Endo Path - Thyroid / Parathyroid (FA) Flashcards
What are the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism and the mechanisms responsible for them?
Hypothyroid: Think decrease in BMR and sympathetic NS
- Decr. in BMR from decrease in Na/K ATPase
- Decr. in SNS from decreased response to catecholamines
Hyperthyroid: Opposite is true
What is the most sensitive test for primary hypothyroidism?
Decrease in TSH
What are the lab findings of T3, T4 and cholesterol levels in hypothyroidism?
Decrease for all - hypocholeterol due to decr. LDL receptors on liver
What is the most common cause of hypothyroidism if iodine is sufficient (e.g. in the US)?
What is the mechanism behind Hashimoto?
Autoimmune against thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin
Histology of Hurtle cells and lymphoid aggregation with germinal centers of the thyroid?
Young woman with nontender, moderately enlarged goiter, and gaining weight?
Look at these histology slides:
Kid born to a mother with hypothyroidism who has a pot belly, is pale, puffy faced, outy umbilicus, thick tongue, and retarded (6 Ps)?
Congenital hypothyroidism (cretinism)
Patient with a tender goiter post flu? What its their prognosis?
Subacute thyroiditis (de Quervian) Self limiting
Patient with non tender, hard and fixed goiter with histology of fibrous, well contained tissue? What is the primary concern?
Riedel thyroiditis
Extension into airway
What are the 6 primary causes of hypothyroidism?
Hashimoto (most common) Cretinism Subacute Riedel Iodine deff Wolff-Chaikoff effect (too much iodine --> peroxidase inhibited)
What are the two main hyperthyroid diseases and the primary concern associated with them?
Graves (most common)
Toxic multinodular goiter
Either can lead to thyroid storm
What is the most common form of hyperthyroidism and its pathophysiology?
Graves: Autoantibodies (IgG) stimulate TSH receptors on thyroid
Young women who presents with tachycardia, delirium, and fever during childbirth? You also notice exophthalmos, pretibial doughy skin, and a slightly enlarged thyroid.
First presentation of Graves
Person with weight loss, agitation, lumpy thyroid, increased serum T4, and hot nodules?
Toxic multinodular goiter
What is a concern with giving iodine to a person who was previously iodine deficient?
What is the pathophysiology of a person with toxic multi nodular goiter?
Hyper functioning follicular cells, acting independently of TSH due to mutation in the TSH receptor
What is the treatment protocol for a person in a thyroid storm?
Propanolol, PTU, Prednisolone
What 5 cancers are associated with the thyroid?
Papillary Carcinoma Follicular Carcinoma Medullary Carcinoma Anaplastic Carcinoma Lymphoma (Hashimoto)
What are the three most common complications of a thyroidectomy?
Hoarseness (recurrent laryngeal nerve damage)
Hypocalcemia (parathyroid glands removed)
Inferior thyroid artery transection
What is the most common thyroid cancer?
Papillary Carcinoma
Middle age person with a history of irradiation to the neck, empty appearing nuclei, psammoma bodies, and nuclear grooves?
Papillary carcinoma
What genetic mutations are associated with papillary carcinoma?