Elizabeth- background and government Flashcards
Elizabeth’s dad
Henry VII
Elizabeth’s mother
Anne Boleyn
Elizabeth’s tutor
Roger Ascham
Elizabeth’s mother figure (Henry’s 6th wife)
Catherine Parr- chose her education and influenced her protestant religious views
Who was Thomas Seymour
- Duke of Somerset’s younger brother
- Married Catherine Parr
- Plotting to overthrow Edward and marry Elizabeth
- Taught Elizabeth to keep her distance and trust nobody
- Executed for treason in 1549
Who was Elizabeth’s sister
-Mary I (bloody Mary)
- Zealous catholic who hated Elizabeth
- Burned nearly 300 protestant heratics over 5 years
- Imprisoned Elizabeth in tower of London for suspicion of working with rebels
what was the Royal court
- Mobile operation- located wherever she was
- made up of about 500 nobles, advisors, officials and servants
- centre of political power throughout tudor period
What were progresses
- Elizabeth and her court travelling around the country visiting homes of nobility
- helped her build up a relationship with her people and flatter the nobles which she stayed with
- allowed Elizabeth to live in luxury at the expense of her subjects, who tried desperately to please her
What was patronage
- showing favouritism by giving men important jobs- gave her control over them and ensured people stayed loyal to her by creating rivalries and competition between people
What was the privy council
- members from nobility, gentry or church, but Elizabeth could choose and dismiss them as she chose
- role was to advise and direct policy but Elizabeth not obliged to taking their advice
What was Divide and Rule
- When Elizabeth would deliberately appoint men who would be hostile towards each other, so they would compete for her affection, stopping them from being hostile towards her
Members of Elziabeth’s privy council
-William Cecil
-Francis Walsingham
- Robert Dudley
-Christopher Hatton
William Cecil information
-moderate protestant
-spoke his mind even if he disagreed with her- admired by Elizabeth
-Made Lord Burghley in 1571 and made Lord Treasurer the next year
Francis Walsingham information
- Puritan
- Extremely loyal to Elizabeth
-Spy master, uncovered numerous plots against Elizabeth
Robert Dudley information
- Childhood friend of Elizabeth
- Puritan
- Made Earl of Leicester in 1564
- One of Elizabeth’s marriage options
-Christopher Hatton information
- Impressed Elizabeth with his dancing at court and was promoted
- Captain of Queen’s bodyguard
-moderate protestant- hated puritans
-became Lord Chancellor in 1587
Role of parliament
- Seen as an inconvenient necessity by Elizabeth
- she needed them to grant taxation to help her financially
-called parliament 13 times, 11 of which were to grant taxation
Essex’s rebellion
- Essex a new generation privy council member
- hated Robert cecil
- Essex banished from court after almost drawing sword on Elizabeth after she punched him
- when he returned from Ireland defeating a rebellion led by Tyrone in 1598, he burst into the queens bedchambers after hearing of Cecil’s recent promotion
- banned from court and placed under house arrest
- in early 1601, he gathered around 300 supporters
-started a rebellion where he stormed into london in attempt to capture the queen, however most of his supporters abandoned him, and upon his return home, he was surrounded by Elizabeth’s forces - Executed in tower of london in Feb 1601