Cementumπ Flashcards
what is the periodontium
supporting tissues of teeth which include cementum, PDL, alveolar bone, part og gingiva facing tooth
what is cementum
thin layer covering radicular dentin ( root dentin)
cementum is vascular true or false
false its avascular
cementum is alympahtic true or false
cementum is innervated true or false
false noninnervated
why is cementum not normally resorbed unlike bone
cementum is avascular and has low metabolic rate make it less responsive to resorptive signals
how thick is the cementum
thickest: root apex and interradicular areas of multirooted teeth 50-200
thinnest: CEJ 10-50
list functions of cementum
- provides attachment for PDL collagen fibers
- protects underlying dentin
- maintains PDL space by apposition of new cementum
-repairs root fracture by forming new cementum
list the physical properties of cementum
-pale yellow with dull surface
-softer than dentin and bone
- more permeable than dentin
how does age affect permeability of cementum
the permeability of cementum decreases by age
what is the inorganic and organic composition of cementum
inorganic: 45-50% mostly hydroxyapatite crystals
organic : 50-55% ( collagen Type I, non collagenous proteins , and water)
what types of collagen are present in cementum
type I,III,XII (traces of V, VI,XIV)
what are the noncollagenous proteins in cementum
alkaline phosphatase
bone sialoprotein
other bone proteins
which glycoaminoglycans are found in cementum
chondroitin sulfate
heparan sulfate
what are growth factors are associated with cementum
insulin like growth factors
cementum derived growth factors
what is the matrix of cementum made of
ground substance : water , glycoproteins, proteoglycans, and minerals
hydroxyapaptite crystals: shorter and smaller than enamel
what structural components are present in cementum
cells( ex. cementoblast, cementocytes)
fibers ( intrinsic , extrinsic, and mixed )
matrix( ground substance and hydroxyapatite )
where do cementoblasts originate
undifferentiated ectomesenchymal cells of dental sac
what do cementoblasts secrete and where are they located
secrete cementoid ( cementum matrix)
found on the surface of forming cementum
what happens to cementoblasts after they are trapped in matrix
they become cementocytes