Aviation Medical Exam Flashcards
What is the Pre-Flight check for the Defib?
- Present
- Green tick present in status indicator window
How do you use the Defib on a Child?
What’s the age and weight?
By pressing the button on the front of the unit.
Age - 8 years old
Weight - 25kgs
As a first aider, what is the aim?
- To PRESERVE life
- PROTECT the unconscious
- PREVENT the condition/ injury becoming worse
- PROMOTE recovery
What’s the location of the Laerdal Pocket Mask on the 186 Pax, 180 Pax & 180 Alt?
186 PAX - R1, L2
180 PAX - R1, R2
180 ALT - R1, L2
What’s the location of the Defib on the 186, 180 & 180 ALT?
All of them are R2
What forms must be completed after the use of the Physician’s Kit?
- Intelex
What is Hypoxia?
a lack of sufficient oxygen in the body cells or vital tissues
Signs and symptoms of Hypoxia?
*Increased breathing rate, headache, fatigue.
* Light-headed or dizzy sensation, listlessness.
* Tingling or warm sensation, sweating.
* Poor coordination, impairment of judgement.
* Loss of vision or reduced vision, sleepiness
How to treat Hypoxia ?
Oxygen on Hi Flow
Pre- Flight Check for the Physicians Kit?
Pre-Flight Serviceability Check
- Present.
- Stowage is unlocked.
- Seal intact.
- Expiry date has not been exceeded.
Location for the Physicians Kit?
R1 on all aircrafts
Signs & Symptoms for fainting?
- Cold, moist skin.
- Sighing.
- Vomiting.
- Slow pulse
How to treat someone if they have fainted? Conscious & Unconscious?
If they are conscious;
* Lay the person down in the horizontal position with legs elevated.
* Administer oxygen at high flow.
* Treat as for shock.
Altered Conscious State or Unconscious:
* Place the person in the recovery position and follow DRSABCD Action plan.
* Administer oxygen at high flow.
* If no improvement, help the passenger to lie down.
What can trigger Asthma ?
- Cigarette smoke
- Pet hair
- Exercise
- Cold air
- Respiratory infection
- Nervous tension
- Food additives
What is Decompression sickness?
It is caused by nitrogen, which is normally dissolved in body fluids, coming out of solution and forming bubbles throughout the body. (From suba-diving)
Sings of Decompression sickness?
- Dull ache, which increases to a deep constant pain around the large joints, particularly the knee, shoulders or elbows.
- Skin tingling (also known as ‘the crawls’) – a burning rash like sensation.
- Headache.
- Body weakness, numbness.
- Chest tightness causing shortness of breath.
- Dizziness and feeling faint.
- Collapse.
How to treat decompression sickness?
- Discourage physical activity.
- Loosen tight clothing particularly around the chest and neck.
- Advise the captain.
- Administer oxygen 4 LPM – High Flow.
- Consider descent to a lower altitude (or not allowing the cabin to continue climbing).
- Consider diversion to the nearest medical aid.
- Offer drinks of water every 15 minutes until landing.
- Make a PA seeking qualified medical assistance.