Emotion and Motivation Flashcards
“Conscious or unconscious evaluations and interpretations of the emotion-relevant aspects of a stimulus or event “
- How you percive an event
- This leads to the emotions you feel from it
Action tendancies
“a readiness to engage in a specific set of emotion-relevent behaviours”
- A reaction to the emotion
- ie. freezing, aproach, avoidance
The fast pathway of fear
Stimulus → Thalamus →Amygdala →Experience of fear
- Quick assesment
- “Is this going to be a problem for my survival?”
Slow Pathway of Fear
Stimulus → Thalamus → Cortex →Amygdala →Experience of fear
- Slow assesment
- Emotional Regualtion
- “Downregualtion”
Emotional Expression
An observable sign of an emotional state
Universality Hypothosis
All emotional expressions mean the same thing in all places at all times
- Advanced by Charles Darwin
- Not quite what actually happens
What are the univeral emotions?
Hint: there are 7 of them
- Happiness
- Sadness
- Surprise
- Anger
- Disgust
- Fear
- Contempt
- (pride is considered an eighth emotion by some)
These combine to form secondary emotions
The facial feedback hypothesis
Emotional expressions can cause the emotional experiences they typically signify
Display Rule
A norm for the appropiate expression of emotion
- ie. Insulting your sister’s cookies vs forcing yourself to eat your grandma’s cookies (with a smile :) )
Types of deceptive expression
Intesification - Exaggeration the expression of emotion
Deintensification - Muting the expression of one’s emotion
Masking - Expressing one emotion while feeling another
Neutralizing - “Poker face”
“The internal causes of purposeful behaviour” (textbook definition)
“A processes that influences the types of behaviour that gets expressed and its persistence” (Professor’s Definition)
* This is not an explanation for behaviour (if often uses the description of the behaviour to prove the motivation exists)
* Circular logic
The Hedonic Principle
People are primarily motivated to experience pleasure and avoid pain
Affect Labelling
Involves putting feelings into words
- An effective emotional regulation stratagy
Conging one’s emotional experience by changing the way one thinks about the emotion elicting stimulus
* An emotional regulation stategy
Orexigenic vs Anorexigenic Signals
Orexigenic - Signal to the brain sturning hunger on
Anorexigenic - Signal to the brain turning hunger off
Hormone produced in the stomach
* Seems to tell the brain to switch hunger on (orexigenic)
* Also temporallary increases learning and memory
Chemical secreted by fat cells
* Tells the brain to switch hunger off (anorexigenic)
* People with a deficiency in this have a hard time controlling their diets
What part of the brain recieves orexigenic signals?
The lateral hypothalamus
What part of the brain recieves anorexigenic signals?
The ventromedial hypothalamus
Binge Eating Disorder (BED)
“an eating disorder characterized by recurrent and uncontrolled episodes of consuming a large number of calories in a short time”
What is the official definition of obesity
Having a BMI of 30 or higher
Evolutionary Mismatch
“the idea that traits that were adaptive in an ancestral environment may be maladaptive in a modern environment”
* ie. The drive to seek out high sugar foods (good 1000 years ago, causes problems now)
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
A hormone involved in the initial onset of sexual desire
Human Sexual Rsponse Cycle
Exitement Phase - Muscle tension and increased bloodflow in sexual organs, increased heartrate
Plateau Phase - Higher heart rate and muscle tension, urinary bladder closes (males)
Orgasm Phase - Breathing becomes rapid, rythmic contractions (males and females)
Resolution Phase - Muscles relax, blood presure drops, body returns to normal