Electron Configuration Flashcards
row of periodic table
What does the period number correspond to?
principle energy level
column of periodic table
What does the group number correspond to?
number of electrons in valence level
What is electron configuration based on?
Quantum Mechanical Model
What will electrons in the ground state occupy?
lowest possible energy level
What can electrons only have?
specific energy levels
What is each energy level split into?
Are all sublevels available at every energy level?
What are sublevel made up of?
a number of possible orbitals
What does each orbial have?
identical energy
How many possible orbitals does the s sublevel have?
How many possible orbitals does the p sublevel have?
How many possible orbitals does the d sublevel have?
How many possible orbitals does the f sublevel have?
What does each orbital represent?
a region in space with 90% chance of finding a specific electron
How many electrons can occupy any specific orbital?
maximum 2 electrons
Describe the s sublevel.
1 orbital

Desribe the p sublevel.
3 orbitals
dumbell shaped

Aufbau principle
gives order of electron configuration
Hund Rule
gives half fill identical orbitals then pair up electrons
Pauli Exclusion
no 2 electrons can be identical

What does Z = x mean?
atom has x electrons
What must be done when drawing energy level diagrams for 3d and 4s?
Put overlap

1st ionization energy
energy needed to remove 1 mol of electrons from 1 mol of atoms in gaseous state
removal of electron in highest energy level to infinity
How can first ionization energy be calculated?
from wavelength or frequency of convergence limit
successive energy level
energy needed to remove next mol of electrons then next and next
What does the energy needed to remove specific electron depend on?
nuclear charge (higher charge, more attraction to nucleus)
distance from nucleus (further away, less attraction)
shielding (full sublevels shild outermost electron, less attraction)
What are the two exceptions to the Aufbau Principle?
Cr [Ar] 4s1 3d5
Cu [Ar] 4s1 3d10
because s electron moves to d sublevel
more stable
What is the convergence level shown to be?
wavelength = x
convergence limit
where energy levels run out
What is the formula for the first ionization energy?
E = hc/x
What does the energy of photon correspond to?
first ionization energy
uncertainty principle
cannot know where an electron is at any given moment in time but can work out where electron likely to be
atomic orbital
region around an atomic nucleus with a 90% probability of finding an electron
Why can electrons occupy same region of space despite mutual repulsion?
spin in opposite directions
electron configuration for Cr
Cr: [Ar] 3d5 4s1
electron configuration for Cu
Cu: [Ar] 3d10 4s1
Why do chromium and copper have different electron configurations?
half-full (or full) d sublevel relatively stable because minimizes electron repulsion with six singly occupied orbitals (or all orbitals filled)
What is the equation for the first ionization energy of hydrogen?
H(g) -> H+ + e-