Embryology Flashcards
How long is the embryonic period?
8 weeks
How long is pregnancy after the last menstrual cycle
38 weeks
What is the layer of cells that appears between the cytotrophoblast and the exocoelomic membrane?
EXTRA-embryonic mesoderm
What is the extra embryonic mesoderm responsible for?
The formation of blood vessels that will connect the embryo to the placenta - chorion/chorionic villi
What is grastrulation
The formation of the trilaminar disc
Cells from the epiblast migrate towards the primative streak, slip beneath it, and form the INTRA-embryonic mesoderm
Epiblast forms ectoderm
Hypoblast forms endoderm
What does the ectoderm give rise to?
CNS PNS Skin Hair Nails Enamel of teet Sensory ep - nose, ear, eye Pituitary, mammary, sweat glands
What are the 3 regions of the mesoderm?
What does the para-axial mesoderm give rise to?
Myotomes (muscle tissue)
Dermatomes (subcutaneous tissue)
Sclerotome (bone/cartilage)
What does the intermediate mesoderm give rise to?
They urogenital system: gonad, kidneys and their respective systems
What does the lateral mesoderm give rise to?
2 layers of the lateral mesoderm Somatic (parietal) - future body wall Splanchnic (visceral) -circulatory system -connective system of glands and gut
What does the endoderm give rise to?
Epithelial lining of GI tract, resp sys and urinary bladder
Epithelial lining of tympanic cavity and auditory tube
Parenchyma (functioning tissue) of the thyroid gland, parathyroid gland and auditory tube
What two germ layers are found at the oropharyngeal and cloacal membranes?
Endo and ecto derm - no intervening mesoderm
In the embryo - what are the boundaries of the foregut
Oropharyngeal membrane to liver bud (at 2nd part of the duodenum)
What are the 3 main branches of the coeliac trunk?
Splenic artery
Left gastric artery
Common hepatic
From which two germ layers is the primitive gut formed by?
Endoderm and visceral (splanchnic) mesoderm (lateral plate)
From which germ layer are the hepatocytes derived?
How many pharyngeal arches are there? And what germ layer are they derived from?
5 (1,2,3,4 and 6!) Mesoderm
Stapes, styloid process, and the upper part of the hyoid bone are all skeletal features derived from which pharyngeal arch
2 - hyoid arch
What muscles are derived from the 1st/mandibular pharyngeal arch?
Muscles of mastication Anterior belly of the digastric Mylohyoid Tensor tympani Tensor palatini
What are the bony structures that arise from the 1st pharyngeal arch?
Mandible Maxilla Malleus Incus Middle ear
What are the muscles derived from the 2nd pharyngeal arch?
Muscles of facial expression Buccinator Platysma Stylohyoid Posterior belly of the digatric
What does the 3rd pharyngeal arch give rise to?
Lower part of the hyoid bone
What does the 4th pharyngeal arch give rise to?
Cricothyroid, intrinsic muscles of the soft palate
Thyroid cartilage, epiglottic cartilage
What does the 6th pharyngeal arch give rise to?
All the intrinsic muscles of the larynx except the cricothyroid
Cricoid cartilage, arytenoid cartilage, corniculate cartilage
How many pharyngeal pouches are there? And from what germ layer are they formed?
What does the 1st pharyngeal pouch give rise to?
Middle ear cavity
Auditory/eustachian tube
What does the 2nd pharyngeal pouch give rise to?
Palatine tonsils and tonsillar palatini
What does the 3rd pharyngeal pouch give rise to?
Inferior parathyroid gland
What does the 4th pharyngeal pouch give rise to?
Superior parathyroid gland