Emergency Non-normal Procedures Flashcards
For flight in emergencies crew action should be in the following order:
- Fly the aircraft
- Action QRC
- Declare mayday or pan pan and develop a plan of action for landing
- Complete QRH reference items
- Communicate with FA and passengers
- Set up and brief the approach
Alternate Ways to determine if gear is down and locked
- advisory light test switch
- successful test of anti-skid system
- alternate release/extension doors are fully closed
- landing gear inhibit switch is in the normal position
When encountering windshear pitch a/c for what speed?
V2 / Vga
Do not change configuration of a/c until flight path is under control.
If activation of the “pull up” “terrain terrain pull up” “obstacle obstacle pull up”
What are your initial actions?
Call “ terrain”
“Terrain go around power”
Pitch for 20 degrees
With full power
Stall recovery procedure:
At what speed can you call for “flaps 0, set climb power”
Through 150 knots
Pitch jam memory items
Call “pitch jam assist”
- Disconnect auto pilot and maintain airspeed and flap configuration at the time of the jam
- attempt to overcome the jam
- (if unable to) “pitch disconnect” pull and turn 90 degrees
- both pilots attempt to control. If you have it “i have control”.
At min height of 1000’
“Pitch jam qrc i have atc”
No auto pilot!
Roll jam memory items
Call “roll jam”
- disconnect auto pilot
- unable to release jam, relax force and state “roll disconnect”
- both pilot try to control the a/c
- pilot with free controls state “ i have control”
At a min 1000 feet
“ roll control jam qrc, i have atc”
Roll control malfunction memory items
Call “ roll control malfunction”
- roll control, apply to hold wings level
- (if continuous illumination of SPLR 1 or SPLR 2 push off lights) call it and press
- (if no illumination of SPLR 1 or SPLR 2) then PF will apply power and increase airspeed as required to maintain safe flight.
Once a/c is under control then state “roll control malfunction qrc i have atc”
Rapid depression memory items
At first sign “rapid depressurization QRC”
Oxygen mask - on/100%
Mic switch - Mask
Crew comm - establish
“Rapid depressurization QRC, i have ATC”
Whats on the QRC
1. Engine failure/fire/shutdown Or Unscheduled prop feather Or #1 or #2 engine oil press warning light Or Oil press below 44 psi Or FADEC fail warning light
- Aborted engine start
- APU fire
- Propeller ground range
- propeller overspeed
- “Smoke” warning light
- Fuselage fire or smoke
- Rapid depressurization
- Emergency descent
- Pitch control jam
- roll control jam
- Roll control malfunction
- On ground emergencies
Aborted engine start memory items
Condition lever - fuel off
Start select - off
Propeller ground range memory items
Power levers - advance to above flight idle
Smoke warning light memory items
Oxygen mask - on/100%
Mic switch - Mask
Crew comm - establish
Fuselage fire or smoke QRC memory items
Oxygen mask - on/100%
Mic switch - Mask
Crew comm - establish
What should a Mayday call include
Number of souls
Fuel (in pounds)
Dangerous goods
When landing with abnormal flap settings the condition levers?
Must be set to Max
Minimum airspeed of 190 until established on long final or intercepting the instrument descent point
What is the maximum airspeed for selecting power levers Below flight idle while on the ground? ie. landing roll.
150 kias
When emergency lights are selected ON how long will their battery last?
Approx 20 mins
If you have ICAS thermal runway which checklist do you call for?
‘Smoke warning light or fuselage fire or smoke QRC”
Then pdi off
Tablet off
If runaway still present
Fire gloves on
Insert into lipo bag
Normal landing indicates
- indicates normal, uneventful landing is expected
- no emergency preparations are necessary
- the cabin is prepared for a routine landing
Ex. “We will be returning to land in vancouver due to …. expect a normal landing in approx 20 mins
Non normal landing indicates
- a condition exists that requires a higher level of alertness than normal
- evacuation is unlikely
- briefing only, no checklist required
- the cabin is prepared for a routine landing
- the crew should be at a higher level of alertness in the event of a secondary fault
Ex. “ we will be returning to land in Toronto due to an engine problem. This is a non normal condition requiring a higher state of alertness than normal. At this time we do not anticipate any further complications. We should be on the ground in approx 20 mins. Inform the other flight attendant and report back to me. At that time we will brief the passengers.”
Emergency landing indicates
- serious situation exists that requires the FA’s to follow emergency procedures under the Captains direction
- there is likelihood of an evacuation
- ELC is required
- The emergency landing/evacuation signals are expected
- the variable nature of each emergency landing or evacuation makes it impossible to set down definite procedures
Emergency landings do not always demand the need for an emergency evacuation.
2 types of emergency landings
-unexpected situation with limited or no time for preparation.
-allows time for crew to prepare the passengers, cabin and themselves
ELC allows crew to prepared for an orderly evacuation and is to be used in the preparation of the passenger cabin during a planned emergency
Emergency Signals
“Flight attendants be seated”
Given 2 mins prior to landing
2 high/low chimes
Pushing chime key 2 times
Emergency signals
“Lead flight attendant contact the flight deck”
Given at any time
1 high/low chime
Flashing red light by pushing “emer” key
Emergency signals
“Brace brace brace”
Given 30 seconds prior to landing
3 high/low chimes
Pushing chime key 3 times
QRH sections
- Cover and Preamble
- Procedural Quick Reference
- Performance
- Air Conditioning and Pressurization and Pneumatics
- APU Engines and Propellers
- Autoflight
- Fuselage Fire or Smoke
- Forced Landing
- Electrical
- Flight Controls
- Fuel
- Hydraulic Power
- Ice and Rain Protection and Stall Protection
- Landing Gear
Propeller is feathered if
Dead engine : 0-100 RPM
Live engine: 200-500
Engine is dead if
NH is below 50% and falling and fuel flow is 0
If you are unsure of terrain clearance altitudes (ie. engine failure and the need to to get to nearest suitable airport) what is 1 way you could find out?
Ask ATC for lowest vectoring altitude on that route of flight.