Endocrine Flashcards
What are the causes of metabolic alkalosis with low/normal bp?
Bartter Syndrome
Gitelman syndrome
Cystic fibrosis
What conditions cause Metabolic alkalosis and high bp?
Primary hyperaldosteroneism
Pseudo hyperaldosteroneism
Renal artery stenosis
Renin-producing tumour
Adrenal carcinoma
Liquorice ingestion
What are the three conditions that most commonly cause precocious puberty?
Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1)
Tuberous Sclerosis
What is first line management in PCOS?
Weight loss
High insulin and low blood glucose is always pathological. What are differentials ?
Diabetic overdose or factitious disorder imposed on another (FIDA) - c-peptide levels will be low.
Define precocious puberty
Before 8 - girls
Before 9- boys
Neonatal hypoglycaemia, macroglossia,
Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome