What are branchial (pharyngeal) arches and when do they form
they are bilateral small swellings or bumps on either side of embryo inferior to the stomodeum and they form during the 4th week of embryonic development
which branchial arch is the most prominent in humans
4th branchial arch
which branchial arches will fuse with 4th
5th and 6th branchial arches
define stomodeum
primitive mouth or oral cavity in embryo
branchial arches are separated by
-branchial grooves externally
-pharyngeal pouches internally
branchial arches are covered by
-externally by ectoderm
-internally endoderm
branchial arches support which lateral wall
they support lateral walls of primitive pharynx by forming structures on sides of developing throat
list down the anatomy of branchial arch
- cartilage rod βderived from ectodermβ
-vascular componentβ derived from mesodermβ
-muscular componentβ derived from mesodermβ
-neural componentβ derived from neural crest cells βtype of ectomesodermβ
1st branchial arch is called
Mandibular arch
1st arch gives rise to
maxilla, mandible , lower face and mandibular teeth
1st arch cartilage is
meckel cartilage forms early in development within 1st branchial arch it serves as template for development of LOWER MANDIBLE
1st arch give rise to muscles responsible for chewing list them
lateral pterygoid
medial pterygoid
1st arch is innervated by
-trigeminal nerve( V cranial nerve) which give us sensory and motor function
the 1st arch contribute to form 2 arteries list them
maxillary artery
external carotid artery
what is the 2nd branchial arch called
hyoid arch
2nd arch gives rise to
muscles of facial expression
what is the name of the cartilage in 2nd arch
Reichert cartilage which form a key component in 2nd branchial arch and contributes to development of structures
-styloid process of temporal
-superior hyoid bone
2nd arch is innervated by
facial nerve (VII cranial nerve)
in the 3rd branchial arch what do we have
cartilage is derived from the 3rd arch and contributes to formation of lower aspect of hyoid bone
3rd branchial arch is innervated by
glossopharyngeal nerve ( cranial nerve IX)
what do the 4th and 5th branchial arches form
Thyroid and other laryngeal cartilages
which are arches arches involved in the tongue formation
1st , 3rd, and 4th
4th branchial arch is innervated by
vagus nerve
meckel cartilage gives us in the future
list the events that occur during WEEK 4
face begins to take shape with frontal process as its main structure and maxillary process on either side and under it we have the mandible which is divided into two
between week 4-7
max and mand processes from 1st arch begin to move towards other and fuse
in week 4 what will the maxillary process give us
- maxilla
- zygomatic bone
- squamous part of temporal bone
between maxilla and mandible we have what and its separated by what in week 4
stomodeum and separated from developing gut by buccopharyngeal membrane comes from ectoderm and endoderm
when will buccopharyngeal membrane rupture
week 5 allowing stomodeum to connect with digestive tract
list what happened in week 5
-The frontonasal process will diminish causing face to become wider
- eye become clearly visible on sides
- nasal placodes will develop they are 2 oval thickening epithelium on either side of frontonasal
- nasal cavity opens into oral pit by the 2 nasal openings that were formed by growth of the nasal placodes known as nostrils
list what happens in week 6
-face broadens causing eye to move more central
-stomodeum widens and attaches laterally to each of mand and max arches
-maxilla and lateral nasal processes fuse and at this point of fusion they form nasolacrimal groove and the groove will become nasolacrimal duct
- the lateral nose process forms the alae of nose
- mandibular fuse to form lower jaw
-odontogenic epithelium appears around 38 days
in week 6 the two medial nasal processes will fuse to form and give us
form intermaxillary segment and give us
-anterior part of maxilla
-primary palate
-lower part of nose
what happens to the 1st branchial groove in week 6
become external auditory canal (external acoustic meatus)
external ear is formed by the fusion of how many hillocks
6 hillocks:
3 from mandibular arch
3 from hyoid arch
in week 7
face takes more human appearance
eyes are in middle
upper lip has fused
external ear developed