Embryology/Histology Flashcards
What is the epithelium for the False vocal cords?
Pseudostratified columnar ciliated with goblet cells
What is the epithelium for the true vocal folds?
Stratified squamous non-keratinised
Which cartilage is the only cartilage to form a complete ring?
Cricoid cartilage
Where did the Larynx develop from?
Develops from laryngotracheal groove at caudal end of floor of primitive pharynx.
From which arches were the laryngeal cartilages developed from?
Fourth and Sixth
What type of epithelium lines the Nasopharynx?
Pseudostratified columnar ciliated with goblet cells
At what time does respiratory diverticulum (lung bud) starter develop?
At 4 weeks
What are the two respiratory epithelium field from which the respiratory system is developed?
Cephalad and Caudal
What is another name for pharyngeal tube?
Fill in the blanks. “Cilliary activity in the cells of the respiratory fields will beat and propel secretions distally in the direction of the ______.
Buccopharyngeal membrane
What level of the stomodeum will the cephalic respiratory system occupy and what structures will it give rise to?
It will occupy the FLOOR of the stomodeum and will give rise to Respiratory diverticulum and its derivatives .
Ceph(F)Alice - Floor
What level of the stomodeum will the caudal respiratory system occupy and what structures will it give rise to?
It will occupy the PROXIMAL ROOF of the stomodeum and it will give rise to respiratory lining of the nasal cavity and its derivatives.
What structure does the central region of the pharyngeal tube develop into?
The oropharynx
What area of the respiratory system does the respiratory diverticulum develop into and what structures does it give rise to?
Develops into the lower respiratory tract airway - gives rise to Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi, bronchioles, terminal bronchioles
At what time and location does the pharyngeal apparatus develop ?
It develops during the 4-5th week, and devolves into the PROXIMAL foregut.
Which pharyngeal arches remain rudimentary and deep within the sternum?
5th and 6th Arch
At which pharyngeal arch is the Thyroid cartilage developed from?
4th arch
Which cartilage is developed from the 6th pharyngeal arch?
Fill in the blanks. “ The second pharyngeal arch gives rise to the ______ hyoid bone while the third arch gives rise to the ______ hyoid bone.
Second- Upper hyoid
Third- Lower hyoid
What external features arise from the first pharyngeal arch?
Maxillary and Mandibular swellings
In the interval separating of the 6 arches, what is located externally and internally?
Externally - Pharyngeal clefts
Internally - Pharyngeal pouches
“ Externally - clEft “
Fill in the blanks.” In the first interval between __ and ____ pharyngeal arches, the pharyngeal cleft and pharyngeal pouch come into proximity to form the ________.”
First and Second pharyngeal arches
Pharyngeal membrane
Where are the the bones and cartilagenous components of the pharyngeal arches are derived from?
Neural Crest Mesenchyme
True or False. The skeletal muscle and vascular component are derived from original mesenchyme, Somatic mesoderm.
FALSE!! They are derived from SPLANCHNIC mesoderm.
Which nerve is a derivative the 4th pharyngeal arch?
Vagal plexus and superior laryngeal nerve
The recurrent laryngeal nerve is a derivative which pharyngeal arch?
5 th arch
Fill in the blanks.” The first pharyngeal arch has derivatives of the _____ and ____ nerves .
Maxillary and mandibular
True or False? The trigeminal nerve is a derivative from the Sixth pharyngeal arch is supplied by the.
FALSE!! The Vagus nerve is a derivative of the SIXTH pharyngeal arch
Fill in the blank. The ______ pharyngeal arch has the Facial nerve as a derivative while the the______ nerve is a derivative of the third pharyngeal arch.
Second -Facial
Third- Glossopharyngeal nerve
What artery is associated with the third pharyngeal arch?
Common carotid artery
Proximal internal carotid artery
The Stapedial artery is associated with with pharyngeal arch?
Second pharyngeal arch
“ Second - Stapedial”
What arteries are associated with the sixth pharyngeal arch?
Pulmonary arteries ( proximal part) and Ductus arteriosus
“6PD - G6PD”
Fill in the blanks the ________ pharyngeal arch is associated with the arch or the aorta and _____.
Fourth - Arch of aorta and RIGHT Subclavian artery
True or False? The first pharyngeal arch is associated with part of the mandibular artery.
FALSE!!! Part of MAXILLARY artery
Fill in the bank, As a derivative of the first pharyngeal arch the mandible develops by intra membranous ossification around ________.”
Mechel’s cartillage
Which respiratory muscles are derived from the First Pharyngeal arch?
Muscles of mastication
Anterior belly of digastric
Tensor tympani
Tensor veli palatini
“MMATT came First “
Which bones are developed from the First pharyngeal arch?
Greater wing of spenoid
Squamus part of Temporal bone
“Ziggy Got MMS First”
True or False? The Lower part of of the body and lesser horn of hyoid bon is a second pharyngeal arch derivative.
FALSE!!!! The Upper part of the body and lesser horn of hyoid bone is a second arch derivative
” UPlesS- UPS”- the delivery thingi
Which muscles are derived from the second pharyngeal arch?
Posterior belly of digastric
Muscles of facial expression.
Stylohyoid muscle
” this is the SECOND time getting PMSS”
True or False? The lower part of the body and the greater horn of hyoid bone is a third pharyngeal arch derivative.
” if you don’t love me now ,don’t love me later… when my later(lower) is much greater”
True or False? The salpingopharyngeous muscle is a derivative from the third pharyngeal arch?
Fill in the blank. The ______ of the nucleus ambiguous is a third arch derivative while the ________ of the nucleus ambiguous is a fourth arch derivative.
Body-Third ( body of Christ - 3 in 1)
Head- Fourth ( Lazarus head forth)
The Palatoglossus, palatopharyngeus,
Pharyngeal constrictors,Levator veli palatine,
Salpingopharyngeus, Cricothyroid – external laryngeal muscles are derivatives from which pharyngeal arch?
“PPPLS Come For(4) me”
Which muscles are derived from the sixth arch?
Intrinsic muscles of the Larynx
-Cricoarytenoideus ( posterior and lateral )
Arythenoideus ( Transverse and oblique Arythenoideus ( Transverse and oblique )
I had 6 CCAATTs and 5 kittens one time
At what time does the tongue start to appear?
4th week
Which pharyngeal arches does the Copula ( Posterior part of the tongue) & Epiglottis derive from?
2nd, 3rd & 4th arches
What part of the tongue is derived from the First pharyngeal arch?
Body ( Anterior 2/3)
Lateral lingual swellings
Medial lingual swellings