Emergency Cabin Preparation Exam! Flashcards
When the PIC is aware of a situation In-Flight, what PA would be made to summon the CM/CSM to the flight deck?
“Would the Cabin Manager/Customer Service Manager report to the flight deck immediately.”
What is the secondary notification once the PIC is aware of a situation In-Flight?
Three, 2 tone chimes
What are Cabin Crew doing once this notification is received? (PIC aware of situation In-Flight)
- Calmly suspend service
- Return any carts or galley equipment to the galley and secure
- CC2 should obtain the Emergency Landing Instructions to Passengers PA card for the CM/CSM
- Collect Emergency Cabin Prep Drill Card from under their seat
- Report to Emergency Briefing Areas (at cabin crew-assigned door exits) & wait by the phone
What does NITS stand for?
N- Nature of Situation
I - Intentions
T- Time Remaining
S- Specific Instructions/ Factors that may affect evacuation
Which crew member obtains the Emergency Landing Instructions to Passengers PA card?
If the Interphone is unserviceable, where will the Cabin Crew meet?
Fwd Galley
What would CC3 state after being asked, Confirm NITS, if they understand the NITS?
“[Name] Left 2, NITS Confirmed”
What would Cabin Crew state after being asked, NITS confirmed, if they do not understand the intentions?
“[Name], [Position], I do not understand.”
What kind of passengers are suitable to be ABP’s?
Be willing to assist in an emergency;
Be able to understand or speak English;
How many ABP’s would CC2 need to brief for an emergancy landing on Land/ Water?
2 ABP’s
How many ABP’s would CC4 need to brief for an emergency on Land/ Water?
4 ABP’s
What are the extra 2 ABP’s briefed on, that CC3 briefs for an emergency landing on water?
For the Life Raft
What are the 3 instructions (golden rules) that an ABP must be first instructed to do when preparing for an emergency landing on Land/Water?
(1) When the aircraft comes to a complete stop and you hear the command to evacuate
(2) Unfasten your seatbelts
(3) Come to this location
What areas of the cabin would CC2, CC3, CC4 prepare?
CC2 - Rows 1-10; Fwd Galley
CC3 - Rows 11-20
CC4 - Rows 21- Last Row; Aft Lav & Galley
What PA will the CM/CSM make to initiate the Cabin Prepared callback?
“Cabin Prepared Callback in One Minute”
What announcement will the flight crew make approximately 2 minutes before impact?
“Attention Cabin Crew, resume your seats immediately”