 yrs, ALL boys, girls with estradiol > 30 pg/mL
Tx of central precocious puberty (idiopathic)
GnRH agonist (Lupron)
Most common CNS lesion causing central precocious puberty
Hypothalamic hamartomas (associated with gelastic or psychomotor seizures)
Types of CNS tumous that can cause central precocious puberty
astrocytoma, ependymoma, optic tract gliomas (assoc with NF1), hypothalamic hamartoma
The alpha subunit of TSH is the same as….
Abnormally elevated TSH in boys causes…
testicular enlargement
Elevated hCG (from tumour secretion) in boys can stimulate….
LH receptors in Leydig cells, causing release of testosterone
McCune Albright - TRIAD
precocious puberty
polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
cafe au lait macules
Other clinical features of McCune Albright
multinodular goiter
cushing’s syndrome
hypophosphatemic rickets
LH stimulates
Leydig cells to make testosterone
FSH stimulates
sertoli cells, resulting in stimulation of seminiferous tubules and testicular growth
Tx of familial male AD GnRH independent precocious puberty
Leydig cell tumours result in….
asymmetric enlargement of testes
hCG secreting germ cell tumour in boys results in….
stimulation of LH receptor and symmetric testicular enlargement (but not to full pubertal size, due to stimulation of ONLY LH receptor) and penile growth (due to testosterone)
Denys-Drash syndrome
early onset renal failure
Wilm’s tumour
abnormal external genitalia
Definition of delayed puberty
Girls: Lack of breast development by 12 yrs
Boys: Lack of testicular enlargement by 14 yrs
At what bone age should you expect spontaneous puberty to start?
Boys: bone age 12 yrs
Girls: bone age 11 yrs
DDX hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (secondary)
Genetic (Kallman, Prader-Willi)
Acquired (anorexia, drugs, malnutrition, chronic illness)
Pituitary (septo-optic dysplasia, tumours, infarction, infiltrative disorders, radiation)
Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism (primary)
Mutations causing FSH, LH resistance
Gonadal dysgenesis
Klinefelter syndrome (47 XXY)
Noonan syndrome (PTPN-11 mutation)
Acquired: Chemo, rads, infection (mumps), torsion, trauma
Noonan syndrome mutation
PTPN11 - gene on chromosome 12q24.1
Kleinfelter genetics
47 XXY
Kleinfelters - increased risk of…
pulmonary disease
varicose veins
breast cancer
hypergonadotropic hypogonadism
Kleinfelters - increased risk of what cancers
male breast cancer
germ cell tumour
leukemia, lymphoma
Kallman syndrome
hypogonadotropic hypogonadism AND anosmia
Neonatal gynecomastia is seen in ______ % and resolves by _____
seen in 60-90% of newborns and usually resolves by 2 months
5% have galactorrhea!
what % of boys get gynecomastia during puberty?
approx 65%
gynecomastia + galactorrhea - think of what?
DDX gynecomastia in teenage boy
Normal pubertal gynecomastia
Genetic predisposition
Exogenous estrogen
Kleinfelter syndrome
Hyperthyroidism (mimicks FSH stimulation)
(If galactorrhea present, think of prolactinoma)
Premature ovarian failure
arrest of normal ovarian function before the age of 40yrs
aka hypergonadotropic hypogonadism
Turner syndrome - where does the single x come from?
the single x is usually maternal!
not associated with parental age
Life threatening consequence of Turner syndrome
coarctation of the aorta, bicuspid aortic valve
ALSO: ascending aortic dilation, partial anomalous pulmonary venous return
(adults: premature coronary artery disease)
How common are anti-thyroid antibodies in Turner syndrome
30-50% of patients!
thyroid peroxidase or thyroglobulin antibodies
What other autoimmune conditions should you screen for in Turner syndrome?
celiac disease (4-6%) autoimmune thyroid disease (10-30%)
Turner syndrome - MSK issues to look for
scoliosis (10%)
congenital hip dysplasia