Elziabeth Government Flashcards
What were the 2 main areas of court
Privy chamber
Presence chamber
Who could go in the presence chamber
Anyone with status or connection
Who could go in the privy chamber
More private and important people
Change -
Less influential as gentleman of the privy chamber didn’t have access to the queen
What did the lord chamberlain have to do
Operation of jurisdiction of court
Always nobility and often family
Eg Lord Hudson 1585
What was royal court for
Part theatre part patronage
- ceremonial aspects became more important
- historian haigh argues she turns her politicians into courtiers and courtiers into politicians
What did Elizabeth want to do with court
She wanted to rule as well as reign
What was the privy council
Where the total ministers came together for policy advice administration
NOT that important as Elizabeth often asked for advice on an individual basis
What were the functions of the privy council (7)
State/policy advice
Manage finance
Oversee appeals
Administer the realm by instructing officials
Enforce law
Enforce 1559 religious settlement
Oversee national defence
When did the council become weak
Why did the council become weak
Quick succession of death (eg Cecil in 1588)
Didn’t replace quick enough or when she did she put their inexperienced sons in their places
Refused Cecil to retire
Absence of senior noblemen
Why did court relations break down in 1587
Execution of MQS
What happened in the 1570s regarding parliament
Privy chamber undergoes reshaping
- more Protestants
- less conservatives
- addition of walsingham , earl of Warwick
When does Robert Dudley join the council
Who was Elizabeth’s key minister
William Cecil - also called lord burghley
Replaced by SON Robert Cecil in 1588 when he dies
How were factional rivalries reduced
Structure of Elizabeth’s gov -
No single minster had control over patronage
Influential families balanced one another as family connections would overcome religious difficulties
Why did the coherence of the government breakdown in the 1590s
Robert Cecil and the earl of Essex clashed
Led to Essex rebellion in 1601
What was Essex’s rebellion
Coup to remove Cecil
Essex is executed in 1601
However shows discontent for Cecil and Elizabeth’s rule which by now was unpopular
How many times did Elizabeth call parliament
What were Elizabeth’s opinions on parliament
Didn’t like it but put up with it as it sometimes helped her
Less important than Henry’s time
Still to pass laws and grant tax
When was Elizabeth’s first parliament
1559 - to pass the religious settlement
When was Elizabeth’s last parliament
For money and about monopolies
Caused a breakdown in parliament but reached a compromise and she delivered her golden speech
What happened in the 1589 parliament
Delayed due to armada
Needed revenue for ongoing war with Spain
Feeling good about the grant due to success of armada
How many acts of parliament pass
What were the most important acts passed in Elizabeth’s time
Act of supremacy
Act of uniformity
Penal law ———— all religion 1559
Poor laws - 1598 and 1601
What did Elizabeth think about her parliament giving advice
Hated it as they often ventured into her royal prerogative
Eg 1563 and 1566 outbursts due to them pressuring her to marry
1593 - imprisons wentworth in the tower when he asks her to name a successor
How many parliaments involved raising tax
11 out of 13
What was Elizabeth’s problem involving ordinarily and extraordinarily revenue
The meaning had been lost
She often found herself having to ask for extraordinary revenue to cover ordinary costs
How many bills did Elizabeth not pass
Including 15 in 1885 alone