Endocrine Flashcards
Addisonian crisis presentation
Hyponatraemia, Hypokalaemia
Low BP
V. low cortisol
Gluco vs mineralo -corticosteroids
Gluco - Cortisol
Mineralo - Aldosterone
Adrenal insufficiency presentation
Tanned (hyperpigmentation)
Diagnosis/Ix of addisons
AM Cortisol <100 adrenal insuff, >400 unlikely
Synacthen test (Check response to synthetic ACTH, inc in cortisol normal. Abnormal response likely addisons)
Mx addisonian crisis
100mg hydrocortisone IV or IM
Fluids, normal NaCl
Chronic addisons mx
Oral hydrocortisone TDS (higher dose in AM)
+/- fludrocortisone
Sick day rules
Double steroid when ill/trauma/surgery/stress
Never stop
Cushings disease v syndrome
Syndrome = too much cortisol
Disease = pituitary adenoma => more acth
Ix Cushings
24hr urinary cortisol (3 collections, dx if 2 or more have 3x normal level)
Low dose Dex suppression test (1mg given 11pm, 8am measure. Normal = cortisol reduced, cushings = no suppression)
Midnight cortisol
Most common cause of cushings
Exogenous steroids
Mx cushings disease
Surgical remove tumour
Stop steroid
Define hypoglycaemia
Whipple’s triad
Symptoms of hypo
Hypoglycaemia on CBG
Resolution on admin of glucose
If patient hypoglycaemic + on insulin…?
Do not omit dose
Half dose
DKA mx re insulin
> 60kg = 6units/hr
<60kg = 0.1units/kg/hr