Emanuel Kant Flashcards
why did emanuel kant become philsopher
reaction to Hume
what are the 2 distinctions emanuel kant makes
1) kinds of knowledge
2) kinds of statements
what types of kinds of knowledge is there
a) a. priori
b) a posteriori
what is a. priori kind of knowledge and example
true by definition; doesn’t depend on experience; known beforehand
eg. “a bachelor is an unmarried man”
what is a. posteriori kind of knowledge and example
not universal, comes from particulars and is knowledge that comes from experience
eg. “my brother is a bachelor”
what are the types of kinds of statements
a) analytical
b) synthetic
what is an analytic kind of statement
relation of ideas
eg.”bachelor is unmarried man”
what is a synthetic kind of statment
synthesizing two types of knowledge, expanding, matters of fact
eg. “my brother is a bachelor”
what question did Kant have
can we have synthetic knowledge that is a. priori
what example does kant use to connect synthetic and a. priori
5 + 7 = 12
exp. 5, 7, and 12 are #’s that by themself, doesn’t always equal what’s on opposite sides of the =
THEREFORE, can arrange each number in new was to give new information
what did copernican revolution do
change the way philsophy was looked at
what was the assumption philsophers had before kant
the world/reality shapes the mind
what did kant believe about human nature
the mind shapes the world/reality
how did kant believe the mind shaped the world
the mind = constructed in certain say that it imposes idea onto an object
what does kant use to support that the mind shapes the world/reality
categories and experience
what are categories
mental glasses that allow us to see the world
glasses = a. priori
world = synthetic
what is a type of category
what is causality
way in which we experience something
what is experience
perception + category
perception = synthetic
category = a. priori
what 2 words does kant use to explain world and perception
noumena and phenomena
what is noumena
the real world
what is phenomena
the way things appear to us
what did kant say about the real world
we can never really know the real world because we are using categories to see the world
why is a.priori sythnthetic important compared to hume
it gives certitude
what was Kant’s ultimate goal
to regain certitude and universality
what did kant turn to for his ethics
what is kant’s reason in terms of ethics called
“good will”
what is good will
commands, which are broken down to hypothetical and categorical
what did kant say about behavior and universal law (ACT 1)
act so that individual maxim may become universal law
what is the thing that creates moral law/responsibility
why does duty create moral responsibility
allows so that personal principle becomes universal -> FINAL TEST WHAT IS GOOD OR BAD
what did kant say about interactions between humans (ACT 2)
Act so that humanity is never morally as a means but as an end
why an end instead of means
simply being valuable in themselves is the end
whats the difference between hyptohetical and categorical commands
hypothetical - dont have to do
categorical - imperatives that are personal principles (maxim)